If this is your car/truck in Fallout universe


It Wandered In From the Wastes


Without these huts above with little editing and to be a big truck on the map as two original cars maybe,this will be awesome. That could be included in some mod maybe Megamod or .............................,if only somebody can make it.I only can give the idea.
If they ever make a Fallout game where the world is big enough for PC controlled vehicles, that is the one I want :)
This would look nice in a little 'barter town' type location... Very nice though would love to see one ingame one day.
Looks ok-ish to me, but I always wondered why people would build new houses ("houses") out of junk when they could just rebuild burnt houses one can find all along the country. I don't really like vehicles in Fallout. :<
You never know where you might end up in your travels.

As Radman proposed, a small location, a barter town of sorts, would be nice. Hell, they could even make a random encounter like this (ala Fallout 1&2).


I think about this truck to be more rusty ,more dirty in Fallout style. Might be some kind of fortress and in same time to be a vehicle,think about two modes : drive mode & defend mode,in drive mode will be your Big Corvega with really huge trunk and defend mode will be helpful for some bad bad encouters with one big machine gun or something.
Life of traveler.
I'd rather have a motorcycle or something. The amount of gas needed to haul that big piece of junk would just be a huge waste of precious resources
In the Fallout world, everything is nuclear powered. There are plenty of microfusion cells around.
Those aren't unlimited you know. It'd take more power from the batteries to haul a 30000 pound mobile home than a 400 pound cycle, meaning you'd have to charge/replace the batteries more often

These things are incredibly handy in almost any situation. The truck (PLS) can lower the Mobile Tool Shed (known as a FRS) onto the ground in under a couple minutes, and can be reattached and raised in about the same time. The PLS can also carry crates full of supplies, and can be adapted to fit a variety of roles. The tires feature a run flat system , so it is much more reliable than a track vehicle. It even features a ether cold-start-system that can be used if the vehicle won't start by itself. Also, the armored PLS variant is a juggernaut. One of my friends got hit by a IED in one of those things, and it didn't even make a dent.

The FRS has about every tool you can imagine and has a boom capable of lifting a tank engine with ease. It also features a air tank, Oxygen/Accetalyne Torch, and drop lights along with a auxiliary power unit capable of running pretty much anything you can hook up to it like Laptops, Microwaves, Coffee Makers, etc....

When I saw the first pic I had to post this because it looks pretty similar. The PLS runs off a Detroit Diesel engine, but I am sure a Fallout variant would have some kind of power cell technology. I used to use the PLS all the time in the Army, and I can attest to it's reliability and usefulness. Many of it's uses were unintentional, but very handy nevertheless. We would put 5 gallon jugs of water on the APU when it was running, so we could have hot showers.

Of course it can be outfitted with a turret in the middle, so you can have a gunner equipped with whatever crew served weapon you desire. Anyway, I thought you guys might be interested by this.
What's with the spare tires? Doesn't make much sense to chain it vertically like that and it looks bigger than all the other tires so I have no clue where it would go
Farmerk said:
What's with the spare tires? Doesn't make much sense to chain it vertically like that and it looks bigger than all the other tires so I have no clue where it would go

It is a spare tire. There is no other place to put it. Typically you wouldn't use that spare unless you were in a combat environment with no other replacement. I think it probably looks weird because it doesn't have the rim on it.
Ah. But why not lie it down instead of standing it up? It seems it would be more stable that way and would save on the money and weight of that arm thing holding it in place
(Edit: Ignore me, I took a little too long to post the bit about the tire.)

As to the original truck, I think it looks like something that can and should be in a Fallout game, but as a location, not as anything mobile. I can easily see it as part of the Junktown walls, for instance.
Farmerk said:
Ah. But why not lie it down instead of standing it up? It seems it would be more stable that way and would save on the money and weight of that arm thing holding it in place

It is perfectly stable the way it is. It is clamped down and won't come off even if you are leaning sideways. There is no area to lay it down sideways either. Behind that tire is where the engine area is located, so it is a pretty tight fit. I never saw anyone use that tire as a replacement either, since we always had enough funds to just order a new tire, or get one from supply.