how fev dipping works? and other fevy questions.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
i was recently developing tech tree for mutants and affiliated factions and i started to wonder. how dipping works? how fev works?

Master took decades to master (i'm so funny) his dipping techniques.

but how does it works? is it like fluid? water? will dipped creatures soak in the fev or mutate and leave amount of fev unchaged? because master created hundreds of mutants and enclave took some from mariposa too. there were vats with the stuff, but cant imagine there was so much of it. and can fev took form of gas too, and have similar/different effects?

also, how could the fev be made? there were whole vats of it. some more industrial method must have been used. anyone experienced in this field?

any theories on infertility of mutants? could it be "treated"?

and any theories on how the mutation itself works? rewriting of dna or some more SCIENCE! technoblable?
FEV can take the form of gas since in Fallout 2 you can convince a scientist to gas everyone at the Enclave base to death with it, although I doubt you could cause major mutations with the gas form.
Not sure exactly how FEV is made but from the sounds of the Fallout wiki it can't be replicated post-war:
According to ZAX 1.2, the FEV is a shifting-absorptive megavirus with a protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen that makes it immune to irradiation. It is pre-programmed with specific introns of genetic information for the species of the infected/inoculated specimen. The FEV works by copying the host cell's DNA, like RNA, and placing them into exons that are then re-introduced into the host's cells alongside the pre-programmed introns. What makes the FEV unique is that it utilizes a recursive genetic code that allows it to repeat its genetic copying and insertion infinitely.
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damn, fev looks like its some form of nanobots. being programmed end everything.

edit:wasnt that fev in oil rig that modified one supposed to kill every mutated organism? they had "cure" for that tho, they administered it to soldiers just not to civilians yet at the time.
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He's correct, it seems like you should just read the wiki rather than having us spoon feed you the information.
He's correct, it seems like you should just read the wiki rather than having us spoon feed you the information.
i dont want info from the game and wiki but rather some information that any of you got from other sources. got it? thats why i asked in the first place. i've gone thru the wiki. and the game. now there is surely some information that was left out the game or wiki, for either being comment of authors later after release of game, or didnt seem worthy of being placed on wiki. whats with the people here being so salty?
It seems like the wiki would keep track of all useful information, I would recommend you download the Fallout bible and read through that but chances are the wiki would have mentioned it if it were important.
We can only know what's out there, we don't have a scrap of useless information committed to memory or at least I don't.
It seems like the wiki would keep track of all useful information, I would recommend you download the Fallout bible and read through that but chances are the wiki would have mentioned it if it were important.
We can only know what's out there, we don't have a scrap of useless information committed to memory or at least I don't.
thats why i asked whole community and not only you. i have fallout bible already and have gone thru it. i only ask if there is something more to it. ok? that was the point.
thats why i asked whole community and not only you. i have fallout bible already and have gone thru it. i only ask if there is something more to it. ok? that was the point.
That's why people refer to the Wiki (The Vault or Nukapedia, although people here prefer The Vault), it contains pretty much all the sources (and these are mostly the games and the Fallout Bibles, because those are all there is besides fanfiction).
Anyway, since I'm nice and did not learn anything from the last time you treated NMA as your personal search engine, I'll try to answer what I can:
1. FEV appears to be some sort of goo, my guess is that it's some sort of thick nutritious liquid or something that contains the virus, or just some suspension enriched with the virus. Maybe it's just snot. It's still a virus, and can apparently be made into an airborne form, although I guess the mutagenic effect depeds on the concentration of the exposure, so the airborne vector wouldn't turn people into super mutants. Although that of course goes against the Vault 87 mutants, which were made with some sort of spray or aerosol.
2. Production probably takes advanced bioengineering capabilities. There's no information on how they engineered it, it's SCIENCE!. They needed vats full of mutant-making-goo, so the writers added those.
3. Apparently the rewrite of the genome that the FEV does damages the reproductive capabilities. It's stated in-game that FEV basically repairs broken DNA strands, but it perceives gametes as damaged. So it repairs what isn't broken and thus renders them sterile. In Fallout 4 there's the possibility of reversing the FEV mutation, so maybe thusly fixed people would be fertile again.
4. It's basically SCIENCE!. The original "pan immunity virion" was supposed to rewrite DNA from a double helix to a more stable quadruple helix structure. That project then evolved into the "Forced Evolutionary Virus", which doesn't do the whole quadruple helix thing due to reasons, but still does cause mutation and growth.

