I Have Questions About Fallout Gameplay (1 and 2)

you've been more than very helpful! Thank you! I feel more than ready to truly conquer the games now! Even though I have been playing them for years, now I how to truly play like a pro!

The only "pro" thing you are is a troll. Like seriously, what normal person writes this stuff? "Conquer the games now!" and "how to truly play like a pro!" Are you for real?
No, I am not a troll. I am as normal as everyone else. Seriously, the point of the forum is post topics of discussion and discuss them, which is exactly what I have been doing. I have not been breaking any rules of the forum.

Anyway, I just recently beat Fallout 1 with another pistol user, this time using One Hander and the Gifted Trait. Now I am playing Fallout 2 with the same type of character. The beginning is easier now since I am using hit and run tactics.
No, I am not a troll. I am as normal as everyone else. Seriously, the point of the forum is post topics of discussion and discuss them, which is exactly what I have been doing. I have not been breaking any rules of the forum.

Anyway, I just recently beat Fallout 1 with another pistol user, this time using One Hander and the Gifted Trait. Now I am playing Fallout 2 with the same type of character. The beginning is easier now since I am using hit and run tactics.

Which pistol, .223?
No, I am not a troll. I am as normal as everyone else. Seriously, the point of the forum is post topics of discussion and discuss them, which is exactly what I have been doing. I have not been breaking any rules of the forum.

Whatever you say Mr. "Normal." But you already have one of the moderators watching you so I'd watch my step if I were you.

Which pistol, .223?

Honestly, is there any other?
I just recently beat Fallout 2 with a pistols character taking one hander and gifted. My endgame weapons were the Gauss Pistol and the Alien Blaster. I had five companions at the end of the game: Sulik, Vic, Cassidy, Marcus, and Goris. I took my character up to level 30 before heading off to the oil rig. I managed to kill Frank Horrigan without having to rely on the turrets, once my companions together with Granite's squad took them out, taking down the big guy was a lot easier with targeted shots from the Alien Blaster.
I just recently beat Fallout 2 with a pistols character taking one hander and gifted. My endgame weapons were the Gauss Pistol and the Alien Blaster. I had five companions at the end of the game: Sulik, Vic, Cassidy, Marcus, and Goris. I took my character up to level 30 before heading off to the oil rig. I managed to kill Frank Horrigan without having to rely on the turrets, once my companions together with Granite's squad took them out, taking down the big guy was a lot easier with targeted shots from the Alien Blaster.


Horrigan ain't that bad, aimed shots render him useless within a few turns, and by then you should have enough Hp to tank his shots, and have nigh unlimited stimpacks.
So far using these tactics, I have beat Fallout 1 and 2 with a pistol build, a sniper build, and a energy weapon burst fire using gatling lasers build. Next I am going to do a big guns build and then a melee. After that, I'll try playing as a dimwit.

Big Guns is the same as my energy weapons burst fire build where I used the gatling laser. Fast shot and Gifted are the traits I take, along with both ranks of bonus ranged damage. In Fallout 1, I'll only be able to take one rank of action boy, so I set my agility to 7 so that with the implant and the perk, I'll have 10 action points. In Fallout 2, I'll be able to take an extra rank of action boy so the agility can be set to a maximum of 9.

Melee according to past playthroughs is a bit trickier, particularily against enemies with ranged attacks. I start with melee weapons because they are most plentiful and powerful at the start. Later on I can switch to unarmed because melee doesn't knock the enemy back. For me, speech seems more important with this type of character because you'll want to talk your way out of combat, especially when you're up against heavily armed opposition, so charisma is more important. In past playthroughs as a melee character, I would simply use speech to get past Harry instead of fighting him and the other mutants, wear the robes in both the military base and the cathedral, using Vree's autotopsy report to convince the master of the flaw in his plan. In Fallout 2, I would also take the non-violent route to deal with the raiders (using the stealth boy to reach and talk to Shadow Who Walks). There are also many places to raise your unarmed skill without investment. With melee builds, I don't need as much luck because Better Criticals requires only 6 luck and Slayer upgrades all hit to criticals. Another thing I don't like about melee builds is that you don't get to see any of those death animations.

From what I have read, the One Hander trait affects all unarmed builds. Should it be taken even if the most powerful melee weapon( the super sledge) requires two hands and doesn't require energy cells? How can I deal with long range attackers? Should both melee and unarmed be tagged at the start?

Playing as a dimwit is mostly done for a humourous replay. What I would like to know is what would be the best way to build one? How low should I set my intelligence? Which traits should I take? What are the best combat skills?
I have now beaten the game with four builds using these strategies. They were:

Pistol Build - Take One Hander and Gifted. Uses both .223 Pistol and Alien Blaster as endgame weapons. .223 Pistol is used for longer range and alien blaster for closer range and tougher foes. In Fallout 2, I used the alien blaster together with the Gauss Pistol. The Gauss pistol was used for longer range and the alien blaster against tougher foes. This was the only build where I was able to successfully take out Horrigan without having to resort to using the turrets against them, but then again, I was just lucky.

