Impressions thread for negative impressions

Crni Vuk said:
cratchety ol joe said:

To sum up, no... the stats in FO3 mean feck all, my next 'test' i'll use console commands to set all stats to 1 and see how things go with what should be an impossible character.

I am really interested to see that !!! :shock:
All he needs to do is not use VATS and he would loose even without everything on 1.

Idiotfool said:
I'm not sure how much further I'll be interested in playing.

Edit: Ol' Joe: you should bump your level up to 20, as well. I'm curious to know if higher levels are more exacting.

Also: are you going to play on very hard or hard?
Can you continue without loading that much if you change the difficulty setting?
Kashrlyyk said:
All he needs to do is not use VATS and he would loose even without everything on 1.

if it is there I see no reason NOT to use it... fact is the cumulative parts of this game allow for 'broken' gameplay

there is no way a character of 9% unarmed (VATS or no VATS) should be able to punch out 3 armed raiders .. 2 with pistols..

I could demonstrate HOW I'd prefer such a thing to play out simply by playing FO2 and trying the same thing. there is no way such a character in FO1/2 would defeat 1 armed raider... let alone 3.

and thus the 'sense' of the game breaks. I think I recall some guy posting about a raider armed with a Chinese sword cutting him up while he stood stock still firing a minigun into her gut... she was wearing a nighty...

These posts (mine included) help point out how shat the combat system is in this game the mechanics suck, the HP system sucks the armour system sucks, the 'to hit' values are all over the place and mean nothing and i am completely against the 'scalable' enemies based on XP, as in FO2 I want to start of where even a lone dog scares me silly and I run away screaming but end up feeling like the king of the wastes (even then the sight of 2 muties with rockets is enough to put the willies into a high level FO2 char... instagib death :( )

*Edit; fixed broken quote
cratchety ol joe said:
...if it is there I see no reason NOT to use it... fact is the cumulative parts of this game allow for 'broken' gameplay...
Absolutely. That you die, if you don´t use VATS doesn´t change anything, since it is an official part of the game and it is meant to be used. My point was more that with everything on one, you wouldn´t show anything new. It is enough that you could do that with that character.

I agree on how it should be. Fallout 3 definitely killed the SPECIAL character system.

Crni Vuk said:
Kashrlyyk said:
All he needs to do is not use VATS and he would loose even without everything on 1.
Would you say that VATS is some kind of official "cheat mode" ?
What else is getting only 10% of the damage but cheating?
Fallout 3: Cash grab or lazy design?

Hi guys, this is my first time posting though I'm a long-time F1 & F2 lover and reader of these boards.

I've been playing F3 quite a lot recently and even enjoying it in parts - my initial disappointment at it's inferiority having subsided.

The game isn't a total loss, it can be decently atmospheric in parts. Maybe that's why it seems even more like a missed opportunity than if it was a total disaster.
But there's no doubt in my mind it feels rushed in places, even though I'm told it took 4 years to make. As I'm sure most of you have noticed, it's also extremely bland, unoriginal, and often tedious.

My question is, what's the cause of this?

I've come up with a few possibilities:

- A lazy dev team that couldn't be bothered fleshing the game out any more than they absolutely had to.

- The dev team lacked talent, and simply didn't have the skill to replicate the storylines, NPCs, dialogues etc. of past games.

- The dev team was forced to rush the game out with many unfinished elements due to pressure from management or lack of cash to pay for further development.

- Bethesda simply cashing in on the Fallout liscence and doing as little work as possible to maximise profit.

What are your thoughts?
Chaotic design. The whole game just looks like a mix of random "cool" ideas, with the story beign recycled from previous two games and changed here and there, so it wouldn't be *exactly* the same. The design process also lacked competent management, with a focused vision of a coherent world, which in turn resulted in lack of consistency in the game overall. Much like Fallout 2, where some places did seem out of place and the atmosphere of settlements was often extremely diffrent (though it managed to keep it close enough).

When I look at it, it is plain lack of experience - I could as well manage the project and it would pretty much turn out the same (though I would at least hire good writers) - some flashes of good ideas, but lack of skill and experience to finish it out. It seems like whole Beth crew is extremely absent-minded, that's why they can't focus on making a proper game.
Not wanting to deviate from the formula that made Oblivion successful.

Being a company where most of your employees are from a business background, and perhaps only 1% are interested in genuinely advancing the genre.
Re: Fallout 3: Cash grab or lazy design?

Bosk said:
My question is, what's the cause of this?

I have a pretty significant respect for the peons over at Bethesda. The vast majority are undoubtedly hard working and dedicated to making great games. The real problem was probably a management team unwilling or incapable of making difficult design decisions. Taking the easy way out in most design questions has dovetailed nicely with catering to the lowest common denominator.
Brother None once said: Guts

And I agree. Their is no vision, just an idea how to make money. Thats never enough for a good game.
Heh, the US gov't should let Bethesda deal with the crisis, they know how to make money better than any bank out there =) 25 more Elder Scrolls games or so, and the economy is saved! Tax money will become irrelevant :mrgreen:
Ravager69 said:
Chaotic design. The whole game just looks like a mix of random "cool" ideas, with the story beign recycled from previous two games and changed here and there, so it wouldn't be *exactly* the same. The design process also lacked competent management, with a focused vision of a coherent world, which in turn resulted in lack of consistency in the game overall. Much like Fallout 2, where some places did seem out of place and the atmosphere of settlements was often extremely diffrent (though it managed to keep it close enough).
I think Todd or Hines mentioned once that what they usual do is runing from the concept phase as fast as possible in the actualy "work" and programming to save money and time. Well its definetly one way to make things and software. But in my eyes certainly not a good way.

Roflcore said:
Brother None once said: Guts

And I agree. Their is no vision, just an idea how to make money. Thats never enough for a good game.
Hey one can bitch and say about Bethesda what they want. But he has to admit they have some of the best marketing you see out there. They manage to sell the rest of the world a pretty mediocre to good experience as awesome blockbuster title. And that needs a lot of skill and money.

Fallout by Bethesda ... like George Lucas directing Lord of the Rings ... maybe ...

failout said:
Ausdoerrt said:
Hmm, not to say anything bad, but I sense another endless flaming thread...
That's kind of what this thread is for.

I uninstalled FO3 today.

It was a different thread before it got merged and then you quoted it, so obviously.... :)
UncannyGarlic said:
Crni Vuk said:
Fallout by Bethesda ... like George Lucas directing Lord of the Rings ... maybe ...
:clap: :rofl: Very nice and a pretty damn good analogy.

Damn, we need to make that kind of a video, but about Fallout 3 by Bethesda!!

I want to give a voice for Todd!!

"What I first thought, when I played previous Fallouts, was "Wow...this game would be cool as FPS!". So Me, Emil and Pete, we went to ZeniMax, sucked some dick around, they said "Okay, okay! You got it!", and that's when we started making Pip Boy 3000. Which took us 6 months, because we were so excited"

Hmm, not to say anything bad, but I sense another endless flaming thread...

It's called "Discussion" not "flaming"
Crni Vuk said:
Fallout by Bethesda ... like George Lucas directing Lord of the Rings ... maybe ...

That would be funnier if Peter Jackson's LotR movies weren't apallingly bad.

I wouldn't trust Peter Jackson to direct a Billy Mays commercial.