I need to stay something

King of Creation

Vault Fossil
Right, so fuckin advisory shit ballsack and wotnot.
I hereby declare that cops are cocksuckers
I write to you in the utmost state of drunken stonedness. Ies folks, thats right. Tonight was partynight. At once a celebration of my giving notice at my slave job, and at the same time, a drunken sex romp, alcohol flowed, bud was blazin, but then the cops showed up niggas, and they're crazin.
So we're drinking our fair fills of alcohol, maybe 30 or 40 of us at my friends hjouse, and we're having a good time. We were doing everything, and it was fun.


Then the frelling cops came. And they broke up our party. They actually had 4 cruisers in front of my friends house, in formation no less. One cop came to the front door, one to the back, and 2 more trying to catch the kids who were trying to make a break for it. The cops were nice enough when they were trying to bust in...They knocked and everything, but then forcibly opened the door. The cops were trying to round up kids that were running away saying, "Oh, why don't you go back in the house! Its so nice and cozy warm in that place. You should go back ROFL, LOL@!"
Fuck that, fuck them, I may be drunk and high, but by god dammit fuck the motherfuckin 5 O! These cops didn't have a warrant, nothing. They came in to the house and confiscated all the alcohol that was left! I was pissed. The cops tried to give some lecture, but I was too busy drinking beer on private property to notice! After a while, the cops left, and I was in the back yard, drinking more cause I hid it from the cops. No one was fined, arrested or anything. Does anyone else think this was a waste of police time? What right do they have to come into my friend's private property, and break up a party? We're not drinking on public property, we're not causing trouble! SUre, we might have gotten kind of loud, but fuck it! If old people want to go to bed, then they should take out their hearing aids. FUCKIN BAH BITHC! I want to say it's illegal for the pigs to come on to private property and do that shit! Sure, we were smoking on the school soccer field in back of the house, but we weren't in the house! Don't hold the hosue responsible for the field's dirty work! ANd then the cops "Confiscated" the alchol! Fuck that, they're drinkign it right now in the back of a gay porno theather! Why are the fuzz so beligerent to kids tryin to have a good time! For chrissake, I'm old enough to go kill and die for my country, why shouldn't I be able to throw a wild party? Cliche blah blah blah. Suck my ballsack. I don't care, I'm not capable of caring right now. I hate these damn lazy police who waste time breaking up good times, and do spend time on saving battered wives, or putting crooked politicians behing bars.! Damn damn damn. Get me my alcohol back! Get the rest of it back! Why are oops damn annoying? TELL ME!
Sorry for your party man! Shit happens!
Now you are right, because if you are young enough to go off to God knows what part of this wretched world and leave some limbs or your life there then you should be allowed to throw a killer party, especially in the weekend. And the fact that they did not have a search warrant is real fucked up! I mean they are not allowed to bust your party just like that, are they?
Yep. Fuck cops.

I was playing a show tonight, got shut down. Noise violations, etc.

One time, at another show, a keg was advertised on flyers. Foolish kids didn't think that cops would catch on. Around 9-ish they busted in, full gear, guns drawn, like it was a fucking heroin bust. I posted a long winded rant about it after it happened...anyway. Pain in the ass.

Pain in the ass.
King of Creation said:
I write to you in the utmost state of drunken stonedness.

Figured as much when you said you needed to stay something

I care little for talking shit about cops. They have very hard jobs, but somehow when they bust us "innocent civilians" for basically doing something illegal, be it illegal drinking or driving violations, suddenly they turn into pigs, fascists or whatever.

Hey, if you don't want the cops to bother you, STOP DOING FUCKING ILLEGAL STUFF

Ain't that hard

Also, they're just, y'know, enforcing the law. You could also complain about the law itself with your "local governor" or whatever, 'cause y'know...don't shoot the messenger
if you make too much noise and your neighbors call it in, the cops have the right to come in (without a warrant) and check it out for themselves (at least where i live)

they also technically have the right to confiscate any booze they want if they believe it is or will be served to minors (although that never happens overhere)

as for not having the right to have a wild party? just ask your city council a bit in advance and they'll grant you a permit up to a certain hour (5 o'clock in the morning is the standard party permit thingy overhere i believe, you can ask for more but then you'll have to pay for it i think)

anyhow, i got a couple of friends that are cops, it sure ain't an easy job... sure some of those pigs are fucking nitpicks and wankers but most of em mean well
I dunno where you are King, but in NJ, it is illegal to drink on private property if you are a minor. If cops break up a party, the owners of the house, even if they are NOT there, can be fined for supplying alcohol to minors.
Hung-Like-Horse said:
King of Creation said:
I write to you in the utmost state of drunken stonedness.

Figured as much when you said you needed to stay something

I care little for talking shit about cops. They have very hard jobs, but somehow when they bust us "innocent civilians" for basically doing something illegal, be it illegal drinking or driving violations, suddenly they turn into pigs, fascists or whatever.

Hey, if you don't want the cops to bother you, STOP DOING FUCKING ILLEGAL STUFF

Ain't that hard

Also, they're just, y'know, enforcing the law. You could also complain about the law itself with your "local governor" or whatever, 'cause y'know...don't shoot the messenger

Couldn't agree more with this man...

People who dislike cops are just plain stupid. Malk, you are a poopey head!

Its funny how when you need a cop everyone loves them, but as soon as they stop you from doing something illegal, everyone hates them?


