Vault Senior Citizen

I'm correcting my previous post it was magic after all.

The game is not balanced around some of the legendary effects
The game is not balanced
Yeah, any magic two-shot weapon is just pure apocalypse. And you don't even have to wait to find one, you can just get OVerseer's Guardian for a meager 7000 bucks and demolish the biggest enemies in seconds.The game is not balanced around some of the legendary effects. Effects like explosive, rapid, two shot(with Boosted Barrels Gatling Laser) or wounding simply breaks the game.
Doesn't the army fuck-bots also explode?Fuck the Legendary robots. Having them explode on death is such a blatantly stupid design choice that does nothing but screw over melee players. And it always gets me because the only robots that regularly explode are Sentry Bots so I never expect it.
Normal Assaultrons only do it as a last-ditch attack.Doesn't the army fuck-bots also explode?
Jerry? I mean I liked his films but they're a bit... too action packed...Jerry Bruckheimer is on the Zenimax board of directors, if that counts.
I mean those 1+ things in clothes? For some it makes sense. If I was wearing traders clothing I expect a bit of a bonus to barter, as it means that people would be more willing to trade.I have to wonder, did these magical fairy weapons exist before the nuclearpartywar or after? If before then how did that work? If after then the radiation must of mutated those and the clothing. It's fucking ridiculous how "Oh look a scientist's lab coat let me just try it on! Oh I feel +1 Intelligence smarter temporarily!".