Independance Reign

Dr Fallout

So basically write down as detailed or simple as you want it, what you did post-game in the Independance ending. The ending is the most open ended, as it's basically you are the ruler hence being great for role playing. Whatever happens next is entirely up to you, and it would be interesting to see what some people would do if they ruled the Strip. So let's get started!
I'd assimilate Freeside and take over the entire strip, creating a federation with Novac, Goodsprings and Jacobstown, calling it the Strip Federation (SF). With it I'd expand into the NCR and take over the Mojave entrance, creating a wall.
I think I'll need to go over some background with the character before I get into the post game. With my first Independent Run, I played as Jefferson. Jefferson's background is that he's Chinese, and his family tree goes back before the War. Anyway, the Vault or wherever his ancestors ended up was mostly American born and raised people who didn't trust Jefferson's ancestors simply because of their ethnicity. (Think Japanese people in WWII America). So in order to try and show some patriotism and get people off their backs, they began naming their children after US Politicians and Presidents. Thus why Jefferson is named that. He also has a brother named Roosevelt. Anyway:

Jefferson was never fond of technology or guns. He thinks people who use them are cowards, and the most tech he'll use is a Power Fist. He believes old world tech should simply be left alone or at the very least sealed away, and thus he thinks the Brotherhood of Steel is admirable whenever he meets them. His usual work involves being a Caravan guard and a Bounty Hunter. When he ended up doing jobs for the Crimson Caravan, he met Cass, and liked her right away since he'd been addicted to Whiskey since the beginning of his run and I didn't realize a Doctor could cure addictions. He convinces her to give him the deed to Cassidy Caravans with a drinking contest, and they set off together. Along the way he does her personal quest, ending it with bloodshed by destroying Crimson Caravans and letting that one suicidal guy blow up the Van Graff store while pretending to "guard" it. Realizing since he just killed his employer he's out of a job, he hears the radio broadcast for the Happy Trails Caravan. Thus he ventures into Zion, where he discovers religion for the first time and decides he likes Joshua Graham's Old Testament fire and brimstone, really latching onto the guy. Thus he helps Graham crush the White Legs despite Daniel's compelling arguments, leaving Zion with the knowledge of spirituality and how one man can change a whole group of people for better or for worse.

Once he gets back to the Mojave, he picks up Cassidy again and decides to finally meet Mr. House about his lucrative offer. Upon heading into the Tops he decides it may be better to talk to Benny instead of just straight up killing him. Thus Benny manages to escape and Jefferson tracks him down to The Fort after discovering Yes Man and learning of Benny's plans. Long story short, he challenges Benny to machete combat in the arena and wins, then heads down into the bunker. Realizing he doesn't trust Mr. House or Yes Man, and realizing if he activates the army Caesar could very well use it himself, Jefferson blows up the bunker rather than letting it fall into evil hands.

So another long story short, after making friends with pretty much all the tribes and groups in the Mojave excluding the NCR, Powder Gangers, and the Legion, he goes with Yes Man to the Dam. He realizes however that, because of how small his army is, he'll need to make sure neither the NCR or the Legion ever want to come back here again. Thus, with the help of the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave Remnants (plus Arcade), and the Great Khans whom he convinced to fight with him instead of Caesar, he makes it to the center of Hoover Dam and disables the whole darn kaboodle, rendering it a useless glorious brick on the horizon. Thus in the end, he kills Legate Lanius and throws General Oliver off the bridge.

