Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
The communist subversion is just lore rationalization for their setting. By blending of old-fashioned "retro" styles and with futuristic technology gave them a richer setting they can explore. It makes for a lighter setting where we can laugh on what people used to think of the future and more imaginative one that is not constricted by hard science (same goes for social values). Besides the dated look is unique and appealing.If I recall the long and short of it, the reason the 50s style lasted until 2077 is because communist subversion of the US (hippies, beatniks, counterculture) was unsuccessful, unlike real life. What we see as the "50s style" as just a decade long fad of how things were and what the country's values were, was never interupted in the Fallout universe. 50s style was simply American style, a national identity and way of life that passed from generation to generation. [..]
I disagree. Fallout 1&2 were isometric and not very high def, as such most of the mundane details remained obscure, allowing us to fill out the gaps with our imagination as we see fit. Moving to FPP changed that. (Its like movie adaptation of your favorite book, they usually can't nail your perfect idea of what it told..)I think the problem was Bethesda was a little too serious about the 50s aesthetic. In 1 and 2 things the Vaults were more a vision of the future seen in the 50s, all clean stainless steel, art deco, and modern appliances. Outside the vaults things look more like an 80s future, where it isn't an 80s apopcalyse, there is lots of neon and laser guns (not rayguns). It seems to shows a world that moved on, unlike the Enclave and the Vault Dwellers (and Bethesda).
More practically, the 80s and 50s styles are very different, I don't see how you can combine the two especially in FPP game, you'd have old timers cry murder when 99% of the game that you see (beside tutorial and maybe few runied vaults) is styled in the 80s fashion.
EDIT: with that said, what do you think about these scenes from the FO4 trailer:
As to the wider question of the retro bits of Fallout, I'm going to blaspheme here and say that I've always personally felt that it was, structurally, the least important component of the game, and I think the developers were very cognizant of that. It was all for presentation, for setting the world apart and giving it a distinctive face, and though it made for a hell of a sizzle, it had nothing to do with the steak itself. It was a focusing device, aimed squarely at the player and strictly inconsequencial to the wasteland and its denizens-- "They were living in the World of Tomorrow, and now no one even knows what Instant Spaghetti is."
Scrub the retro-future and cold war themes from the first two games, and what do they lose? Some visual styling and a bit of narrative poignancy. The wasteland itself hardly changes at all.
I agree that it is just the presentation, which is why I comfortable with direction FO lore (in terms of tech) universe took since FO3 (incorporating more 60s etc influences, it feels less dated)
However, I disagree with your final conclusion. This presentation, the constant contrast between the old and the new is iconic and IMO contributes a lot to the atmosphere of Fallout, scrub that and you get pretty much any other post-apoc game..
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