Silencer said:
No dimwit, it wouldn't be logical.
That, my dear friend, would actually be the most logical thing in the world.
Glasses don't transmit anything to your brain, dude (in fact I suspect nothing does).
Okay, "transmit" is an unlucky term. We're not talking about radiowaves here. Glasses do bundle lightwaves and patterns to your retina and then your eyes translate those to your brain so that you can interpret reality. Same thing your eyes do. Lenses. All your senses kind of 'transmit' information to your brain.
Oh wait, your brain is an empty tray, right? Nothing gets in there, does it? No transmission for the Silencer, eh? You living in a dream, eh?
What, you put the optical sensor over your left eve, then you put another optical sensor over your right eye, and what, you're fuck***g blindfolded for the rest of the game?
Who says these optical sensors aren't transparant, eh?
The enhancer's disappear from you inventory so that you cannot use them again. The same for books. Of course, you could have a myriad of objects like "Used Up Medical Enhancer", "Used Up Lingual Enhancer", "Already Read Big Book of Science" or 'Beer Bottle", but what would be the point?
You can't compare the enhancers with books and food and drinks. That would be dead cheap: you buy one book and you can read it like a zillion times and still get new information. Or you buy one beer and you can get drunk a million times for a measily dollar or something. It wouldn't make sense.
I really can't see what's so problematic about this point: you put the headgear of the enhancer on your head, connect it to the Pip Boy with the cord and it stays there. I still say it's like an implant and not like a book or a bottle of booze. It makes perfect sense to me. It's like that thing on that black guy from Star Trek Next Generation, or some of the Borgs have shit like that on their faces too. It's to improve their vision, their wisdom, their analytic possibilities...
Pffffffffffffff. It's hopeless, isn't it.
I'm very close to the point where I say: 'Oh, sure dude, you know what? You're right. You're always right. What you say makes perfect sense.'
While it doesn't, of course.

I mean, we're talking about very advanced and highly technological stuff here. It just wouldn't make sense if a thing like that could only be used once and would then be like... used up. In fact, it wouldn't even make sense that a thing like that would still be found unused in a post-nuclear world. I'm sure Renesco would've used it himself then. You guys compare expensive electronics and optics with a pill or a beer or a magazine. That just blows my mind.