In the end, it's no real concept. It's handwavium for the story, there's no science but SCIENCE! (and the Master is its prophet).
That's why people refer to the Wiki (The Vault or Nukapedia, although people here prefer The Vault), it contains pretty much all the sources (and these are mostly the games and the Fallout Bibles, because those are all there is besides fanfiction).
Anyway, since I'm nice and did not learn anything from the last time you treated NMA as your personal search engine, I'll try to answer what I can:
1. FEV appears to be some sort of goo, my guess is that it's some sort of thick nutritious liquid or something that contains the virus, or just some suspension enriched with the virus. Maybe it's just snot. It's still a virus, and can apparently be made into an airborne form, although I guess the mutagenic effect depeds on the concentration of the exposure, so the airborne vector wouldn't turn people into super mutants. Although that of course goes against the Vault 87 mutants, which were made with some sort of spray or aerosol.
2. Production probably takes advanced bioengineering capabilities. There's no information on how they engineered it, it's SCIENCE!. They needed vats full of mutant-making-goo, so the writers added those.
3. Apparently the rewrite of the genome that the FEV does damages the reproductive capabilities. It's stated in-game that FEV basically repairs broken DNA strands, but it perceives gametes as damaged. So it repairs what isn't broken and thus renders them sterile. In Fallout 4 there's the possibility of reversing the FEV mutation, so maybe thusly fixed people would be fertile again.
4. It's basically SCIENCE!. The original "pan immunity virion" was supposed to rewrite DNA from a double helix to a more stable quadruple helix structure. That project then evolved into the "Forced Evolutionary Virus", which doesn't do the whole quadruple helix thing due to reasons, but still does cause mutation and growth.

In the end, it's no real concept. It's handwavium for the story, there's no science but SCIENCE! (and the Master is its prophet).
wasnt it stated in f2 i think? that mutants could reproduce afterall, it only took vast amount of time? and sorry for trying to vertify as much things as i can to deliver good and consistent lore in my mod.
wasnt it stated in f2 i think? that mutants could reproduce afterall, it only took vast amount of time? and sorry for trying to vertify as much things as i can to deliver good and consistent lore in my mod.

No. It was verified by Chris Avellone that Marcus only said he could "get the juices flowing" as a joke. Super Mutants have always been sterile, New Vegas showed this even more.

The only creatures made by FEV that are still able to reproduce are Deathclaws.
The only creatures made by FEV that are still able to reproduce are Deathclaws.
And mole rats, mantises and, radscorpions.
This is all in the Fallout bible Martin, just look there and on the wikis.
Fallout Bible said:
Known species that can reproduce after being mutated with the FEV include most species of rats, the mantises (who are known to have bred so fast they cover the Salt Lake City area like blankets), the radscorpions, and the deathclaws. This is only a partial list.
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And mole rats, mantises and, radscorpions.
This is all in the Fallout bible Martin, just look there and on the wikis.
already stated why i asked here. info could be outdated, or not written there. no reason to tell me this again. k?
wasnt it stated in f2 i think? that mutants could reproduce afterall, it only took vast amount of time? and sorry for trying to vertify as much things as i can to deliver good and consistent lore in my mod.
There's a difference between asking a specific question about the consistency and details of lore (after doing research on The Vault or Nukapedia) and asking general questions that you could find the answers for yourself.
No need to get passive-aggressive about it, I'm just telling you that people don't like to help folks who treat this forum as their search engine.
It's a matter of respect for other people's time, you know? By going in and asking questions you could already know the answers to (and refusing to look up said answers after being told where they are) you basically say "My time is more valuable than yours. Do my research for me, I'll wait here having tea and crumpets".
We don't know any more than what The Vault knows (especially since some contributors to The Vault are active here, too).
There's a difference between asking a specific question about the consistency and details of lore (after doing research on The Vault or Nukapedia) and asking general questions that you could find the answers for yourself.
No need to get passive-aggressive about it, I'm just telling you that people don't like to help folks who treat this forum as their search engine.
It's a matter of respect for other people's time, you know? By going in and asking questions you could already know the answers to (and refusing to look up said answers after being told where they are) you basically say "My time is more valuable than yours. Do my research for me, I'll wait here having tea and crumpets".
We don't know any more than what The Vault knows (especially since some contributors to The Vault are active here, too).
you shouldnt talk about passive agressiveness and then going all out with it mate.