Though his offcial army is just a very small collection of police securitrons, he's forged many friendships and blood pacts with the multiple tribes, families, and towns throughout the wasteland. He doesn't really need the securitrons because he's allied with basically everyone. Using his Old Testament ideologies he learned from Joshua Graham, he begins establishing law and order throughout the Mojave akin to something Sheriff Meyers would probably agree with wholeheartedly. It's both strict and fair, following the "Eye for an Eye" archetecture. Even though the Dam is kaput, Helios One manages to putter along, run by the Brotherhood of Steel rather than the NCR, and supplies power to the whole region despite brown-outs. Thus the Mojave, though not much better or worse than before, is at least united under a decent leader and learn to get along, enjoying their freedom without NCR's bloated government or the Legion's warped ideas of Rome getting in the way.
i'll begin by destroying all the raider gangs (except for the Khans who I convince to leave the Mojave), then i'll use my high reputation with most of the factions in and around the strip to form a nation built around trade with the NCR (tourism and electricity to be specific).
I'll use my high rep with the NCR to keep them in the Mojave with the promise of peaceful annexation upon my death and then, once I'm old and dieing of cancer, I'll have the Followers of the apocalypse install me into Mr. House's immortality machine; keeping Vegas an independent nation for the foreseeable future.
I'll start annexing Legion territories, it's probable that the Legion will have fallen into in-fighting after assassinating their entire high command, so i'd say it'd be a merciful campaign of annexation made in order to bring peace to the West.
Seeing as how Vegas would be among the most powerful factions in-universe at this point (with the NCR, Great Khans and, BoS as allies to boot) i'd appoint a successor, probably the person who will statistically speaking have the best chance of keeping peace with the NCR, and tell Yes-Man to only listen to Him/Her from that point on. Having secured the future of the Mojave and brought peace to the West; i'd disconnect my life support and slowly drift into oblivion.
I'll start annexing Legion territories, it's probable that the Legion will have fallen into in-fighting after assassinating their entire high command, so i'd say it'd be a merciful campaign of annexation made in order to bring peace to the West.

Personally, I think annexation of Legion territories is overly ambitious, that's sort of the imperialist pickle NCR got itself into in the Mojave in the first place. You'll have enough troubles forging and running a young nation-state as it is.

It's good enough if the Legion falls to infighting and never bother mounting an invasion ever again. And just hope they get moderate enough that they'll at least be amenable to a cold war or truce. At most, punitively burn their shit if you have to, but don't try and hold it. Maybe some low-level subterfuge to foster discord and unrest in their lands is best. Merchants can be easily injected into their lands to gather intelligence on their culture, settlements and internal affairs.

We know that Oliver and Kimball take the blame for the failed war from Houses's projections, so that NCR isn't going to be raring for a war after what amounts to their Vietnam.

I've mentioned this before, but you start manufacturing howitzers and fortifying the region to make NCR and Legion think twice about another campaign of annexation. Some bombers can be cobbled together, but that's more of a long term auxiliary force used for aerial recon than bombing. You really have to convince the Boomers (and other parties) that isolationism isn't sustainable in the long run when you're being crushed between two giants. And all these things take time to do right.

Veronica is also correct. The Brotherhood must either be destroyed or reformed. And I'm afraid either option is unpalatable.
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With all the DLC completed Independent New Vegas is unstoppable. You have tech like the vending machines and the Cloud from the Sierra Madre, depending on the ending you'd already have a tribe in Zion and the New Canaanites on your side, all the crazy technological marvels of the Big MT, and depending on what you do in Lonesome Road you could have already nuked the NCR and Legion at critical points and weakened them severely. Not to mention all the dormant warheads laying around that area. Combined with a massive secruitron army mere defense of the Mojave would be child's play and expansion isn't out of the question. With to ability to make replacement brains for the Courier he could probably live forever as well so he wouldn't have the Caesar issue of everything fucking up once he dies.
You can't manufacture brains. And I consider the high technology semi-canon at best. Mostly fluff added to New Vegas to make the game interesting, but I wouldn't expect anything trying to be a would-be sequel to take them seriously as a precedent.
You can't manufacture brains. And I consider the high technology semi-canon at best. Mostly fluff added to New Vegas to make the game interesting, but I wouldn't expect anything trying to be a would-be sequel to take them seriously as a precedent.
I don't see any reason why more replacement brains like the one put into the Courier in Old World Blues couldn't be made. Also theres no denying it's canon. It's in the game, it's canon.
Because it's not a replacement brain. It's an electrode that sends a signal from your brain to you. Otherwise you'd be indistinguishable from a Lobtomite. And even then that was something of a one-off exception due to some personal oddity.

