If you had to choose ONE thing Fallout 4 did wrong, what would it be?

Irwin John Finster

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
In this thread, I hope to find out if there is a consensus regarding the biggest problem or problems with Fallout 4. To do this, please post your answers to the following question and discuss:

In your opinion, what is the biggest problem with Fallout 4 - a problem so obvious or significant that it would be the very first thing you would address in making improvements to the game if you were approached by Bethesda?
The dialogue wheel
The voiced protagonist
The gutting of RPG elemets
Your character having a established backstory
Settlement building
The writing
Factions or lack there of
Voice acting
Characters being bland as all can be
Legendary Weapons and this list could go on all day. :mad:
It only had one writer and it really showed.

In RPG games, you're usually playing it because of the story. The gameplay isn't always the best, but the narrative is what gets you hooked.

In this game, you're playing it in spite of it. The took the guy's first draft and just went with it.

It had good ideas, but just felt flat. In my opinion.
The dialogue wheel
The voiced protagonist
The gutting of RPG elemets
Your character having a established backstory
Settlement building
The writing
Factions or lack there of
Voice acting
Characters being bland as all can be
Legendary Weapons and this list could go on all day. :mad:
The point was to pick one thing to see what the biggest problem is. FYI, I think it's the lack of depth.
That the game is not interested in opportunities to flesh out the player's character, it is simply interested in what the player him or herself finds most interesting at any given moment.
The whole game needs a overhaul, because your abilities don't affect conversations anymore except for Black widow/Lady Killer and the charisma stat.

Not even your background affects conversation. Except for a few RARE instances

In one conversation in the game, a latin phrase is brought up. The woman was said to have been a lawyer; a profession that requires knowing latin, can't interject.

Just asking fro a throwaway line here. Like Bioware tends to do. In bioware games, the background doesn't really change the dialogue, but it does add a few flavor line here and there.

Which is why EVERY problem i have with the game, comes down to the fact that they only had ONE writer.

And not a particularly good writer either, as he was also in charge of writing for Skyrim. Another game i spent over 100 hours playing, not because of the story, but in spite of it.
The removal of RPG elements (story, decisions, character building and so on. You all know what I mean) with the addition of very little in return.
Definitely the dialogue wheel. I love reading and when I first saw it, I felt insulted. Like Bethesda thinks its fans doesn't have the attention span to read a fucking sentence.

Which, sadly, is probably true for young, modern day gamers...
In this thread, I hope to find out if there is a consensus regarding the biggest problem or problems with Fallout 4. To do this, please post your answers to the following question and discuss:

In your opinion, what is the biggest problem with Fallout 4 - a problem so obvious or significant that it would be the very first thing you would address in making improvements to the game if you were approached by Bethesda?

The loss of role-playing. An RPG needs that, Action prefix or not.
The lack of meaningful decisions. This is the biggest issue for me. Hell, I'd be ok with the voiced protagonist and the shorter dialogue, as long as I felt that I made actual decisions that mattered and would let me play different types of characters with different agendas. Everything else aside, that is what to me makes a good rpg with replayability.
The copy paste dialogue, the dialogue wheel, and the lack of consequences to the answer you choose. The dialogue looks to be written by a little kid still shitting in their pants.

The game running like complete shit(it looks like it too).
Giving it the name of Fallout and adding a number onto it.

I can safely assume that nobody here would complain about it if the game was called "A path to the Institute: A post-apocalyptic adventure with settlement building".
@GlutinousRice I think Todd's a bigger problem to Fallout than Emil, to be honest. Granted maybe by not much but.. Emil at least showed he was half capable of doing dialogues right in Fallout 3.
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Thus far it looks like most people believe the dialogue wheel, the dialogue itself, and the overall lack of single-player RPG elements are the major issues.

I think addressing the horrible dialogue wheel and dialogue would probably bring back some of the RPG to the game and fix that problem at least partially.