And how will you 'objectively' define Fallout 3? You can come up with a list of points why FO3 isn't a sequel, and I can come up with a list of points why FO3 is indeed a sequel. What difference does it make? My point was, if Joe says FO3 isn't a sequel, who is he to say it's not a sequel, when countless other people believe it is a sequel? I know now you'll put forward the quantity argument, that because a lot of people have an opinion, it doesn't make it fact. But really, who are we to judge someone else's view on a game?
I replied to Drekavac because he said he can't believe it that there are people who view FO3 as a real sequel. And I'll repeat, what's there not to believe? You said "who cares what made fallout 'fallout'" - then tell me, by what criteria should a fallout game be defined as a fallout?
None really, there are no rules for this. It's down to what a person believes. Yes, it's what I think it is. Don't agree with me, be my guest, but you can't tell me that because the vaults, the environment, the setting etc made fallout 'fallout' to me I'm wrong.
EDIT: You edited your post, gimme a chance to read the edit.
EDIT2: OK. Why does it matter if I see the game as a sequel or not? It's not like I'm imposing my view on someone. But since Drekavac was so bewildered, I showed him it's nothing out of the ordinary to think FO3 as a sequel.
Ha, this sounds like I'm defending myself. I can assure you I'm not.