How many times do YOU check this forum?

I check these forums once or twice a day. Depending on whether I get one or two segments of free time to play. If I get three hours straight I come here once along with my normal net browsing. If I have two one-to-two hour times I come here twice. Simple.

The Vault Dweller
I think I'm getting RSI, but I can't stop using the notebook. My wrist has been hurting for two days now, and I can NOT bend it. CURSE this tiny USB mouse, but I can't get used to the touchpad.

It's been 17 times today, and I used the "update" tip, works well. :)
I check the forum approx one time a hour (not in the night, while sleeping). I just fly from top to bottom and look if there is something new interesting.
I'm always on. I have a Firefox plugin that will auto refresh the screen so I can see what topics have new messages.
I basically have 4 NMA pages open continually while I work. My hours are 9-5:30 central time on weekdays, sometimes 10-2 on Saturdays.

'Tis the perk of working at a computer repair shop and talking my boss into letting me build a "research" computer.

Otherwise, I very rarely visit NMA.
Whenever I have the time, which unfortunately isn't often. I'd say once every day on average. It's a crying fucking shame how little time I have.
woot! is designing dirty dreams really THAT time-consuming? i thought more of something like copypasting youporn or redtube

anyway... f5-ing several times a day when i work on a pc. if not, nil.
horst said:
woot! is designing dirty dreams really THAT time-consuming? i thought more of something like copypasting youporn or redtube

Pfft, dude, I am an artisté. I only produce dirty dreams of highest quality.
DDD said:
Pfft, dude, I am an artisté. I only produce dirty dreams of highest quality.

Snotting and drooling all over your pillow while sleeping doesn't count as "dirty dream designing", dude.

To answer the thread's question, I'm usually on daily.
Lap Around Sun

Lap Around Sun

Week days, cycle by approximately every day.

The actual incidents may not be on a 24 hour rotation. + or - x, where x=T.
Some days 30 or 26.
Sometimes 16, sometimes 12, some hours clock 8 a lap on my week ends.


Possible to be reading NMA twice or thrice when the orbits are tight, on my week ends.

Topographical Exposition

Topographical Exposition

It's a given that NMA is the FO news and resource nexus.

What may be of expeditious interest are the expeditions of web visitations to the General Forum, as well as the FO gameplay and mod-ding threads.

Expeditious to the 'pay as you go' financial support of banner ads.

So line up and sign up web personas, pump this blimp up to higher demographic altitudes!


PV said:
... can't be beaten.

Au contraire.

40 to 48 hours a week I have a vocabulary of 36 verb clusters and 676 nouns.
Lowest common denominator to bureaucratically BEAT flat all the communication nails.
Yeah. An egalitarian utopia as Vonnegut envisioned.

So yeah, tend to 'act out' when not under adult supervision.

You know, 4too, that is one of the few posts of yours that was actually clear, and I didn't have to read twice.
Let's See If I Was Just Lucky ...

Let's See If I Was Just Lucky ...

I was tempted to edit the above and write it backwards,
but then some dyslexic persona might actually read it, and hit on some latent hidden meaning, some psychic resonance frequency,
.... hmmm ...
which might enhance the curb appeal of NMA.

Hard won wisdom from following the game-entertainment-industrial-complex,
never look a 'cash cow' in the mouth.
Gab those teats with three hands and milk the green!

So any venture into this lactating arena requires double blind test groups and adequate funding for the full spectrum of spiritual plane placebos.

Brave volunteers form a tangential line that is directly proportional to the sine function periodic coincidence of your gravitational relativity to this forum.

Those with 3 eyes go right to the front. We need the extra ocular accounting to hyper ventilate the eye ball fixation of the banner ads!

I place my hands on the LCD monitor and envision a full line of NMA mutant psyche-ops paraphernalia, featuring a NMA day glow green Ouija board!

Have your people contact my people, and we'll run this rag up a pole and see who salutes!
