How Success Killed Duke Nukem

otsego said:
After hearing the announcement I found a twitter account belonged to George Broussard who runs (ran?) 3D Realms. Some guy asks him how much of the 3D Realms content is retained and George responds with 'Virtually all our content and game that we'd created through end of 09/early 10'. So I guess that means Gearbox will just be touching it up, adding a few of their own things, but most of what you see will be from the original guys.

That's good news. Even though it will probably feel stale, I want to play what they have been working on out of sheer curiosity. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of Gearbox.
Reconite said:
At first I was hyped, then I found out the game has Regenerating Health and the ability to only have 2 weapons with you at a time ala Call of Duty.

This isn't the Duke Nukem I know.

I really, really fucking hope it is released with Mod Tools. Then maybe it would be salvageable.

[spoiler:fa482513e4]Still, I'm doing a replay of Duke Nukem 3D now anyway. I'll probably get Duke Nukem Forever when it comes out, even if it is a disappointment.[/spoiler:fa482513e4]

A) Hardly ruins the game (Although I do prefer wide arsenal/Health pack type systems)
B) You expected something different? That's the standard now and DNF has basically been "generic brown shooter" through most of it's development.
C) You can actually play DNF right now. Play any other FPS while looking at porn and saying things 10 year olds think sound cool.
Well, it will come out, which was clear to me since the latest videos have been leaked. It just looked too good to never happen.
Hopefully, a trailer is coming soon. There's some screenshots of it over the last PAX. Seems like every weapon from Duke 3D is coming back. There's a screenshot of the freezer!

Look for them here.
Dario ff said:
Hopefully, a trailer is coming soon. There's some screenshots of it over the last PAX. Seems like every weapon from Duke 3D is coming back. There's a screenshot of the freezer!

Look for them here.

thats cool i have already seen the devastador and the chaingun, still waiting for the shrinker and the rpg (thoug i think it will look diferent this time)
LOL, I cracked up pretty hard at the guy resurrecting the thread to say, "Who want some?" followed by "Don't have time to play with myself".

Shake it baby.