Welsh, man, maybe you should write the book...
Nah, just kidding. But I like your ideas, you obviously know how a book kind of works and you obviously understand the "mechanics" of writing. You teach stuff like that, maybe?
welsh said:
Young grad student comes to the University, perhaps because he's recently orphaned from fairly well off parents, and pursues the quest for knowledge. Perhaps the parents were wealthy enough so he doesn't have to work. Perhaps he's doing this to make sense of the loss in his life.
Hm. This probably would work just fine, but I think the orphan-thing is kind of maybe a bit cliché. I went for the "his-parents-recently-got-divorced-thing". It's cliché too, somehow, but it's more in tune with these modern times, me thinks. The main character (a university student, indeed) was raised in a very conservative way and now, due to all the drama in his life, he needs to redefine, re-interpret the values and morals he was brought up with. One thing leads to the other.
welsh said:
A romantic interest, perhaps an art student, tries to pull him into the world of sensation and creation but he is resistent - his goal is near.
An art student, of course! That's a damn good idea, so I'm gonna steal it from ya! No really, it would probably make the whole love affair a lot more interesting. The clash between reason and imagination! The passion! She has to break his heart, though, that's mandatory. No insights without lots of pain.
And these insights should be fragmentary, he should only see a glimpse of what he was looking for, the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
On the other hand: maybe a divorce just isn't sufficient to trigger all of this. Maybe becoming an orphan is actually better. Car crashes are very common nowadays. Main chraracter feels totally f***** up afterwards, inherits loads of money, starts to do a lot of drugs and drinks a lot and f**** around a lot. Hm. Something then should trigger his obsession with patterns and structures. Maybe the drugs. Nah, ...
I'll have to think about that a little further.