I couldn't be Zorro today.

Story time now?

I'm walking in Vicenza, Italy through an open market with a COL stationed there (family friend), my brother, and a friend. My mother and the COL's wife were walking in front of us with my youngest brother and their daughter, and a bum appeared and asked for a couple Euros, saying that he was fresh out of prison and trying to get a break. The women said no, and he asked two more times before being threatened with the police.

He fell back a bit and just watched them. Then, turned to me and aske"can I ask you a question?" I replied, "you just did". This took a minute to sink in, then he proceeded with his (second) question which was asking for a handout, which was in turn refused. So he stepped back a bit, but seemed to be watching the women again, so the four of us made a loose circle around him, and just walked for about 40-50m until he just couldn't take it, and ducked away into an alley, sweating bullets.

So you know, three of the four men are soldiers, and the fourth is a Rugby player. We are not small guys, and we don't look friendly to wannabe muggers and bums. I had a similar experience in Estonia, but in that one myself, the aforementioned friend, and another friend, had to fight our way out of a bar (with the help of a several Estionian Army guys that we were working/drinking with) because some Russian tanker didn't like Americans. But that is a whole other story, a good one, but another story.
Who or what is Stapes?

And you obviously miss the point of my story. And in relation to this of the story of starkc.
Vox said:
Who or what is Stapes?

*sighs* "Stapes" is a synonym for a liar, which is indeed what you are.

Vox said:
And you obviously miss the point of my story. And in relation to this of the story of starkc.

You're awfully argumentative. People who are as argumentative as you are usually wrong. Just sayin'.
Argumentativity. Now that brings back memory, good old shrimp farming in the Yellow Sea; the good old days.
Yes, they did. It's due to a diet of flamingi that gives them their vibrant pink hue...along with their arsy temperament.
Vox said:
And you obviously miss the point of my story. And in relation to this of the story of starkc.
In relation to mine how?

And I've never heard of "stapes" either. It doesn't sound like a noun, and I thought that "liar" was generally used as a noun. It "stapes" a slang term or from a non-english language? Wikipedia and Websters online here I come...

Argumentative shrimp? Forest Gump never mentioned those...
Stapes is the name of a compulsive liar that frequented this forum quite some time ago.
The point of my story is pretty simple:

It's just a matter of how to asess a situation.
Where's the problem to take out a group of 3 socialy underprivileged dickheads when you're smarter and stronger? There is no problem.

BUT if they'd be 3 soldier like blokes with muscles like steel cables I'd possibly act different.
And at this point I reckeon that 3 such guys wouldn't rock up and ask for ciggies.

So what's wrong about argumentation now? Shold I say "omfg, ur ghey lol, pwnt, ja!" or what to sound more credible?
If you'd instead told us how what really happened was that after they told you to get down on your knees and say the magic words, then you cried "you're Duke of New York, A #1!" we'd be more inclined to believe you.
I'm willing to take it at face value for two main reasons.

1) There isn't a way to verify anyone's story unless you actually KNOW the person offline. Which I doubt in most cases. Welcome to the internet.

2) In the spirit of good conversation; why not believe? Why introduce the negativity? If it can't be disproven, (admittedly, it's possible that you have seen a picture of him and he is a 5 foot 7, 90lb white guy) why argue?
starkc said:
1) There isn't a way to verify anyone's story unless you actually KNOW the person offline. Which I doubt in most cases. Welcome to the internet.
which is why all girls on the internet are to be considered obese 35 year old males living in their mother's basement, until proven otherwise.

starkc said:
2) In the spirit of good conversation; why not believe? Why introduce the negativity? If it can't be disproven, (admittedly, it's possible that you have seen a picture of him and he is a 5 foot 7, 90lb white guy) why argue?
yes, but you are forgetting Solo needs to bash people for his e-peen to grow. a cry for attention, you see? low self-esteem & all...
That may be, but at least I didn't sleep with Lumbergh.


SuAside said:
which is why all girls on the internet are to be considered obese 35 year old males living in their mother's basement, until proven otherwise.

And all boys on the internet are to be considered obese 35 year old females living in their father's basement until proven otherwise? :roll:


Speaking of internets, who's bright idea was it to raise my internet bill to the all-time low price of 39.95 a month?

local and state taxes apply, void where prohibited.
SuAside said:
which is why all girls on the internet are to be considered obese 35 year old males living in their mother's basement, until proven otherwise.
Exactly my point. except I assume nothing.

SuAside said:
yes, but you are forgetting Solo needs to bash people for his e-peen to grow. a cry for attention, you see? low self-esteem & all...
Possible, but I couldn't have forgotten as I am still new enough to this forum that I didn't have a way of knowing that.
Paladin Solo said:
And all boys on the internet are to be considered obese 35 year old females living in their father's basement until proven otherwise? :roll:
sadly, it doesnt work that way around...