If you could see a headcanon justifying any Bethesda retcon, what would it be?

I would love a Cthulu/Elder God DLC, as long as Bethesda realizes Cthulu's horror doesn't come from being a tentacle monster but from being beyond human comprehension in magnitude and power.
Don't worry. They will use lots of skeletons to explain that.
Fallout 5 will just be a performance art piece with story and gameplay revolving entirely around skeletons, mannequins and teddy bears.

Minimalist gameplay apart from shooting shit, and no talking or choices. You also walk in a narrow corridor, with nowhere to go but forwards.
I was thinking more along the lines of Bethesda sending you a wooden crate full of bones, mannequins and teddy bears, and that's the game.
I was thinking more along the lines of Bethesda sending you a wooden crate full of bones, mannequins and teddy bears, and that's the game.

In an intriguing marketing move, Bethesda's new E3 press conference did not have a host, but rather attendees were ushered into a hall with a fake, charred skeleton dressed in rags on the stage, sitting on a lawn chair with a bottle of whisky in one hand and a cigar in the other. After several minutes, a video was played showing footage of a different skeleton in a different lawn chair with a bottle of vodka and a cigarette overlooking the building where the press conference was taking place.

Bethesda has been universally praised for this bold new development in the field of presentations.
When asked today about their marketing strategy in the 2016 fiscal year, Bethesda responded by posting an image of a skeleton positioned in a suggestive pose with a mannequin. The mannequin was wearing a fedora with a "press" card in its band. Several teddy bears posed nearby seemed to be applauding.
All jokes aside, I'd welcome a retcon that set Bethesda's games around the time of F1, or maybe even a bit earlier. There'd obviously be a few continuity issues about the BoS and the like, but the level of chaos and disorder that seems to be a fixture on the east coast would make so much more sense if it had only been decades since the bombs fell, not centuries.
Indeed. For all we know its from a jet overdose or some other shit.

Reasons. Better than Bethesda's reasons. Because dreams man. Dreams.