How do you take your Coffee? And other Culinary Creations.

Thomas de Aynesworth

Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
How do you all, or at least those of you who partake in warm caffeine-laden beverage consumption take your coffee? With copious coffee shops located in my part of the country, this popular drink is easily found. I prefer lattes, espressos and other strong coffees, and when I'm not out and about I do make my own. Today's beverage is what I call a maple latte, which has espresso, maple syrup produced on my family's farm, cream, whipped cream and drizzled in dark chocolate syrup.




Breakfast of champions.

Go ahead and share your particular poisons and other culinary creations in this thread. I love to try new things when I'm here.
I like drinking tea (esp. Earl Grey is good) with milk and sugar. Yep, the wussiest way to drink it. :look:

Thomas, why do you have to wear leather riding gloves to drink coffee/smoke a pipe?
Yoshi525 said:
You reckon? For me, most psycho-stimulants detract from out of body potential.

Yeah, I can't hope to achieve a decent lucid dream or hope for an OBE without some type of stimulant.

Little Robot said:
Thomas, why do you have to wear leather riding gloves to drink coffee/smoke a pipe?

I didn't want to freak you guys out. Let's move on.

Anyone ever make Neapolitan Pizza?
^^ I'm guessing it's a neo-Nazi thing.

Tea is a truly wonderful beverage, Earl Grey is nice but there are teas with much more substance IMO. Whilst not a typical tea, green tea is decidedly yummy. All non-green teas need milk! Sugar/honey content is variable depending on the setting, temperature and mood.

Yeah, I can't hope to achieve a decent lucid dream or hope for an OBE without some type of stimulant.

Lucid dreams are a different matter! Not sure about tea/coffee (as I've had one or the other before bed for the vast majority of my life), but green tea definitely helps. I've always thought it's less to do with xanthine CNS action and more to do with levo theanine content however. l-theanine being a bio-synthetic precursor to GABA and all.
I was hoping for a thread without decapitated retards running into each other in a dull literary flurry. Let's stick to recipes and beverages.

Tobacciana would also be a topic of interest.
Little Robot said:
Thomas, why do you have to wear leather riding gloves to drink coffee/smoke a pipe?

Yeah... any merit this thread once had is going to be forever ruined because of that picture alone before it is explained. I was coming in here to legitly post something but after seeing that all that is on my mind is "wtf".
Little Robot said:
Thomas, why do you have to wear leather riding gloves to drink coffee/smoke a pipe?

Because Pipe Smoker and Coffee Drinkers Afficianado Monthly strictly forbids it and Thomas is a member of the magazines rival who does not prohibit this act of wearing riding gloves whil drinkink coffe/smoking a pipe, Pipe Puffers and Coffee Sippers Union Weekly.

Erghhm, I don't really like coffee, but I like a tea exclusive to UK, Tetley's Redbush (don't laugh damn it), two sugars, no milk. I'm not above the legal smoking age yet/alcohol age but i'm not really sure i'll ever drink alcohol/smoke because....I just don't want to.

Although I do like (love) Irn-Bru the best (greatest) drink in Britain, nothing added to it.
Could we expand/add more info on the drinks and food we're posting? Photos would be nice.

Here are some low quality photos of the Neapolitan pizzas I made, albeit I altered the recipe considerably.



Nice belt, Thomas. I have a plain one with the Hammer&Sickle :D
But it doeſn’t fit into moſt of my pants, ſo I tend to have it on my leather jacket.
I like my coffee black. Nothing elſe in it but pure ground beans and water :D
I alſo drink rooibos-"tea" and black tea from time to time.
Alſo Earl Grey.
Hey Hassknecht, care to post any photos?

I was torn between getting the naval or enlisted belt. Mine is getting well worn as you can see. Yes it is a bitch getting pants with large enough belt loops.
Yoshi525 said:
Tea is a truly wonderful beverage, Earl Grey is nice but there are teas with much more substance IMO.

Yeah, but I find myself ordering a lot of Earl Grey just because of how dependable it is. There's no risk in whether it will be good or not, and I enjoy it at least.
I have two pants with big enough loops. So moſtly, it’s either around my leather jacket or my ſuper ſweet ſoviet overcoat :D
All right, here’s my leather jacket:

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And here’s the belt in it’s true purpoſe and all itſ glory, on my coat :D

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It’s a coat from the ſoviet airforce, as you might ſee from the collar.
It’s damn nice in winter, really warm :D
But the belt is worn, too, and I’m too laʒy to poliſh it up.
I used to, but constant fabric rub tarnishes fairly quickly.

I just bought a buckled belt for my 3/4 black German naval coat. The belt and buckle are from the DDR.

Let's try to stick to the wonderful world of hot beverages and food topic.
Hassknecht said:

Ok. This has gone far too long now and I can't handle the pressure anymore. So I ask: What the hell is up with your "s" key? :shock:

I like my coffee just black, strong, sometimes if I feel fancy with a bit of milk. Pretty boring and average, yep that's me. :|
Also I have to add that coffee does exactly the different thing to me. Others get super duper wake up powers, I usually get pretty sleepy and dizzy after one cup.