I dig this GOG promotion for indie games

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Don't post on promotions often but this one caught my eye. Really good list of indies that cost 10 a pop otherwise being sold for 5-for-$10. DEFCON should interest NMAers, heh, and out of the list Botanicula, Blackwell, Geneforge, Machinarium and Trine are games I can definitely recommend.

Picked up Resonance, Mutant Mudds, Geneforge 1-5, the Ball and Unmechanical myself. Didn't own all Geneforges, while Mutant Mudds, the Ball and Unmechanical are all games I've been wanting to try. Anomaly Warzone Earth is another one I've seen as highly recommended, was tempted to get it as well.

Give it a look. p sweet deal.
Resonance, Blackwell Bundle, Anomaly Warzone, Geneforge... darn one short. Maybe Defcon.

Same problem I had with their Interplay sale, got half the games already. :V
GoG.com has already managed to get me to buy way, way more games than I ever anticipated, albeit for what amounts to peanuts. I agree this is a cool promotion, but I already have a backlog of games I don't have time to play.

Picking up The Witcher Enhanced Edition Director's Cut a couple weeks ago for $3.99 didn't help. Nor did Silent Storm Gold last week for $2.99 or whatever absurdly low price it was on sale.

It's like they think I'm immortal or something.
I got Machinarium (already had it on Steam though), Botanicula (sp?), Geneforge 1-5, Blackwell & Unmechanical.

If anybody here hasn't played "To the Moon" I can't recommend it enough. Very, very good game.
I admit this sale blew my mind. Any 5 games for $10 is insane, but newer games were included.

I got To the Moon, Torchlight, Gemini Rue, the Blackwelle bundle, and Trine.

The Vault Dweller
So thanks to this post I'm getting to love indie point and click adventure games.
I bought Gemini Rue, To The Moon and Resonance, plus two subversion games.

Finished Gemini Rue, really liked it, now blazing through Resonance and it seems even better so far. I didn't know adventure games could provide such a kick. The dream sequences gave me shivers.