Let's See If I Was Just Lucky ...
Let's See If I Was Just Lucky ...
I was tempted to edit the above and write it backwards,
but then some dyslexic persona might actually read it, and hit on some latent hidden meaning, some psychic resonance frequency,
.... hmmm ...
which might enhance the curb appeal of NMA.
Hard won wisdom from following the game-entertainment-industrial-complex,
never look a 'cash cow' in the mouth.
Gab those teats with three hands and milk the green!
So any venture into this lactating arena requires double blind test groups and adequate funding for the full spectrum of spiritual plane placebos.
Brave volunteers form a tangential line that is directly proportional to the sine function periodic coincidence of your gravitational relativity to this forum.
Those with 3 eyes go right to the front. We need the extra ocular accounting to hyper ventilate the eye ball fixation of the banner ads!
I place my hands on the LCD monitor and envision a full line of NMA mutant psyche-ops paraphernalia, featuring a NMA day glow green Ouija board!
Have your people contact my people, and we'll run this rag up a pole and see who salutes!