King of Creation
Vault Fossil
Right, so fuckin advisory shit ballsack and wotnot.
I hereby declare that cops are cocksuckers
I write to you in the utmost state of drunken stonedness. Ies folks, thats right. Tonight was partynight. At once a celebration of my giving notice at my slave job, and at the same time, a drunken sex romp, alcohol flowed, bud was blazin, but then the cops showed up niggas, and they're crazin.
So we're drinking our fair fills of alcohol, maybe 30 or 40 of us at my friends hjouse, and we're having a good time. We were doing everything, and it was fun.
Then the frelling cops came. And they broke up our party. They actually had 4 cruisers in front of my friends house, in formation no less. One cop came to the front door, one to the back, and 2 more trying to catch the kids who were trying to make a break for it. The cops were nice enough when they were trying to bust in...They knocked and everything, but then forcibly opened the door. The cops were trying to round up kids that were running away saying, "Oh, why don't you go back in the house! Its so nice and cozy warm in that place. You should go back ROFL, LOL@!"
Fuck that, fuck them, I may be drunk and high, but by god dammit fuck the motherfuckin 5 O! These cops didn't have a warrant, nothing. They came in to the house and confiscated all the alcohol that was left! I was pissed. The cops tried to give some lecture, but I was too busy drinking beer on private property to notice! After a while, the cops left, and I was in the back yard, drinking more cause I hid it from the cops. No one was fined, arrested or anything. Does anyone else think this was a waste of police time? What right do they have to come into my friend's private property, and break up a party? We're not drinking on public property, we're not causing trouble! SUre, we might have gotten kind of loud, but fuck it! If old people want to go to bed, then they should take out their hearing aids. FUCKIN BAH BITHC! I want to say it's illegal for the pigs to come on to private property and do that shit! Sure, we were smoking on the school soccer field in back of the house, but we weren't in the house! Don't hold the hosue responsible for the field's dirty work! ANd then the cops "Confiscated" the alchol! Fuck that, they're drinkign it right now in the back of a gay porno theather! Why are the fuzz so beligerent to kids tryin to have a good time! For chrissake, I'm old enough to go kill and die for my country, why shouldn't I be able to throw a wild party? Cliche blah blah blah. Suck my ballsack. I don't care, I'm not capable of caring right now. I hate these damn lazy police who waste time breaking up good times, and do spend time on saving battered wives, or putting crooked politicians behing bars.! Damn damn damn. Get me my alcohol back! Get the rest of it back! Why are oops damn annoying? TELL ME!
I hereby declare that cops are cocksuckers
I write to you in the utmost state of drunken stonedness. Ies folks, thats right. Tonight was partynight. At once a celebration of my giving notice at my slave job, and at the same time, a drunken sex romp, alcohol flowed, bud was blazin, but then the cops showed up niggas, and they're crazin.
So we're drinking our fair fills of alcohol, maybe 30 or 40 of us at my friends hjouse, and we're having a good time. We were doing everything, and it was fun.
Then the frelling cops came. And they broke up our party. They actually had 4 cruisers in front of my friends house, in formation no less. One cop came to the front door, one to the back, and 2 more trying to catch the kids who were trying to make a break for it. The cops were nice enough when they were trying to bust in...They knocked and everything, but then forcibly opened the door. The cops were trying to round up kids that were running away saying, "Oh, why don't you go back in the house! Its so nice and cozy warm in that place. You should go back ROFL, LOL@!"
Fuck that, fuck them, I may be drunk and high, but by god dammit fuck the motherfuckin 5 O! These cops didn't have a warrant, nothing. They came in to the house and confiscated all the alcohol that was left! I was pissed. The cops tried to give some lecture, but I was too busy drinking beer on private property to notice! After a while, the cops left, and I was in the back yard, drinking more cause I hid it from the cops. No one was fined, arrested or anything. Does anyone else think this was a waste of police time? What right do they have to come into my friend's private property, and break up a party? We're not drinking on public property, we're not causing trouble! SUre, we might have gotten kind of loud, but fuck it! If old people want to go to bed, then they should take out their hearing aids. FUCKIN BAH BITHC! I want to say it's illegal for the pigs to come on to private property and do that shit! Sure, we were smoking on the school soccer field in back of the house, but we weren't in the house! Don't hold the hosue responsible for the field's dirty work! ANd then the cops "Confiscated" the alchol! Fuck that, they're drinkign it right now in the back of a gay porno theather! Why are the fuzz so beligerent to kids tryin to have a good time! For chrissake, I'm old enough to go kill and die for my country, why shouldn't I be able to throw a wild party? Cliche blah blah blah. Suck my ballsack. I don't care, I'm not capable of caring right now. I hate these damn lazy police who waste time breaking up good times, and do spend time on saving battered wives, or putting crooked politicians behing bars.! Damn damn damn. Get me my alcohol back! Get the rest of it back! Why are oops damn annoying? TELL ME!