I’m just gonna come out and say it. We’re getting weaker. Easily offended, willfully complacent and decadent, rallying behind politicians who hide behind our best interests as they stab us in the back. It’s pathetic. And if you don’t think Trump is the president America deserves, the xenophobic con artist that represents the country more than anyone else, then you’re either stupid or willfully ignorant. Which proves my point either way. To that end:
Yes this was a leadup to a shitty meme I made. Figured we could all NV shitpost here. And discuss how the world is getting weaker and we need to bring back Roman law, if you want
Love ya Degenerates. Have a good one.
Yes this was a leadup to a shitty meme I made. Figured we could all NV shitpost here. And discuss how the world is getting weaker and we need to bring back Roman law, if you want

Love ya Degenerates. Have a good one.