In my character's mind, Vegas is the last chance to bring the Wasteland out of the Civil War it's been in for the past 200 years. Elijah more a less set the starting point for her new country; Use the technology of the Madre vending machines and Big MTs Biological Research Station so that the people of the Mojave--and eventually the entire American Wasteland--never know want. Of course she'd need to begin producing Chips for the machines to use, which would replace caps as the Mojave's form of currency. She'd learn the technology behind the Holograms, spread them across the Mojave to secure her dominance in the region.
Like House, she would focus on Vegas itself first. Freeside needs new walls, buildings need to be rebuilt and fortified. The Energy barriers of Big MT. would be set up around the city to ensure nobody could force their way in. From their she'd begin expanding until, hopefully, the entire wasteland would be rebuilt into something greater than it once was.
For military might, she would rebuild the Enclave--having once been a member herself--in her own image. The outdated "EXTERMINATE" mindset would be tossed to the side, and everyone would be welcome in her new, budding Utopia. Assuming, of course, that they submit to the Genetic Screening and Blood tests required to live their.
DNA would be taken and stored in Yes Man's database, and during the process each individual would be implanted with a tracking device--courtesy of the Think Tank, of course--so that they could always be found. No more missing persons, no more wanton murder. Everyone would be accounted for, everyone will follow the rules--violators of the laws would be dealt with before they could cause too much damage. Naturally, the Courier wouldn't tell anyone she did this. Doing so would just upset them, and that would only slow down progress.
It wouldn't be enough, though. Even while knowing where everyone was, they could still act on the violence inherited by the Wasteland, and she would only be able to stop them after the fact. They would need to be united as a people, completely and utterly.
She'd take the Criminals to Big MT and, alongside the Think Tank, begin the process of creating mind control implants to ensure loyalty. While they were figuring this out, the Courier would refit House's "Coffin Room" for lack of a better term, with new technology. When everything was finished she would need to move her brain there, connect it with Yes Man while purging some of his systems to allow the Brain more control over Vegas.
Eventually the implant would be completed, and she would go about the process of implanting it in the people of the Wastes. She wouldn't suppress everything, but she would ensure everybody acts for the greater good. The signals would be sent through Yes Man, and from their they would be funneled to her Brain on an as needed basis. Thoughts of violence or attempts to act out without cause would be sent to Yes Man, where he would send a signal to the implant that would condition the person against such thoughts with pain so severe that they never think or act in such a way again. If they're persistent, than they'd eventually be brought to Big MT.
This is where the full might of her Enclave comes into being. The person who resisted would be Lobotomized to remove their free will completely. From there, their shell would be filled with VI implants to control it along with various others for durability, strength, ect. essentially turning them into Human Robots.
They'd be sealed into a suit of Power Armor and exposed to the Red Cloud like the Ghost People of the Madre--permanently sealing them inside and, if everything goes according to plan, making them unkillable sans dismemberment. With that process, the Courier's army is not only powerful, but essentially immortal and completely loyal to her ideals. Volunteers are also subjected to this.
But to truly thrive as a people, Humanity would need to evolve beyond what they were. Implants would tern into Cybernetics, mind control would grow more necessary and with every new person added to her unity a little bit more free-will will need to be removed to compensate.
Ultimately, her goal is to assimilate every person in America into her perfect utopia. The NCR was drowned in nuclear fire, The Legion--without Caesar or Lanius--would likely fall into a war of succession which would cripple them and make them easy to assimilate into the Courier's "Greater Good". In the off chance the Legion remained strong, she would have an army of cyborgs and immortals willing to die for their ideals. Even without that, she still had the Nukes of the Divide waiting to be launched.
When she dies, the Courier wants to leave behind a country that won't repeat the mistakes that lead the Old World into the hell it was in her time. She'll leave behind a country where there will be no sadness, no misery, no death. A country where everyone strives to further the greater good in Unity. A country where Humanity can begin again.