Sniper - Uses the Sniper rifle and the Turbo Plasma Rifle in Fallout 1, and the Gauss Rifle together with the Pulse Rifle in Fallout 2. Both used Gifted and Small Frame.

Energy Burst Build - Used the Gatling Laser, with the .223 Pistol for weaker foes and conserving ammo in the first game, and the Gauss Pistol in the second game for the same reasons. Both ranks of bonus ranged damage were taken. Gifted and Fast Shot were the perks.

Big Guns - Gifted and Fast Shot were my traits. The Minigun and .223 Pistol were used together. Both ranks of bonus ranged damage were taken. I also used the rocket launcher to take out clusters of tougher enemies at one. In the second game, I used the Bozar and the Gauss Pistol. Later I got the Vindicator minigun.

Now I've got some new ideas and will remake all these characters, having two different builds, one for both genders, except maybe the pistol build because there aren't very many great pistols in fallout 1, only the .223 and the alien blaster, though in fallout 2 there is the Gauss Pistol and the Pulse Pistol, so basically there is no variation to this build.

Now for the other builds, this is what I have planned.

Sniper - In Fallout 1, use the .223 Pistol and the Sniper Rifle if using only small guns. If switching to energy weapons, use the Turbo Plasma rifle and the .223 Pistol. In Fallout 2, use the Gauss Rifle with the .223 Pistol if using small guns, or the Pulse Rifle and the Pulse Pistol if switching to energy weapons later. The .223 Pistol will be used as a backup weapon in case I run into enemies with a high pulse resistance such as floaters.

Non Big Gun Burst Fire - Take both ranks of bonus ranged damage with the fast shot perk. If using only small guns I'll use the .223 Pistol and the Assault Rifle in Fallout 1, and the Gauss Pistol and H&K G11E in Fallout 2. If switching to energy weapons, use the Gatling laser together with the .223 Pistol in Fallout 1 and the Gauss Pistol in Fallout 2.

Big Gun Burst Fire - Take fast shot as a trait. Now I need to choose whether to use the machine guns or flamethrowers. If using machine guns, take both ranks of bonus ranged damage and use the minigun together with the .223 Pistol in the first game, and either the Bozar or the Vindicator Minigun with the Gauss Pistol in Fallout 2. If using Flamethrowers, use the flamer together with the .223 Pistol in Fallout 1, then use the improved flamer loaded with mark II fuel in fallout 2 together with the Gauss pistol. Be sure to take the pyromaniac perk.

I haven't tried going through the games with either a melee character using what I've learned from advice on this thread, or a dimwit. But I think with a melee character, I'll need to use diplomacy to get through most situations and avoid most of the combat due to most of my enemies using guns. Either that or I'll need to develop a secondary combat skill or command my npcs to do so. And what would be the best way to develop a dimwit? Maybe that's a topic worth a new thread?
For fallout 1 you need to be a generalist and manage your action points well because it's semi open world as far as traveling on the world map with the chance of random encounters. I say semi because your clock is ticking for the main quest.

Fallout 2, get Vic, figure out how to get the car. Find a submachine gun and spray people when they're right next to you with the right ammo.(red and blue is not just a color) The hunting rifle is your early friend too.

While you build up small guns you'll eventually find a guass rifle. There's a way to sneak into Navarro and the enclave thinks you're a new recruit. Gear up, go AWOL and wreck the game.

You'll eventually find that you can get cybernetic upgrades... I've played them both thoroughly when they came out. Getting through these two and getting good enough to be farming random encounters will expose you to a lot of quests with lore that ties to random Easter eggs and entire quest lines in the modern FPS versions.

Uh, fallout 2.5 I guess you could call it, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel was awesome too. There was actually turn based multiplayer set by point caps. For example 10k character cap meant you had access to any item in the game, for a point cost obviously. It also costed points to level your characters to choose traits, perks and skill levels. It's hard to wish for this in the modern games because I'm afraid that trying to design a brand new multiplayer is going to lead to MassEeffect 3 money grabbish co-op. This was really awesome though, too bad it released during a time when we were children asking our parents for what's was ridiculously priced home broadband at the time... Internet used to be sold by the minute on dial-up when Tactics came out, so we really couldn't enjoy it like we could now.
I have read that if you want to make a melee build that can help take out stronger gun toting foes and give you an advantage, you should tag sneak and raise it to high levels, as well as getting Silent Death and Silent Running.

On previous playthroughs in the past, I have never done this. In Fallout 2, I found it impossible to get into the Sierra Army Depot as a melee character as the turrets rip me to shreds every time.

Maybe with these strategies, I can actually take out the mutants in the military base and cathedral, as well as actually get into the Army Depot.
Whatever you say Mr. "Normal." But you already have one of the moderators watching you so I'd watch my step if I were you.
To be fair, he's made a general thread asking his questions rather than spamming them, so he has taken advice from the moderators and stopped what he was doing wrong.

