"I would take Mysterious Stranger Perk if..."


Creator of Fallout Fixt
A fill-in-the-blank thread!

Personally, I don't usually pick it because even though I love the idea of extra help in combat, having them disappear forever if they die is just not "fair" considering how important Perks are. (in my opinion)

What about you? If you've never chosen or usually don't choose this Perk, what would make you change your mind?
Languorous_Maiar said:
He can't re-appear after dying in some random RE?

Now I know, why I never picked that one.
Yep. In Fallout 1 at least, it checks global variable 601 (which is set to 1 if he/she dies) and is in the description too:

Fallout Perks said:
With this Perk, you have gained the attention of a Mysterious Stranger, who will appear to help you from time to time. If your ally is lost in combat, do not expect him or her to be replaced.
If he can "respawn" and has better weapons & armors (metal or combat), I would consider to choose the perk.
But I think you should make him disappear forever if he's killed by player, or just remove his weapons & armors when he got killed (keeping ammo on his body should be fine IMO).
BigBoss said:
I would pick the Mysterious Stranger perk if... it was a guaranteed kill each time.
Hmmm interesting. Not sure if there's any way to implement.

NovaRain said:
If he can "respawn" and has better weapons & armors (metal or combat), I would consider to choose the perk.
But I think you should make him disappear forever if he's killed by player, or just remove his weapons & armors when he got killed (keeping ammo on his body should be fine IMO).
These are good ideas, I've incorporated some to my mod. Thanks :D

It seems in Fallout 2 his armor/weapons is based purely on the player's level, do you think that makes sense for Fallout 1?

Sduibek said:
BigBoss said:
I would pick the Mysterious Stranger perk if... it was a guaranteed kill each time.
Hmmm interesting. Not sure if there's any way to implement.
I'm pretty sure that's as simple as what they did in FO3/FONV; give the Mysterious Stranger a unique weapon that CANNOT be looted that does absurdly insane damage, which just about guarantees a kill every time. But this would render combat completely moot, unless he would depart after a single turn, and if he critically missed and ended up hitting YOU then.... well yeah, you'd die instantly.
I've been messing with some stuff and with a bit of tweaking, the Mysterious Stranger is actually pretty great.

One thing that's fun is to change their AI to use called shots every time. They have high weapon skills so this means they get lots of criticals, which is good since they only fire once per combat round.

The main downside still being that they only show up in random encounters, but having that Perk when encountering, say, super mutants makes the combat less terrifying for a low-level or mid-level character.

Also I changed it so they run off after combat just like in Fallout 2. It fits the mystery theme much better in my opinion. Show up, kill some stuff, run away to kill another day 8-)
Sduibek said:
The main downside still being that they only show up in random encounters, but having that Perk when encountering, say, super mutants makes the combat less terrifying for a low-level or mid-level character.
Is this in a version of the game that has fixed the "Hold A before combat begins" exploit that all of the speedruns use to avoid high level Random Encounters at Level 1? Because if so, then I could appreciate the balancing of odds that Mysterious Stranger could provide. With the exploit, of course, most Random Encounters become quite pointless. =/
SnapSlav said:
Sduibek said:
The main downside still being that they only show up in random encounters, but having that Perk when encountering, say, super mutants makes the combat less terrifying for a low-level or mid-level character.
Is this in a version of the game that has fixed the "Hold A before combat begins" exploit that all of the speedruns use to avoid high level Random Encounters at Level 1? Because if so, then I could appreciate the balancing of odds that Mysterious Stranger could provide. With the exploit, of course, most Random Encounters become quite pointless. =/
Agreed. I mentioned it to Timeslip but she hasn't worked on Fallout 1 for a long time. And strangely didn't seem interested in fixing it, which is baffling to me because this is the biggest exploit of all in both games.

So the Press A exploit won't be fixed until moving to Fallout 2 engine, unfortunately :( I'm not aware of any way to fix it behind code edits of Fallout.exe, which is way beyond my abilities.

The exploit is VERY useful for playtesting, debugging, etc., but yeah for normal play it's horrible.
Sduibek said:
It seems in Fallout 2 his armor/weapons is based purely on the player's level, do you think that makes sense for Fallout 1?
Yeah, I think he should be more helpful (or at least not get killed too quickly) in combat encounters. But I'm not sure if it's better to make his equipment based on player's level (FO2) or by encounter types (FO1).
Sduibek said:
Agreed. I mentioned it to Timeslip but she hasn't worked on Fallout 1 for a long time. And strangely didn't seem interested in fixing it, which is baffling to me because this is the biggest exploit of all in both games.
Did I misunderstand what you were saying, perhaps? Because I thought the exploit HAD been fixed with SFall's engine tweaks, in FO2. Or were you just saying Timeslip had no interest in modding SFall to FO1 to fix its issues?
Problem with giving him a strong weapon is, she/he ALWAYS appear in encounters for me. ALWAYS. And I think that others get this too.
Hey are you going to do a Fallout Restoration thing for FO 1 like Killap did with FO2? I know you have Fallout Fixt, but what I mean is putting all the stuff the devs originally were supposed to put in but left out because they didn't have the time. Are you going to do something like that? I've been looking everywhere but people only have one or two things, not "everything" that the devs left out.

It is very hard to find people who appreciate Fallout 1, and even harder to find people who view Fallout 1 as superior to Fallout 2 (though Fallout 2 is still one of my all-time favs, I just view Fallout 1 as a better Fallout game).

And it is increasingly hard to find people with modding skills and an appreciation for Fallout 1.

Also, another thing I wouldn't mind is a radio feature with late 40's or 50's music (like New Vegas kinda, but with music that is more related to the first Fallout, if you get what I'm trying to say. Like Louie Armstrong and Ink Spots).
SnapSlav said:
I thought the exploit HAD been fixed with SFall's engine tweaks, in FO2. Or were you just saying Timeslip had no interest in modding SFall to FO1 to fix its issues?
Yes and yes.

@NovaRain: It's hard to say, I mean they already have 100hp which is quite a lot. I was thinking maybe armor could just match whatever player is wearing? Seems cheap though, that means if player is wearing power then Stranger would be pretty much invincible, effectively anyway.

@Makta: Don't think I can give traits to non-player critters in Fallout 1. Interesting idea though.

@Mohamed2001: Which version of the game are you using, and are you playing with any mods?

BigBoss said:
Hey are you going to do a Fallout Restoration thing for FO 1 like Killap did with FO2?
Yes. It will take a long time to have "everything", but I agree and I think it would be cool to have the option to restore all sorts of stuff to the game.

Not sure if the music thing is doable but that's an interesting idea.
Latest, GOG. Mod is Fallout FIXT for Fallout 1. For Fallout 2 - The Restoration Project.

But I usually choose a high luck, does that have an effect?
Mohamed2001 said:
Latest, GOG. Mod is Fallout FIXT for Fallout 1. For Fallout 2 - The Restoration Project.

But I usually choose a high luck, does that have an effect?
Luck doesn't matter.

Thank you, that's why I asked. In vanilla there was a "if random(0, 1)" check before placing the Stranger meaning they'd only show in 50% of the encounters. Apparently at some point I removed that check, so you're seeing the 100% spawn rate due to my mod. I don't even remember changing it so I must've done it a long time ago.