Removing your brain and implanting them in a Think Tank shell is an imperfect technology. The best immortality technology is House's and he basically locked in a coffin with very little connecting him to the outside world other than a digital feed.
Because it's not a replacement brain. It's an electrode that sends a signal from your brain to you.
Hmm, I forgot about that. That's actually even better. You can just keep your brain at Big MT and have it wirelessly connected to your body. If that body dies just get a robot body and hook it up to that.
Ehh too shady. It's implied bodily death kills your personality without really abstruse technological workarounds. I don't like the notion of over-relying on that sort of thing.
After Hoover Dam my character, not wanting power, turned Vegas over to a board of directors . This board included the King who I gave run of what was left of the Omertas, a rep from the Chairmen, Majorie(non-cannibal),Francine Garret, and Julie Farkas. This council integrated Westside,North Vegas, and after about a year small towns like Goodsprings. Soon the NVF(New Vegas Federation) started a healthy trade relationship with the NCR, but did not let them garrison any troops passed the Mojave Outpost. The Courier settled in the old school house in Goodsprings and ran a profitable caravan company until he found life there a little too slow paced and was just gone one day. Some say he went south, others say they saw him in New Reno, but nobody knows for sure.
In my character's mind, Vegas is the last chance to bring the Wasteland out of the Civil War it's been in for the past 200 years. Elijah more a less set the starting point for her new country; Use the technology of the Madre vending machines and Big MTs Biological Research Station so that the people of the Mojave--and eventually the entire American Wasteland--never know want. Of course she'd need to begin producing Chips for the machines to use, which would replace caps as the Mojave's form of currency. She'd learn the technology behind the Holograms, spread them across the Mojave to secure her dominance in the region.

Like House, she would focus on Vegas itself first. Freeside needs new walls, buildings need to be rebuilt and fortified. The Energy barriers of Big MT. would be set up around the city to ensure nobody could force their way in. From their she'd begin expanding until, hopefully, the entire wasteland would be rebuilt into something greater than it once was.

For military might, she would rebuild the Enclave--having once been a member herself--in her own image. The outdated "EXTERMINATE" mindset would be tossed to the side, and everyone would be welcome in her new, budding Utopia. Assuming, of course, that they submit to the Genetic Screening and Blood tests required to live their.

DNA would be taken and stored in Yes Man's database, and during the process each individual would be implanted with a tracking device--courtesy of the Think Tank, of course--so that they could always be found. No more missing persons, no more wanton murder. Everyone would be accounted for, everyone will follow the rules--violators of the laws would be dealt with before they could cause too much damage. Naturally, the Courier wouldn't tell anyone she did this. Doing so would just upset them, and that would only slow down progress.

It wouldn't be enough, though. Even while knowing where everyone was, they could still act on the violence inherited by the Wasteland, and she would only be able to stop them after the fact. They would need to be united as a people, completely and utterly.

She'd take the Criminals to Big MT and, alongside the Think Tank, begin the process of creating mind control implants to ensure loyalty. While they were figuring this out, the Courier would refit House's "Coffin Room" for lack of a better term, with new technology. When everything was finished she would need to move her brain there, connect it with Yes Man while purging some of his systems to allow the Brain more control over Vegas.

Eventually the implant would be completed, and she would go about the process of implanting it in the people of the Wastes. She wouldn't suppress everything, but she would ensure everybody acts for the greater good. The signals would be sent through Yes Man, and from their they would be funneled to her Brain on an as needed basis. Thoughts of violence or attempts to act out without cause would be sent to Yes Man, where he would send a signal to the implant that would condition the person against such thoughts with pain so severe that they never think or act in such a way again. If they're persistent, than they'd eventually be brought to Big MT.

This is where the full might of her Enclave comes into being. The person who resisted would be Lobotomized to remove their free will completely. From there, their shell would be filled with VI implants to control it along with various others for durability, strength, ect. essentially turning them into Human Robots.

They'd be sealed into a suit of Power Armor and exposed to the Red Cloud like the Ghost People of the Madre--permanently sealing them inside and, if everything goes according to plan, making them unkillable sans dismemberment. With that process, the Courier's army is not only powerful, but essentially immortal and completely loyal to her ideals. Volunteers are also subjected to this.

But to truly thrive as a people, Humanity would need to evolve beyond what they were. Implants would tern into Cybernetics, mind control would grow more necessary and with every new person added to her unity a little bit more free-will will need to be removed to compensate.