Give him a break, he's took advice and being interested in how to make good characters on it's own isn't a cardinal sin.
In my playthroughs with the gatling laser and big guns, I found that I would have to move away from my companions and make sure they were safely out of the way before using the big burst fire weapons. Should I even both with companions in future replaythroughs for these builds?
in my opinion, the game becomes way too hard if playing pure-melee due to too many enemies using guns and I'll probably take too much damage getting closer to them. Since a majority of enemies and your companions can use both melee and long range attacks, maybe I'll do the same, using melee primarily for taking out weaker foes to conserve ammo, or to knock back foes who come too close. Since I plan to use melee and long range weaponry for my builds in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I have made changes to all my builds in Fallout 1 and 2. Making my character skilled in both melee and long ranged attacks will be easier in Fallout 2 due to the higher level cap.
TBH, the only hard stuff in Fallout 1 & 2 are the Super Mutants and Enclave, the whole game itself is pretty easy. Heck, I punched a Deathclaw to death since they're not the bullet sponges that Bethesda turned them into.
I just went through Fallout 1 with a character using both ranged and melee weapons. He tagged small guns, energy weapons, and speech at the start. My perks were Awareness, Bonus Hth Attacks, Bonus Rate of Fire, Better Criticals Tag (to tag melee weapons), Sniper, and Slayer. My endgame weapons were the Turbo Plasma Rifle and Super Sledge. I mainly used melee combat to deal with weaker enemies to save ammo or when they came close enough and I didn't have enough action points to make another attack with my ranged weapon of choice. Of course, due to the low level cap I couldn't take action boy to get more action points.

Overall, ranged combat is much more powerfull than melee combat as with the Super Sledge, my highest amount of damage against deathclaws was rarely over 100. So I'm wondering if next time I shouldn't bother taking Slayer or Bonus HtH Attacks due to the lower level cap and instead take action boy like I usually do, but cotinue to use melee or unarmed against weaker foes or to save ammo.

Obviously, melee combat is more effective and has more use in Fallout 2 than in Fallout 1.
I beat the game again with another sniper character, this time taking two ranks of action boy. I also took some buffout at level six so could take strong back to solve my low carry weight problem since I took small frame. Overall, this character turned out much better than the previous one. I still used melee combat against weaker foes in order to save ammo though.

Also, I have come to the conclusion that since energy weapons and big guns are stronger and more powerful than small guns, there is really no point in using small guns all the way. Small guns are mainly used to get through the game until energy or big guns become available.

I now have four builds planned for the first two gams.

Sniper-targeted shots. Endgame weapon in Fallout 1 is the Turbo Plasma Rifle. In Fallout 2, I'll use the Gauss Rifle and Pulse Rifle. The Gauss Rifle is used for long range sniping and the Pulse Rifle for the stronger foes due to the weapon penetrate perk it has. Also, since floaters have extreme pulse resistance and the pulse rifle does not possess the long range or weapon accurate perks, it will be primarily more useful at closer range.

Pistol-same, but with pistols. Apparently, One Hander according to the Fallout wikia is very powerful because with the bonus to accuracy from using these weapons, you won't need to raise your skill level as high, meaning you'll save skill points. Endgame weapon for Fallout 1 is the Alien Blaster. For Fallout 2, use Gauss Pistol and Alien Blaster. Gauss Pistol is used for longer range and against enemies with high pulse resistance. Alien Blaster is used primarily for tougher foes.

Burst Fire Big Buns - Takes Fast Shot, both ranks of Bonus Rate of Fire, and uses Big Guns. Endgame weapons in Fallout 1 are the mingun and the .223 Pistol. For Fallout 2, use either the Bozar or the Vindicator Minigun and the Gauss Pistol. The Pistols are primarily used to save ammo.

Burst Fire Energy Weapons - Same as above, but specializes in Energy Weapons and uses the Gatling Laser in both games endgame. In Fallout 1, the endgame pistol to save ammo is the .223 Pistol and the Gauss Pistol in Fallout 2.
Recently, I beat Fallout 2 with a character specializing in aimed shots. At the start, he began with small guns, then moved on to energy weapons in the second half. For much of the second half, I used the Turbo Plasma Rifle together with the Pulse Rifle, using the Turbo Plasma Rifle for longer range sniping, and the Gauss Rifle for the tougher fights, including the final fight with Frank Horrigan. I only used unarmed in the New Reno Boxing quest and the San Francisco Fighting Arena.

Again, I found that there's really no point in using small guns all game long due to the fact that energy weapons and big guns are more powerful endgame. As I have experienced in previous playthroughs, even the most powerful small guns fail to inflict impressive damage on Frank Horrigan even with aimed shots. And melee combat was just as useless due to the lack of weaker enemies to take out to save ammo and the fact that unarmed was useful only in the fighting arenas. I just box in the arena to get the Prizefighter perk to increase damage resistance.

Due to the higher level cap, I got both useful Hth combat perks to reduce ap cost and upgrade all hits to criticals. This came in handy for boxing in New Reno and fighting in San Francisco. To further raise my levels to get the perks I needed, I fought in the mountainous area above San Francisco.