So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Of course you would.
Since the Hubologists were meant as a long dig at Scientology (and the fact that none of them actually understood the tech they used - based on how none of them actually fixed that shuttle even in their 'good' ending), I was satisfied that they all died out. Then... ugh... Nuka World undid that.
WoW. I wasn't aware that Beth brought back the hubologist. I am even more surprised that they are aware that the faction exist. They must have watched some Let's Play...
You're lumping the Master, who tried to make everyone the same by force to end fighting once and for all with a group of brainwashed cultist morons?
And you CAN make the Master succeed, after all they may have solved the sterility problem after the Vault Dweller joins.
Well, could the FEV sterility issue be solved or not is a question that will remain unsolved, as every later attempts were cut short by a third party. But the Lieutenant and other high-ranked members of the unity were already aware of the problem and were quite hopeful. The master reaction was mostly emotionnal, as it broke the ideal picture he drawed to sustain his sanity.