Impire: a spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (sorta)


Vault Fossil
This was just released a few days ago. I've only played the first mission, because I don't have time right now, but it already looks like a very charming game. The voice acting and music are surprisingly good too. There are some bugs such as the options menu freezing and vsync not working for some reason, but you can still change stuff in the game's config file. The developers intend to keep supporting the game and they're working on multiplayer. If you like Dungeon Keeper, you may want to check this out.
I must say i loved the first dungeon keeper. Not sure if this game is for me tho after what i've seen. It's not looking bad but it didn't catch my eye.
Feels more like Evil Genius to me with a DK esque look.

However it's pretty good, well so far anyway, computer's overheating so can't get very far without it shutting down. :V
The CPU is old and it's fan gets clogged easily with dust due to my room being the dustiest in the house.
Just means I have to de_dust it every now and again with cotton buds and water, the dust is too sticky for compressed air cans.
I doubt the achievement that is the first dungeon keeper will ever be topped.

"Buffy Oak. A small location where people simply sit around and enjoy each other’s company. They talk, laugh and sing, without ever arguing, drawing daggers and dying in a gurgling rush of blood! *hurck!* A truly bizarre place..."
Alphadrop said:
The CPU is old and it's fan gets clogged easily with dust due to my room being the dustiest in the house.
Just means I have to de_dust it every now and again with cotton buds and water, the dust is too sticky for compressed air cans.

I use a combination of DXtory (to limit the FPS to 35) and MSI Afterburner (configure fan profiles on Nvidia cards) to keep temps low on games that cause my gfx card to hit temps that make the fan loud. Capping the FPS can make a substantial difference in temps. Just a heads up.
Word on the street on this one seems bad. I remember seeing an old beta video where it looked ok, but apparently the release is buggy and even causes GPU problems. I'm avoiding it until word is it's fixed, let alone fun.
Yeah, after reading all those comments on steam, I also decided to wait. They really have tons of bugs to fix. :(

Oh man, it looks so awful.

- Rooms are pre-sized
- Dungeon layout is irrelevant
- Heroes raid through ladders making traps irrelevant and defensible layout impossible
- Resources come through non-interactive raids
- AI is non-existent
- Game's unfinished

It looks really, really bad. No thanks.
Brother None said:
It looks really, really bad. No thanks.
TotalBiscuit said:
This game is very tedious set of micromanagement, but without any of the actual management.:lol:
After disappointing Dungeons:The Dark Lord I was hoping for this one...

So, let's see what's next.
Maybe this one?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Fingers crossed...
It's published by Paradox, apparently.

Take this advice from someone with a lot of experience with Paradox: don't buy Paradox games until there's a 'collector's edition' (with the inevitable 15 expansions/DLCS's) three years or so after release. Pre-ordering or buying a Paradox game on release is an excercise in frustration.
Despite its apparent simplicity and a number of flaws, Dungeon Keeper actually had some creature AI, and certainly had a lot of thought put into the game's overall design.

Games like Impire only serve to highlight its superiority.
Hey! Dungeon Keeper was an pretty awesome game for its time. Bullfrog made a lot of good games back then. Maybe not always perfect but they had some neat ideas. Sadly they had to close.
I played DK2 not too long ago; if you roll it back to the second-to-last patch, the AI and stuff is better than you see in a lot of current RTS games.

I don't see how the makers of Impire could do (a lot) worse in that regard than a now 14-year old game. Pretty embarassing.
Not so much embarassing as inevitable. The gameplay programming hasn't evolved for a very long time - only the outer graphics layers.