i'm a major everywhere, but mostly just a major pain in the ass
Kotario said:Or, perhaps, like many males eighteen years of age, you would like to think that you have a 'big beard.' Such as aspect would emphasis your physical maturity and masculinity, therefor you exaggerate it's size in your own mind.
Kotario said:I know far too many boys who brag about their face fuzz, even when they have little reason to.
Kotario said:Have you never encountered someone, during your youth, around 15 or 16 years old; who exagerated their beard-growth (for the two reasons I've mentioned twice previously). I knew far too many of them at the time.
Baboon said:And the hair isn't just on the face.
Elissar said:Some times though, i wish i could go back to basic training, when i only had to shave once a week...