Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I did aim at the eyes! Apparently it's not guaranteed to be a critical hit!
I did aim at the eyes! Apparently it's not guaranteed to be a critical hit!
but someone above said that luck should be maxed if you take fast shot and use burst fire weapons. The hardcore gaming site said that you should only have enough luck endgame to get better criticals, which is 6. Then when you get sniper, your critical hit chance is increased.
And as I asked above, is there any point in continuing to make targeted shots when you have 10 luck and every hit you make is a critical hit? Seems like a waste to me. I asked above when it is necessary to have maxed luck end game.
the play it hardcore site above says this about luck:
Luck affects your critical chance, as well as access to one of the most wanted perks - Sniper. Sniper requires 6 Luck. And, like Endurance, Luck also have effects on results of critical hits and misses. So, if you want a Jinxed build, you'll want to max it. If you go for neither, dump it in favour of other stats.
Obviously, melee characters don't need to max their luck because slayer automatically upgrades all hits to critical. And Fast Shot Burst Fire builds should also max luck as someone suggested here. They said that sniper rifle or pistol builds only need 6.
And which is more powerful, a critical untargeted hit or a hit to the eyes or head? Do you even need to make targeted shots if sniper upgrades all hits to criticals with 10 luck?
I didn't get an answer to a question I asked earlier.
Say I have 10 luck and get the sniper perk to have a critical hit on every hit. Is there any point to continue making targeted shots which cost more AP? Don't all critical hits deal the same amount of damage no matter where you hit them?
what about damage modifiers? Does targeting certain locations cause more damage than others?
Thanks. That advice helps a lot. Yet it seems to me that the only way to create an endgame character with max luck and as many action points as possible is to take the gifted trait. It's impossible to do otherwise without sacrificing high values in other stats.
I suppose in fallout 2, that the gain perks could be used to achieve max values in agility or luck.
I have the restoration mod for fallout 2. I know about the zeta scans, the implants, and the agility boost syringe.
It's a wiki, dude. You want it updated - go and do that.The hardcore site mentions something called EcCo for those who use the restoration mod with fallout 2. Should I get that?
By the way, that hardcore site should update itself to include other fallout games including 3, New Vegas, and Tactics.