everything past HL1 has been going downhill.Sander said:We need a kickass shooter? Gears of War? Halo? Call of Duty? Unreal Tournament? Those are all ongoing shooter series.

everything past HL1 has been going downhill.Sander said:We need a kickass shooter? Gears of War? Halo? Call of Duty? Unreal Tournament? Those are all ongoing shooter series.
No, it's the only FPS we have that you like. That's something else.BR4ZIL said:what i was saying is that COD is the only major kickass FPS we have.
BR4ZIL said:awww, yeah i have expressed myself wrong,but cmon, you got the overall picture, name one exclusive FPS (without any RPG or whatever elements) major kickass and famous game for PC? upcoming ones of course dont count.
the new wolfenstein game might be a good one (havent played yet)
i excluded consoles because its not a common thing here (brazil)
so i am sorry about that.
Tagaziel said:BR4ZIL said:awww, yeah i have expressed myself wrong,but cmon, you got the overall picture, name one exclusive FPS (without any RPG or whatever elements) major kickass and famous game for PC? upcoming ones of course dont count.
the new wolfenstein game might be a good one (havent played yet)
i excluded consoles because its not a common thing here (brazil)
so i am sorry about that.
Painkiller was awesome. So was Serious Sam.
What are you talking about? No mindless single player FPS? Crysis (sequel is coming), Far Cry 2, Fear 2, Wolfenstein, Call of Duty?
BR4ZIL said:Well now its my opinion but Far Cry 2 was the WORST sequel to a good game that i EVER played (yes it beats fallout 3)
This was on the Playstation, it's nothing new. Just a port to Xbox Live Arcade.mor said: