I need to stay something

WaterGirl said:
King of Creation said:
But since when is drinking on private property illegal?

Underage drinking? Since always.

I'm pretty sure that if it's done on private property, that it's not illegal. Drinking laws, I believe, only pertain to buying alcohol and going to bars and such.
King of Creation said:
I'm pretty sure that if it's done on private property, that it's not illegal. Drinking laws, I believe, only pertain to buying alcohol and going to bars and such.

Hehehehe, yeh right.


Underage drinking = illegal.

It's not like weed-laws in Holland, which are half-arsed legal and half-arsed illegal. No, all things combining minors with alcohol are illegal.
Hung-Like-Horse said:
No, all things combining minors with alcohol are illegal.
Not over here. IIRC, children as young as 5 can drink in a private residence under parental/guardian supervision.
Doesn't cover the case that KoC gave tho'.
Hung-Like-Horse said:
Hehehehe, yeh right.


Underage drinking = illegal.

It's not like weed-laws in Holland, which are half-arsed legal and half-arsed illegal. No, all things combining minors with alcohol are illegal.

No, you're wrong. I found some articles online that prove I was was right in saying that it's not illegal for underage kids to drink on private property. Although, in some parts of the country, ordinances have been passed that allow cops to break up parties, but this hasn't happened yet in my town.

(Some town in New Jersey) Police received a new weapon to combat underage drinking in 2000. State lawmakers permitted towns to pass ordinances that give police the unprecedented power to cite underage drinkers on private property. Previously, police might spot a group of teenagers drinking beer but couldn't issue summonses if the party was on private property.
Police could break up parties, but only if they had complaints from neighbors. They could then issue summonses to the property owner for letting the bash get out of hand but couldn't cite minors for underage drinking.

So, underage drinking by minors on private property is NOT illegal in my town. They're trying to approve an ordinance to let cops invade private parties, but its apparently been getting some strong opposition from the town.
"Previously, police might spot a group of teenagers drinking beer but couldn't issue summonses if the party was on private property."

This does not mean it's legal, it only means they can't do anything about it, because it's not their right to bash into a house.

Don't confuse the things, it's still illegal.
State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol and from drinking on public property. Private parties are a loophole in that law.
Until Connecticut adopts a law giving a single standard for all towns, these local ordinances will do.

That is an article that pertains specifically to my state. According to the law, it is not illegal (yet) to drink on private property at a private party. While there are oridinances that are coming into effect throughout the state, no such ordinance has as of yet been put into effect in my town.
Dude...you had minors there by the dozens. How the hell are the cops supposed to not notice and avoid that? Your parents may be ok with you doing it, but that don't mean everyone else is the same. Simple fricking suggestion, next time, DON'T GET CAUGHT! If I ever got caught, I wouldn't be pissed at the police for doing their job, I'd be pissed at my dumbass self for getting caught.
I have a better idea, Paladin... how about you just don't drink?

Anyway, which state are you from, KoC? The first article you cited was from "Some town in New Jersey." The second was from Conneticut. I'm confused.
State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol and from drinking on public property.

So if you or your friends were minors, and they did "POSESS", alcohol, then yes they are doing something illegal. When they state "loophole", it means that they cannot go onto to private property to nail kids for partaking in illegal activities.

I don't know what the drinking laws for your state are but here in AZ, a minor that is either in posession of or consuming alcohol is partaking in an illegal activity.
Well, I just quoted what the law is in my state (CT). While it is illegal for minors to possess or consume alcohol on PUBLIC property, it is NOT illegal for them to do so on PRIVATE property. So, what we were doing was not illegal.
I can't wait for the day when cops will bust into parties and clubs fully armed (as they are currently) and equipped with full body armor and open fire on everyone with extreme prejudice. It'd be like the 60s all over again.
King of Creation said:
That is an article that pertains specifically to my state. According to the law, it is not illegal (yet) to drink on private property at a private party. While there are oridinances that are coming into effect throughout the state, no such ordinance has as of yet been put into effect in my town.

I still don't see a statement that it's legal. Again:

State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol and from drinking on public property. Private parties are a loophole in that law. The local ordinances address that problem, allowing an officer to enter private property for reasonable cause and issue citations to minors and adults where underage drinking is occurring.

They're just saying, here, that private parties are a loophole in the sense that in the case of private parties the police can't do anything, not that in the case of private parties it's legal.

loop·hole ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lphl)

1. A way of escaping a difficulty, especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance.
2. A small hole or slit in a wall, especially one through which small arms may be fired.

In other words, private parties are "a way of escaping a difficulty", in this case the underage drinking law, by claiming an old right, namely that the police can't enter privaty property without a warrant, immediate danger to persons or some other cases in the law.

Compare it to something else: two cops walk down the street and glance into someone's window, into the living room. They see Overnet/Kazaa/BiTorrent/whatever running on the person's computer and the person downloading copious amounts of music while chatting with people about the illegal music he's downloading. Proof in case, the confession is on the bloody screen. Yet they can't bash down the door and stop the person from doing what he's doing. Heck, they can't even knock on the door and ask him nicely.

"Private property" is a big loophole in all "victimless" crimes. As long as there's no victim, the police can't do anything against illegal happenings.

Find me a link that actually states "underage drinking on private property is legal" not "the cops can't do anything against underage drinking on private property" and I'll shut the hell up. But...
It's only illegal in the first place because some wanker back in the 1950s named Joe McCarthy and all of his conservative buddies made a fuss about stuff like that. Back then, they could break down anybody's door if they even suspected you of any crime, you pinko commie bastard.
I don't know if they can, but a guy I know got court summons for having a that involved underage drinking (PA).
Unless it has been changed since I last checked, anyone (even a zero-year-old) can drink in the presence/supervision of *any* adult over 20 in Sweden - it doesn't even have to be a parent supervising it. There was a trial a few years back in which a man (40 years old or so) had invited a bunch of 16-year olds to his apartment and offered them free booze. When they were pissed drunk, he molested them. The man walked, since it was perfectly legal to give them alcohol as he was present while the girls consumed it, and the girls were so drunk their testimony wasn't credible. Now that's sick.

Unless you are under adult "supervision" you are not allowed to possess or consume alcohol anywhere unless you are 18+. You have to be 20 to buy it though, which is kind of weird.
Exactly. With this image I wish to bring light to the fact that no matter how smart you are, you still suck if you're retarded.