First time out of the vault

I think that my first contact with the fallout series was about... 2000, or 2001 (maybe 2002). So I was about 7-8 years old. My older brother had a colleague, who borrowed him an English version of Fallout 1. The problem was, that back then I completely did not know English (I've started to learn it in school in 2003/2004). Most of my previous experience in video games was rather in various platform games or generally speaking, games that did not require knowledge of this language to understand them "intuitively", even if they were in English.
As a result, my first attempts in Fallout were utterly pointless. After extremely boring fighting through rats and getting out of the first location, I only wandered around the map, in most cases being killed by Super Mutants patrols. Yup, I hated those weird green guys.
Sometime later, I've found on the disk added to one of the polish magazines about PC games a complete walkthrough for Fallout 1. Using it and my extremely lame knowledge of some basics in English, I was finally able to play Fallout 1. Back then I didn't think that I'm spoiling the fun with the walkthrough, but rather that I'm finally able to play it and even understand something from the dialogues. Thanks to the walkthrough and being stubborn, I've finally beaten first Fallout and I was so eager to play in Fallout 2... Which I didn't know back then where I could get it.
Disclaimer - back then, for young me, the only "achievable" source of the full version of games were PC games magazines (due to their availability in newsstands and low price). As a result, I had to wait until 2005, when Click magazine has added both Fallout 1 and 2... in the Polish version! Yes! I can't say how happy I was since it was still the beginning of my education in English (in school). So at the moment, having finally the chance to understand everything (in both games), it was something extremely great for me. I could finally understand the game world, all dialogues and other stuff.
I remember I was a bit reluctant about obtaining Fallout Tactics - it seemed so different (but not in terms of graphic quality, but rather a graphic style - you know, completely differently looking Death Claws, Super Mutants etc). Finally, I've decided to give it a try (this time I've bought it in one of the cheap game series, named Extra Klasyka (Extra Classic). I was positively surprised. This time it was entirely in the Polish language (not only subtitles, but also dialogues), so it was for me quite a unique experience, not only to "read" Fallout world in my language, but also "hear it" in Polish. I was back then an (early) teenager, but I remember that going through an entire campaign in Fallout Tactics was for me an extremely satisfactory experience. I've considered it as quite long. Some years later, when we had the possibility to connect two PCs in our home into LAN, I could also try for the first time multiplayer in Fallout Tactics (which seemed for me extremely fun back then).
I'm still having this pleasant sensation, when I'm getting back to those memories, of my first contact with Fallout 1,2 and Tactics games. Although a bit later, when I was re-playing those titles, I felt that while Fallout 1 and Fallout Tactics are still holding well, surprisingly it turned out that I've lost some of my "liking" for Fallout 2.
But that is the story for the other topic
As a result, my first attempts in Fallout were utterly pointless. After extremely boring fighting through rats and getting out of the first location, I only wandered around the map, in most cases being killed by Super Mutants patrols. Yup, I hated those weird green guys.
Sometime later, I've found on the disk added to one of the polish magazines about PC games a complete walkthrough for Fallout 1. Using it and my extremely lame knowledge of some basics in English, I was finally able to play Fallout 1. Back then I didn't think that I'm spoiling the fun with the walkthrough, but rather that I'm finally able to play it and even understand something from the dialogues. Thanks to the walkthrough and being stubborn, I've finally beaten first Fallout and I was so eager to play in Fallout 2... Which I didn't know back then where I could get it.
Disclaimer - back then, for young me, the only "achievable" source of the full version of games were PC games magazines (due to their availability in newsstands and low price). As a result, I had to wait until 2005, when Click magazine has added both Fallout 1 and 2... in the Polish version! Yes! I can't say how happy I was since it was still the beginning of my education in English (in school). So at the moment, having finally the chance to understand everything (in both games), it was something extremely great for me. I could finally understand the game world, all dialogues and other stuff.
I remember I was a bit reluctant about obtaining Fallout Tactics - it seemed so different (but not in terms of graphic quality, but rather a graphic style - you know, completely differently looking Death Claws, Super Mutants etc). Finally, I've decided to give it a try (this time I've bought it in one of the cheap game series, named Extra Klasyka (Extra Classic). I was positively surprised. This time it was entirely in the Polish language (not only subtitles, but also dialogues), so it was for me quite a unique experience, not only to "read" Fallout world in my language, but also "hear it" in Polish. I was back then an (early) teenager, but I remember that going through an entire campaign in Fallout Tactics was for me an extremely satisfactory experience. I've considered it as quite long. Some years later, when we had the possibility to connect two PCs in our home into LAN, I could also try for the first time multiplayer in Fallout Tactics (which seemed for me extremely fun back then).
I'm still having this pleasant sensation, when I'm getting back to those memories, of my first contact with Fallout 1,2 and Tactics games. Although a bit later, when I was re-playing those titles, I felt that while Fallout 1 and Fallout Tactics are still holding well, surprisingly it turned out that I've lost some of my "liking" for Fallout 2.
But that is the story for the other topic