Vault Dweller

Instead of talking about what a perfect fallout sequel would be like or what would you do if you got to make a fallout sequel, how about we talk about what we would do if we made a successor to fallout instead. Like Atom RPG and Encased. What I have is a very basic loose idea and I still have to put much thought into it, but basically what I would do is instead of making it post-apocalyptic, is set my game in the far future where the setting takes place on an extremely hostile but important planet filled with very rare exotic but highly valuable resources that space empires and governments have fought over for centuries. In a war that has lasted too long between two governments, the two governments have decided to meet and finally settle on peace treaty and make a deal that should benefit the both of them. But with much debates and disagreements it obvious that these meetings are going no where. So it has been decided with the agreement of both parties that a foreign diplomat would be sent to see if he could help solve this dispute between the two governments, with the idea that the diplomat, being foreign would have no bias, so thous the most reasonable. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with the rest of this. The idea is that you are the diplomat and something goes wrong and now you have to explore this hostile planet while learning much of it's history, how the constant wars have effected the planet and the native aliens, and which government you should side with. While fighting off alien creatures and trying to stay alive. Later you learn that the planet use to be like a beautiful paradise, but the wars have slowly mutated the planet over the centuries turning it into a bizarre hostile jungle with many alien monster that have mutated along with it. Like I said, I still have to put a lot of thought into this. Instead of another cliche desert wasteland instead the setting will take place a jungle planet. Something like this.
The gameplay will be similar to the first fallout, of course but instead of a perk system, I would replace it with a skill tree like atom. And that's honestly all I can come up with right now.

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