First time out of the vault

I was thinking about another thread I made about whether or not fallout still had life or had dried out. From the answers, I got this general sense that there was something that fallout had left undiscovered, something new and original that might have been tapped if it weren't for the ip rights switching hands. I think Bethesda had the right idea when they decided to set their games on the east coast. I think it allowed them to separate from the classics and make an attempt at bringing out whatever life was left in fallout. Unfortunately, they fucked it up, and new vegas didn't bring complete closure either. Imagine an alternate universe where somehow van buren pulls through, fallout becomes a perfect trilogy and the nma user count declines because theres nothing to band together against and hate. A few years down the line, some company acquires the rights, they're the perfect company, and they say hey let's set our game on the east coast. What does this game/series of games look like?
TLDR: If bethesda never existed, how should the east coast have been handled?
TLDR: If bethesda never existed, how should the east coast have been handled?