Right so you've gone from 'Core' to 'Key' to 'has played some role' just to get someone to admit character creation was important to Fallout? Sigh, give us a break!
Given that character creation plays the same role in any game in which it's present (namely, it tends to be at the beginning of the game and thus shapes how you play the rest of the game) I would say that its role is pretty damn important. Key, you might say. I've already agreed that an RPG is possible without character creation, but that they tend to be less engaging.
Yes character creation plays some role in rpgs, that's why they tend to call them rpg elements when used in other games. But that doesn't mean that an rpg has to have character creation to work. Yes it's important to Fallout, that was never in dispute. That doesn't mean that Fallout wouldn't of worked without it from the start. It wouldn't of affected the precious story and setting to have been stuck with a premade character. If that had of been the case maybe we wouldn't all be here 10 years later still talking about the game. Which is why we do bemoan the loss of any decent feature that was in the first two games, the loss of any freedom of choice.
How do you know there has been any loss of freedom or choice? The things that are really getting people's knickers in a twist, the stuff like drinking water to heal and altered supermutants, have no bearing on the choices you make in the game. The fact that you have a father is not especially limiting, as far as I can see it. It seems to be a simple framing device.
And I thought you were only interested in the story and setting and not the mechanics of the game.
Your point being?
What? And have you read anything on the game that would imply that it IS trying new and interesting things?
Hey, look here, fpp and rtwp, shiny and new.
*Sigh* just because it's First person and real-time doesn't mean it's going to be bad. You're acting like somebody took a shit on your Bible.
Next, your argument "just the third game" is borderline stupid. Half-Life has just three games in the series, oh, wouldn't it be fun if Episode 2 suddenly became a Gocart racing game?
That comment is borderline stupid, if any, and completely misrepresents what he said. Your example is retarded and would never happen, so why bother countering with such a stupidly absurd hypothetical situation? Fallout being changed to a FPP RT game does not equate to HL being turned into a Go-kart racer.
No, the point was that although games that are hailed as the most innovative ever don't actually have any innovation, and yet the mainstream audience will believe it, buy it and then hail that themselves, because that's what it says on the box, and that's what that nice GameInformer says.
See Oblivion and the likes.
Yes, because mainstream=stupid, and you=smart. It's really cool that you're so individual and non-conformist.
Here's a wacky idea: maybe mainstream stuff is not always the devil? Maybe it's mainstream for a reason? And maybe- just maybe- staying away from stuff because it's mainstream makes you every bit as controlled by it as the mythical 15 year-old retard who laps up the GTA's and the Oblivions and the John Maddens of the world.
By trying to be cool and non-conformist with computer games, you just end up as the videogaming equivalent of a Goth. And nobody likes a Goth.
So if there's no sign that that they aren't trying anything new that actually means they are trying something new?
No. It means that maybe you should keep an open mind instead of condemning it a year before release.
It goes back to the brands, if I want to play a Deus Ex style game I'll pick up and Deus Ex Branded game. If it's got Fallout in the title I expect a Fallout game, that's why FOBOS so completely failed. Not only did it change the gameplay it got the setting totally wrong. From what's been released so far FO3 is also wide off the mark setting wise.
Ah well. You can always play Fallouts 1 and 2 over and over again if you're convinced nothing will ever again achieve their majesty.
I would hardly say it's wide off the mark because of a few minor stylistic changes. Baggy vault suits and different BoS armour does not mean it is going to shit all over the franchise. The franchise was already shat on by BoS. This can't possibly make things worse.