I Think We Need To Realize Something


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I think we should all just realize that Bethesda will NEVER make the type of Fallout game classic Fallout fans want. That was Interplay's/ Black Isles' Fallout, THIS is Bethesda's Fallout. So, maybe we should try to look at Fallout 4 not as a "Classic Fallout RPG", but rather a "Modern Fallout Open World Sandbox Game With RPG Elements". Because that's what it is. And I am gonna enjoy it for what it IS, not for what it SHOULD be.

Classic Fallout fans, I am sorry, but no matter how much you complain about it Bethesda will NOT make the game you want. So, just enjoy the Fallout games you have. Fallout New Vegas even now has a GREAT modding community, with big story mods like "Dust" out. Even 5 years after its launch it still is going strong on PC, and even the Xbox 360 version is pretty fun.

This is coming from someone who prefers Fallout New Vegas OVER Fallout 3.
you know i mean it might just be me being the idealist with their head in the clouds and an ivory tower filled with books but you know i mean i almost think that maybe just possibly i cant be sure i mean we all know about the problem of perception for all i know none of you exist and my hyper-powerful brain is constructing you all or maybe I should jsut embrace the absurd maybe camus was right dear god i hope he was not nihilism anything but the gaping maw how might i avoid the eventual conclusion of suicide then dear please no but then again maybe kant was right his moral imperative was an interesting idea but of course that might imprison us further and simply support the despair and internal angst felt one may come to realise that schopenaheur was correct what if we should just have never been born and all this perceptual crisis is just a smokescreen of misery butin the mean time idk im pretty sure that

everyone fucking knows that bruh
you know i mean it might just be me being the idealist with their head in the clouds and an ivory tower filled with books but you know i mean i almost think that maybe just possibly i cant be sure i mean we all know about the problem of perception for all i know none of you exist and my hyper-powerful brain is constructing you all or maybe I should jsut embrace the absurd maybe camus was right dear god i hope he was not nihilism anything but the gaping maw how might i avoid the eventual conclusion of suicide then dear please no but then again maybe kant was right his moral imperative was an interesting idea but of course that might imprison us further and simply support the despair and internal angst felt one may come to realise that schopenaheur was correct what if we should just have never been born and all this perceptual crisis is just a smokescreen of misery butin the mean time idk im pretty sure that

everyone fucking knows that bruh
Doesn't seem like it.
I mean, that I understand Bethesda doesn't make the sorts of games that I really like does not preclude me from having an opinion on the games that Bethesda makes. If nothing else, complaining is cathartic, and doing it in a place where most everybody else is similarly inclined is pretty much the least irritating way to complain.
I mean, that I understand Bethesda doesn't make the sorts of games that I really like does not preclude me from having an opinion on the games that Bethesda makes. If nothing else, complaining is cathartic, and doing it in a place where most everybody else is similarly inclined is pretty much the least irritating way to complain.
That makes sense. I guess from my point of view the time spent complaining could be used doing something else, like playing games you enjoy. Its kind of like a metal fan complaining about pop music.
You know, what with Wasteland 2 being a success, it's not totally unreasonable that Bethesda would license Fallout to somebody intent on making an old school style Fallout game. It's not like "this game is like Fallout 1&2" is going to hurt the IP any.
You know, what with Wasteland 2 being a success, it's not totally unreasonable that Bethesda would license Fallout to somebody intent on making an old school style Fallout game. It's not like "this game is like Fallout 1&2" is going to hurt the IP any.

Hopefully, but I doubt it.
i tried to be like you but realized i like interplay's fallout, and i hate bethesda's.

what i realized is that interplay's fallout is indeed gone, and thus i'm probably done with fallout.

and it's not even that bethesda's fallout is not interplay fallout. it's that bethesda's Game, which shouldn't be called Fallout, is terrible as a stand-alone thing. if it were good, i would be cool with it. i would play it. but there's no getting around the fact that it's a bad game.
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A new game like the classics would be nice, but I'd be content with another New Vegas. Just give me that, Bethesda.