Ultimately, her goal is to assimilate every person in America into her perfect utopia. The NCR was drowned in nuclear fire, The Legion--without Caesar or Lanius--would likely fall into a war of succession which would cripple them and make them easy to assimilate into the Courier's "Greater Good". In the off chance the Legion remained strong, she would have an army of cyborgs and immortals willing to die for their ideals. Even without that, she still had the Nukes of the Divide waiting to be launched.

When she dies, the Courier wants to leave behind a country that won't repeat the mistakes that lead the Old World into the hell it was in her time. She'll leave behind a country where there will be no sadness, no misery, no death. A country where everyone strives to further the greater good in Unity. A country where Humanity can begin again.
My character's named Desmond Winter.

Post game FNV on the Yes man ending. He activated the Securitron Army. With the Securitrons at his commmand and Mr. House gone. There was nothing to stop him from providing real freedom and recovery for the entire Mojave wasteland. With the followers at his helm, he set forth to ensure the governance and reconstruction of the entire Mojave wasteland. Though the followers struggled with the instability provided by Independent Vegas. About a year after the Second battle of Hoover Dam, the courier came back to Big Mountain and gave forth the specifications of the greatest pre war technology that mankind has ever known to the Followers of the Apocalypse. Able to quickly understand and learn the purpose of such technology; the followers were very quick to innovate the technology and provide low cast health care to the entire population of the Mojave as well as use such the technology in the reconstruction effort. 30 years after the battle at Hoover damn in 2282, the Followers of the Apocalypse became one of the most influential powers and heavily developed scientific and medical powers in all of the modern world. Though the death of the Brotherhood of Steel provided some form of regret to the Courier, still he's caught on to what could've been had the Brotherhood abandoned their conservative ways and collaborated with the rest of the Mojave along with the Followers in exchange for technology and protection. But the courier felt the Mojave was better off with the Brotherhood gone. Within the next 30 years the courier is quick to set up the best trade relations between the Mojave and the NCR brokering peace and safe travel for any caravans coming into the Mojave. While the same can't be said for Mojave caravans coming west since they did not require protection. By 2298, the Mojave nation already had a functioning Vertibird fleet, Cargo planes, and supply trucks running between the NCR and the Mojave. The relation between the Mojave and the NCR was frail but stable at the most in hopes for change of the NCR's imperialistic policies. in over 30 years the Mojave managed to become one of the biggest technological gold mines and most successful nations in post war America.
By 2298, the Mojave nation already had a functioning Vertibird fleet, Cargo planes, and supply trucks running between the NCR and the Mojave.

That snippet of your story doesn't make sense. How would you have a functioning fleet of vertibirds, planes, and supply trucks without gasoline? In Fallout they never invented any new forms of gasoline. The only reason there are vertibirds in Fallout 2 and 3 is because the Enclave owned the last scraps of oil in the entire world. And don't say Fallout 4 did it, Fallout 4's use of hundreds of vertibirds rapes the established lore.

In order for all of that to work you'd need gasoline. With that in mind I'm not really sure how the Boomers managed to get their plane in the air, nor how the President of the NCR has a functioning vertibird since those also require gas, of which they would have zip, zilch, zero. I guess maybe the Boomers' plane could be explained through the use of ethanol gas, aka mostly corn, which they have shittons of in their storage units.
That snippet of your story doesn't make sense. How would you have a functioning fleet of vertibirds, planes, and supply trucks without gasoline? In Fallout they never invented any new forms of gasoline. The only reason there are vertibirds in Fallout 2 and 3 is because the Enclave owned the last scraps of oil in the entire world. And don't say Fallout 4 did it, Fallout 4's use of hundreds of vertibirds rapes the established lore.

In order for all of that to work you'd need gasoline. With that in mind I'm not really sure how the Boomers managed to get their plane in the air, nor how the President of the NCR has a functioning vertibird since those also require gas, of which they would have zip, zilch, zero. I guess maybe the Boomers' plane could be explained through the use of ethanol gas, aka mostly corn, which they have shittons of in their storage units.
Good point. You could say they run on a large supply of microfusion cells and fission batteries. Or small cold fusion reactors.