Jidai Geki
It Wandered In From the Wastes
Que? That's not the core of any RPG. The core of any RPG is choices and consequences to them. Character creation features in so many games, and is so peripheral to any RPG that it isn't even relevant. The choices of *how* you play your character and the consequences to those choices, those are the essential elements of any RPG.
I disagree. Creating your own character is KEY in any RPG. If the new incarnation of Fallout didn't feature character creation and gave you a generic Joe Bloggs with a very pre-defined background (yes, I know your character has a father and you leave the vault at nineteen, but it's still fairly loose), you'd be raising bloody hell and you know it.
Oblivion lacked almost all choices. Any character-development choices you made were irrelevant, since you could be the master of everything anyway. Hell, you could be the leader of every guild and organisation in the game. Quests are forced upon you, and have only one way of being completed.
Again, the choices might have been somewhat hollow given that they didn't result in any real consequences for either your player or the world around you (with the exception of murders, etc., which resulted in a poor reputation and a bounty on your head). Quests were most certainly not forced upon you; you could ignore any and all quests entirely and do your own thing, if you wanted to. There was a limited question of choice in some quests (Specifically Dark Brotherhood quests).
Hell, more examples of dumbing down lie in the dialogue, the level scaling, the dumbing down of the character system etc. etc. etc.
I'll not dispute the dialogue issue, it was poor. The level scaling wasn't great either, especially given that your allies did not level up. However, Bethsoft have stated that neither of these will be an issue in FO3. I'm not holding my breath on the dialogue, given that IN currently doesn't influence conversation choices, and I'll be as disappointed as anyone else if this is a release feature.
Meaningless things, yes. There were no choices in the game,
It depends on what you define as "meaningless".
See Oblivion, or Morrowind.
I was hoping for something more specific than that, rather than blanket statements which deride entire games in one fell swoop. It wasn't all bad.
Yes there is. The evidence lies in the huge sales numbers. That's a lot of evidence, in fact.
That's evidence that it's popular, not evidence of with whom it was popular.
Nice troll, sir. Don't do that.
It was not my intention to troll and I apologise if that's how it seemed.
How does perspective and gameplay have anything to do with adding something new to a franchise? Changing the view and gameplay has been tried before, it didn't add anything new to the franchise. Except the generally agreed worst game so far, at least though that never pretended to be anything other than a spinoff.
Perhaps I worded my statement badly. I didn't mean to claim that there was anything wrong with keeping an isometric viewpoint, just that there's not necessarily anything wrong with not keeping it.
As far as contributing something new, I was referring to the fact that the vault suits and the Brotherhood are slightly different. This can be explained and needn't be such a big deal. Obviously the supermutants thing and the Fatman are slightly more worrisome.