A Smooth-Skin

I think you are watching too much, Night Rider.
WaterGirl said:King of Creation said:But since when is drinking on private property illegal?
Underage drinking? Since always.
King of Creation said:I'm pretty sure that if it's done on private property, that it's not illegal. Drinking laws, I believe, only pertain to buying alcohol and going to bars and such.
Not over here. IIRC, children as young as 5 can drink in a private residence under parental/guardian supervision.Hung-Like-Horse said:No, all things combining minors with alcohol are illegal.
Hung-Like-Horse said:Hehehehe, yeh right.
Underage drinking = illegal.
It's not like weed-laws in Holland, which are half-arsed legal and half-arsed illegal. No, all things combining minors with alcohol are illegal.
(Some town in New Jersey) Police received a new weapon to combat underage drinking in 2000. State lawmakers permitted towns to pass ordinances that give police the unprecedented power to cite underage drinkers on private property. Previously, police might spot a group of teenagers drinking beer but couldn't issue summonses if the party was on private property.
Police could break up parties, but only if they had complaints from neighbors. They could then issue summonses to the property owner for letting the bash get out of hand but couldn't cite minors for underage drinking.
State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol and from drinking on public property. Private parties are a loophole in that law.
Until Connecticut adopts a law giving a single standard for all towns, these local ordinances will do.
WaterGirl said:I have a better idea, Paladin... how about you just don't drink?
King of Creation said:That is an article that pertains specifically to my state. According to the law, it is not illegal (yet) to drink on private property at a private party. While there are oridinances that are coming into effect throughout the state, no such ordinance has as of yet been put into effect in my town.
State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol and from drinking on public property. Private parties are a loophole in that law. The local ordinances address that problem, allowing an officer to enter private property for reasonable cause and issue citations to minors and adults where underage drinking is occurring.
Wooz69 said:Luke, what's that monstrosity in your sig?