IGN launched Planet Fallout

@ Briosa: you'll need around the clock staff checking the wiki if you don't want a shitload of copy pasta from Ausir's Vault... and not to mention a bunch of copyrighted stuff.
it probably would be easier to work with a system that only updates after admin approval.

Yep, the first month will be crazy. We will get more people to help out in time, we're just settling down.
SuAside said:
a cap does keep the sun out of your eyes, as well as keep empty brass from hitting you square in the face. so in its very own way it increases perception (or at least counters negative perception effects). :)

It should not add Perception though, as all the magical clothes thing is a bad implementation imo. The cap should prevent perception loss in some ocasions (that would be hard to implement though), but never add a bonus to it.

I never used the drugs in the original Fallout because i knew they would be bad in the long run, speacilly Jet, but in Fallout 3 they will even warn you that you are about to become an addict and every doctor will be able to cure you of that.
Wikis are never 100% reliable. If they list item stats, you do have to wonder where they'd be getting them from.

They're all from the videos. I'm adding them to the Vault too. Just finished with the weapons:


The weapon stats will vary depending on the condition, and the items in the video weren't always in perfect condition, so the stats might not always be 100% accurate (aside from things like clip size, ammo type and weight).
Oh, I got one for the bandana! It prevents sweat from getting into your eyes or something. Really immersive stuff.

SuAside said:
a cap does keep the sun out of your eyes, as well as keep empty brass from hitting you square in the face. so in its very own way it increases perception (or at least counters negative perception effects). :)

I bet it also works at night, so the dumbness all evens out. :P
The best thing about magic clothes is that if you play a munchkin, well, you'll look like a munchkin.

I mean, Fallout only had one body apparel, now they are adding more (which is good in my book), it makes sense that they, just like body apparel, would add bonuses. As long as they're not that big and make sense, as opposed to becoming a D&D monty haul.
The munchkin effect?

Seymour the spore plant said:
Oh, I got one for the bandana! It prevents sweat from getting into your eyes or something. Really immersive stuff.

Are you sure? I think it gives + 50% Big Guns Skill, +2 ST and the hability to shot akimbo machine guns.
I'm sure one will be able to work on a normal item to give it special abilities if only character's repair and/or science is high enough. That's how it worked in previous games from the series (only skill's name was different - conjuration in the last one and enchant before). So the magical effect will not be always specified for all kind of items ;).
Briosa: Do you have a warning posted anywhere that tells people not to copy/paste from the Vault? If you included it in something like the rules it could help.
Well a bandana prevents a perception loss by me everytime I wear one to keep sweat out of my eyes....but I guess that's not the same as Perception +1, unless you start with sweat in your eyes...
UncannyGarlic said:
Briosa: Do you have a warning posted anywhere that tells people not to copy/paste from the Vault? If you included it in something like the rules it could help.

There are something like that in the general rules, but it should be highlighted somehow, you are right. There is some copy pasting allowed though, if the source is something like the manuals and we're talking stats or something, or taken from descriptions gave in interviews. Now going to another place and plagiarize it's a big no no, the team knows that, and now we need to find ways, as you say, for everyone else to know that too.
Clothing could, theoretically, improve a person's skills, characteristics, etc..

A comfortable set of clothing might help you move better, giving you an increased agility. Perhaps Doctor Bob feels more comfortable wearing his own scrubs when he's operating? This could theoretically give him a slight medical bonus, as opposed to wearing a raider's outfit that might leave him feeling a bit more.. exposed?

It really depends on the character. The more you wear something in the game, the more comfortable your character should be with it and, thus, the better the bonuses and the worse off you'll be once you don a different ouftit.

If you go work at a gas station everyday in your overalls (or whatever) then you're going to feel better doing your job than if, say, you go to work in a thong... or a ballerina outfit.

Depending on the person though, it might not affect them at all. A player with a higher Charisma and Speech Skill should feel just as comfortable in one set of clothing as they do in another. I guess.. well it really depends COMPLETELY on the character's personality.

Person A might fight better in full armor, while Person B might fight better than Person A while wearing nothing at all! And yet Person C might fight better than either one of them as long as they're wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans.
Briosafreak said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Briosa: Do you have a warning posted anywhere that tells people not to copy/paste from the Vault? If you included it in something like the rules it could help.

There are something like that in the general rules, but it should be highlighted somehow, you are right. There is some copy pasting allowed though, if the source is something like the manuals and we're talking stats or something, or taken from descriptions gave in interviews. Now going to another place and plagiarize it's a big no no, the team knows that, and now we need to find ways, as you say, for everyone else to know that too.
Cool. Keep up the good work. :ok:

SuAside said:
off topic: Munchkin rocks.

PaladinHeart said:
Clothing could, theoretically, improve a person's skills, characteristics, etc.. >snip<
No, it can only minimize damage to skills.
Okay then, any outfit aside from the vault suit should give negatives until your character has worn them for a week or so, and, depending on the outfit, maybe the doctor's scrubs could give you a small 5% bonus after another week of wear.

Hmm.. I think my idea was probably influenced by Rogue Galaxy. I hadn't realized that till just now. :P

I like my idea better though.. I always liked the looks of the metal armor much better than power armor and resented having to wear it. :P If I like the looks of an outfit then I think it should be possible to improve the effectiveness of it to where it is as good as power armor or even better.

I liked the way each character in PS: Torment had their own style of armor, but I think more depth could have gone into that. It would have been far more interesting if each character's outfit (and weapons) could have been upgraded several times, rather than simply tossing out the old one for a better one.

Brother None said:
Hey, if it means less Fallout 3 fans going to NMA and DaC and going to Planet Fallout instead, I'm a-ok with that.

So in your opinion what would a Fallout 3 fan be?

A. Someone who is like, "Fallout 3 is going to be THE BEST! game ever! It's great! Woooo!"


B. Someone who plans on buying Fallout 3 but hasn't yet decided whether they are going to like it or not.


C. B, except the decide they like Fallout 3 after purchasing it.