How Fallout 4 Fans Play Fallout 1 (Video)


The W'rkncacnter

I have no words. I've never seen anyone play the game this badly. I can't even fathom how it's possible to play this badly.

I can only imagine that when you see someone online who likes FO 3/4 and whines about why Fallout 1 is terrible, this is most likely what their playthrough looked like.
Fallout 1 isn't even that hardcore. If anything, it's one of the more tame games from that era when it comes to difficulty and having to understand its RPG elements.

The thing is that RPGs since have been more and more trying their hardest to hold the player's hand, so now Fallout 1 looks like hardcore shit when much more difficult RPGs came before.
That guy was infuriating to watch.
He's got brain seepage.
A serious cranial gash that is discharging.
The amount of absolute fucking stupid is astounding.

And worse yet is him "trying" to be funny when he's fucking himself over all the time due to his own idiocy.


Like him having to quit the game and look up how to exit a world encounter map. The reddish brown lines at the edges of the map are the exact same as the exit to both the cavern with the rats, the exit to Shady Sands and the exit to the radscorp cave.

And as to finding rope, in the second level of the vault you can find rope so he didn't even bother to explore it.
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The ui did not age well in Fallout 1 and 2 but it is easy enough to figure out.
His gameplay footage clearly shows him buying 2 rope, yet when he gets to level 2 of Vault 15 he doesn’t have any? He’s being intentionally incompetent for the sake of “humor”.
His gameplay footage clearly shows him buying 2 rope, yet when he gets to level 2 of Vault 15 he doesn’t have any? He’s being intentionally incompetent for the sake of “humor”.
No he had 2 at first but then changed it to 1, could have changed his mind or misclicked or whatever.
Fallout 4 players play Fallout 1 like this

Classic Fallout players play like this
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He ought to have done this on purpose.
There is litteraly a timer and he prefer going to the other end of the world rather than look for a rope where he is...
My nephew and his friends play them 4X games for hours and hours. Being a Gen Zer doesn't really have anything to do with being this dumb at playing games.
Stay mad boomers. You act like we don't have shit like DS, Sekiro, Ghostrunner, Ninja Gaiden etc. You're talking about single player games like it's the pinnacle of gamer skill or some shit when I know you'd be a red smear in most fighting games. PvE experiences will NEVER be truly challenging in an information rich world like the one we have today. A single guide trivializes a game like this. Human opponents are infinitely more challenging and evolving opponents and tend to be where people who want ACTUAL challenge tend to go. You want to inflate your ego, not actually have challenge.
My nephew and his friends play them 4X games for hours and hours. Being a Gen Zer doesn't really have anything to do with being this dumb at playing games.

You haven't been lost in the true madness that is the 4X genre until you've played Aurora 4X...

Because I'm not British and therefore I don't own a British computer, due to the ass backwards way it was programmed by the developer (no disrespect, he put a lot of work into this behemoth of a complex game, especially to just release it for free - and I respect that. Especially considering games of similar and even lesser complexity on Steam are trying to charge you 150+ dollars per copy, and that's not even including the DLC *cough*Command: Modern Operations *cough*) I actually had to change how my computer formatted time. I don't mean just go into the settings and change it from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy, but I literally had to dig through my computer in order to change how it formats time and units of time (because even if you change your date format on the toolbar, your PC still formats time for files according to whatever your region uses). There was a whole THREAD on doing this one thing which took me like 20 minutes to do, before I could even start playing the game.

And then you get into the game itself and...

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I'm a retard who always put 10 points in charisma intelligence luck and 7 agility while the rest is 1.

Fallout 1 is simple but the late game shifts when you get to broken hills and pay money for surgery and get your power armor then it's easy.

Fallout 2 is very hard with these stats but the good thing is you can get rich once you manage to survive and make it to the den.

For me the controls were confusing but I picked up pretty quick and the maps and sprites whatnot wasn't too hard honestly.

Ian is probably the best companion I had because without him my character wouldn't be able to do 1 quest, and I'm happy that although everyone except dogmeat survived for cinematic purposes I killed them all before the endgame.

But fallout 2? Oh my fucking god quests are easier but combat is harder since all my companions are worth dick and the 10mm pistol fucking one shots me even with armor, maybe its a bug because ei don't remember it being that hard when I first played it on my 50 dollar laptop.
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Wish it had a bit more of visual elements going on, I'm not that big of a fan of the 4x genre tho, the only one that I managed to play for a while (still not finishing the game) was Victoria 2, and I liked it a lot. I will start playing the Victoria 3 leak a bit more once I finish up with Total War Warhammer 2.