My cousin introduced Fallout 3 to me and my brother back in 2009, then my bro started playing it and then I got into playing the game around 2012. After Beating 3 I went on to play New Vegas and beat that game as well, then I got Fallout 4 on Launch Day beat that, was left dissatisfied and disappointed. Moved on to play FO1 and FO2 back in 2016, one of the best decisions I've ever made, and last but not least I played Fallout Tactics and beat it back in 2017.
It's totally a far cry from the OG games, but I did enjoy the game for what it was! And yeah that's pretty much my journey going through each of the Fallout games in the series, now I MIGHT play BOS sometime as a joke and to see how it actually is, but don't count on this don't hold your breathe. And I'm definitely not going anywhere near 76, you'll have to kill me before I even have the thought to play it!

So to quickly recap everything:
I started out as a Bethesda Fallout Fanboy, got disillusioned with their crappy mediocre writing and game design, played the OG games and New Vegas to realize then what a REAL Fallout game is supposed to be, played a different but underrated (IMO) spin off game, and completely ignored two abominations in the franchise but might check one of them out for the memes!