i really loathe the FO3/Oblivion engine, i really do :(

donperkan said:
Desperate, are we?

They are modded ATI dll files, you know, the one's that you get with driver updates. But that is only a fix for some issues which are related to the card. I believe nexus has some of them if you are interested, you can reed more about them there.

I downloaded the modded ATI files along with the Gamecompanion program that runs a fake fullscreen app. I used the one that makes a DLL based off of your specific card. I have had much better success, but still suffer from the occasional crash, but the crashes are always when exiting an interior cell. I have tried manually typing pcb to purge the cell buffers, and that has seemed to help at times. Overall the ATI DLL fix actually improved my framerate and reduced texture flickering a lot. I have also reduced corrupted saves by only saving inside buildings since many have said saving outside can cause issues. New Vegas is actually running a little better, but the engine is still a POS. I have been tinkering with every known fix and tweak for the past couple months, so this seems to be as good as it gets. I am running with mods though, so no complaints here. Thanks for the info. I don't know how I missed that on Nexus.
Dll files can't fix crashing, that's engines fault. But keep searching and let me know if you find a cure for that. Maybe then i'll be able to finish lonsome road.

Also some say modded dll files can be potentially harming for your card.
donperkan said:
Dll files can't fix crashing, that's engines fault. But keep searching and let me know if you find a cure for that. Maybe then i'll be able to finish lonsome road.

Also some say modded dll files can be potentially harming for your card.

Well the DLL files fixed the graphical issues, but I don't think I play it enough for it to cause major issues, even if that was the case. I have a pretty decent rig, so I know it isn't my computer causing the problems. It's that shitty fucking engine they keep using. No one knows how to fix it. Some people have no issues with it, but I am one of the unlucky ones I guess. I literally have about 20 mods running, most of them being performance enhancing mods like NVEC. The 4 GB extender is supposed to make it run better, but I haven't saw any change. I used Stutter Remover and it didn't do much. The game runs fine framerate wise, looks really great with very little pop up, but randomly freezes when it reaches that certain point. I tried manually typing pcb in the cmd line with some success, but it becomes a hassle after awhile. It crashed right after typing pcb one of the times, so I know that can cause issues as well.

I have used every single method available online to get New Vegas running stable with a minimum amount of mods, but to no avail it fucks me every time. The GameCompanion mod/program at least made it easy to start the game back up after it crashes, so the CTD aren't as irritating, but I have finally gotten fed up with the BS. I have played the game to death without mods, so that isn't a option anymore, but I may give up messing with it soon. Fallout 3 was a bigger pain in the ass than New Vegas though. At least New Vegas is semi-stable for a hour or so at a time. I can push about 3 hours without a crash sometimes. Fallout 3 CTD all the damn time. Oblivion did too for that matter. The mods are great, but they definitely don't make it easy for you.

Why are people still having the same problems with Bethesda games? They should have fixed this shit by now. Why do people kiss their ass when they make buggy garbage? I should be able to enjoy the damn game without tinkering for weeks to get it to run decent. Even on XBOX the damn games constantly freeze or glitch out. The Quest bugs make me want to commit ritualistic suicide. You should not have to memorize console commands to play the goddamn game! I am so tired of some gamers sucking Bethesda's cocks. I have had more grief trying to work around bugs when I should be enjoying playing the game. Since Morrowind I have dealt with this monotonous bullshit. I did it with Oblivion even more so. Fallout 3 really fucking pushed the boundaries of my patience limit. New Vegas is more of the same really. It's a great game, but the engine is atrocious. Thank God I haven't bothered with Skyrim's "streamlined" goodness. I am tired of entire areas of the map disappearing. I am tired of Giants knocking Mammoths into outer space. I am tired of people falling through the earth. For games that are supposed to be "immersive" there are an awful lot of immersion breaking bugs.

Please God tell me they will use a different engine for Fallout 4. Maybe they should consider doing an extra year of development time too.

Edit: Deleted New Vegas off computer. Guess I will stick to the lame ass 360 for now.