Mohrg :twisted:
KOC, the cop factor is just a part of life. Water is wet; the sky is blue; and most nights cops have nothing to do but break up underage parties. If your smart you'll just leave and come back or go to someone else's house. Sure their are other ways to handle the cops, but they usual end up with you handcuffed in your kitchen in your goddamn boxer shorts.
Am I the only one who thinks American cops are fascists? I mean, four fucking cruisers to break up a party?! It's very much different here in Croatia. Last year I was at this party with about twenty people in a private apartment with thin walls. We all got wasted and quite loud, so someone dialed the police. At about 1:30 a.m. two pussy-ass cops came and - get this - warned us not to make noise. And left. Without bothering to search the premises. Pretending not to notice dozens of bottles of booze and smell of weed that pervaded the area. Not caring that we turned up the volume on the stereo the moment they turned their backs on us.

Man, I love this country.
It all depends on where you are. I've seen a whole platoon of cops to break up a 30 person party in flagstaff and i've seen one cop break up a crazy ass 300 person party in Tempe.
Hung-Like-Horse said:
Figured as much when you said you needed to stay something

I care little for talking shit about cops. They have very hard jobs, but somehow when they bust us "innocent civilians" for basically doing something illegal, be it illegal drinking or driving violations, suddenly they turn into pigs, fascists or whatever.

Hey, if you don't want the cops to bother you, STOP DOING FUCKING ILLEGAL STUFF

Ain't that hard

Also, they're just, y'know, enforcing the law. You could also complain about the law itself with your "local governor" or whatever, 'cause y'know...don't shoot the messenger
Sometimes people just amaze me. That is almost exactly what I was going to say.

-Dove: doing gerko thingy so he can say he might be a cop himself soon.
Exactly. I've had my share of cop stories.

Besides the ones that I deserved to be arrested, the bastards search me quite regularly on the street, ask for my ID and generally waste my time. In one of those gestapo-searches, they cuffed me and yanked the damn cuffs in a way that made my thumb numb for the next month.

-Wooz, aping Gerko as well, and calling cop-lovers chickenshit conformists.
King of Creation said:
Ok, you guys are saying that we should stop doing illegal stuff. Yeah, true. But since when is drinking on private property illegal?

making a shitload of noise at night without a permit is illegal... (or at least here it is)

which in turn makes it legal for them to search the premisses and confiscate anything they want if they believe other illegal activity is going on there.
SuAside said:
making a shitload of noise at night without a permit is illegal... (or at least here it is)

which in turn makes it legal for them to search the premisses and confiscate anything they want if they believe other illegal activity is going on there.

Where the hell do you live? Afghanistan?

A noise complaint does not give the cops permission to enter the premisses. The only way they can get in is if you open the door, or they have a warrant from a judge allowing them to search the premises.

I can't tell you how many of my firends have been busted because they didn't know this simple rule. Don't let the cops in, and if they enter without a warrant or permission, kick their ass, they're trespassing!
Dances-with-clowns said:
People who dislike cops are just plain stupid. Malk, you are a poopey head!

Nah dude, I like cops. I want to be a cop. I think my original post came off a little too harshly.

Let me rephrase.

A lot of the cops in the surrounding area are not good cops. They don't give a shit about the community and I've met few police officers that actually care enough to do their job properly.

When you're playing a show, and you're letting people experience your music, your passion, and people are having fun, then all of a sudden the doors bust down and a cop sticks a Glock in your face, there is an issue. There was nothing illegal going on. There was no underage drinking, because the majority of people at the party were over-age, and the guy at the tap was checking ID.

These police officers held a grudge against that town's music scene, and they did what they wanted to do. Blacksburg Virginia is a dead town now, because of that night. Another town nearby, home to probably one the most important music scenes on the East Coast is getting the same way. The noise regulations have been pushed down our throats, and even if the party is registered people are still in danger of getting fined. I almost got a 110 dollar ticket on Saturday night, because these people are pricks. Not only that, but if you get a noise violation, not only can you be charged up to $180, but your landlord can be charged up to $1000, and he can pass that right down to you.

It's rediculous that something positive and productive always has to be torn down by people who don't understand it.

Like someone said before, it depends on who you are, where you are, and the special circumstances.

There's no need for 15 cops to enter a house full of 19-24 year olds with shotguns and pistols drawn.
Murdoch said:
Where the hell do you live? Afghanistan?

Belgium, the soon to be policestate
(ok maybe not yet, but if the fascists keep on winning votes like this we b fucked)

Murdoch said:
A noise complaint does not give the cops permission to enter the premisses. The only way they can get in is if you open the door, or they have a warrant from a judge allowing them to search the premises.

I can't tell you how many of my firends have been busted because they didn't know this simple rule. Don't let the cops in, and if they enter without a warrant or permission, kick their ass, they're trespassing!

yeah true, but when you re drunk and stoned most of the time you dont remember things like the constitution
Only the stupid ones get caught. Why? Because they advertise like a dumbass. "Yo kegger at my place, late, don't tell the cops yo!"

Small town cops can be annoying, but at least they keep their towns/cities/villages/etc... stable to at least a bare minimum. God knows how bad the planet would be without them. We have our fun with the fuzz every-once-in-awhile though. Egging cop cars then running for dear life is so damn fun in a boring little town in the middle of North Dakota, well a bit to the east actually. Of course, we do this while they are patrolling for pedestrians out past curfew.

Hmmm...I'm going to go watch some Mad Max.