Inevitable; Fallout 3 release date rumours

Standard American Grasp Of Geography

Standard American Grasp Of Geography

Wooz and Jabberwocky, while NMA pontificates FO canon, Google this:
Mid West
Bible Belt

Proclaiming infallibility in FO canon, while neglecting the basic geography homework that use to be mastered before puberty, has a ring of comedy.
Hearing a tragedy or farce may depend on one's age 'challenge' and experience with regional biases.

If Googling the Wikepeda takes too much time for NMA living large in the Nex Gen, maybe Bethesda will sell a browser mod that features a compass.

Granted all forums have a fast and loose style, but lip service to a basic knowledge base always helps that illusion of credibility.

Whoops, my bad.

For some reason, I thought the Midwest was everything East of Nevada and West of Illinois; although I know pretty well where each state lies, I never studied Murkin regional terminology.

4too said:
Proclaiming infallibility in FO canon, while neglecting the basic geography homework that use to be mastered before puberty, has a ring of comedy.

Yep. But then again, would you know, without looking it up on Wikipedia, what "Siedmiogród" stands for, and where it lies? After all, it's prepubescent basic joggrafy :D
Standard American Grasp Of Geography : Part 2

Standard American Grasp Of Geography : Part 2

""Siedmiogród"" , could bet that's not in Oklahoma. Won't bother to ask there. So I fold my map and slink away.

So ""Siedmiogród"" might be to the left of the coffee cup - ring stain on my unwashed 'rag' of the world.
Unless ya ar' talkin' about the Siedmiogród in eastern ... West Virginia... {that's an old dodge I learned in Ohio}.

So what kind of ghoulies and ghosties and long legged beasties, thrive
and bump in the nights of in Siedmiogród, they any kin to the ones in West (by God) Virginia?

My personal globe has large DARK regions ... scarily undefined ... sinisterly labeled ... There Be Monsters HERE!

Would look a lot like the old European maps of exploration .... sea beasts 'n' all ...

Wonder if that old map by Amerigo Vespucci, the one he might have signed in a blank border area, could have accidently labeled a certain land mass ""Vespucci" ...

I would have been singing in grade school, before that geography test ..

""God bless Vespucci- land ...!""

... never studied Murkin regional terminology ...

Lucky Wooz you don't bear the burden of an 'Murkin education, so why worry over a local detail?

The public school system in which I was institutionalized, had this mania for that state's history, and re-clothed it's glory as all of American history and a large part of world history,even infiltrated social studies, years and years of HEROIC HEIGHTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH!

Rhetorical question, where did the pride end and the propaganda begin?

Fact is many Americans don't know American regional terms and are PROUD they don't know. Proud they don't NEED to know. That's one world class -- attitude -- .

If you knew to which ocean
the river you might be p'ssing in flows,
then you'd out score some of the hatched 'home-bodies'
4 or 5 to 7 hours west, as the clock flies, of Grenwich.

'Murk-a teh booby-ful.


Off to Boob-le, I mean Google ...""Siedmiogród""... adventure, fine dining and clean and affordable motels await, for sure!

Serifan said:
if we are lucky maybe they will include the code for Van Buren. I really hope someone leaks the code because if we had that then someone smart enough could make the real FO3

Didn't one of the Fallout earlier developers buy all the concepts and arts for all Fallouts?
I remember Odin posting something but he didn't tell the source of his material.
Obsidian did buy a lot of the art and code for Van Buren, almost everything from Jefferson (Baldurs Gate3: The Black Hound) and quite a lot of chairs and assorted furniture from Interplay...
The majority of you enjoy making harsh, negative assumptions.

Fact of the matter is, it is all without reason untill we see game footage.

Oblivions game engine is not only capable of creating first or third person worlds. Yet you assume that is what the game will be.

You say that you can't take any Bethesda Fallout 3 related PR seriously, yet you split hairs over shallow comments and come up with even more shallow assumptions.

Bethesda isn't Interplay, it isn't Black Isle, but it also isn't the end of the world. Nobody cares if you didn't like Oblivion. Fallout 3 is not Oblivion, nor has there been any indication it will resemble it in any way.

Take your head out, and get some fresh air. Breath a little.
Allust47 said:
The majority of you enjoy making harsh, negative assumptions.

Fact of the matter is, it is all without reason untill we see game footage.

Really? If it's so unreasonable, why haven't we seen a dev wander on here and say "no, guys, don't worry, we'll be true to the game"?

Allust47 said:
Oblivions game engine is not only capable of creating first or third person worlds. Yet you assume that is what the game will be.

Have you even seen Oblivion in isometric? Yegh.

Also, we "assume" that's what it'll be because that's what Pete said. Check the Fo3 about page.

Allust47 said:
You say that you can't take any Bethesda Fallout 3 related PR seriously

Where did we say that?

Allust47 said:
yet you split hairs over shallow comments and come up with even more shallow assumptions.

Odd assumptions like "they're going to do what they say they do!"

Allust47 said:
Bethesda isn't Interplay, it isn't Black Isle, but it also isn't the end of the world. Nobody cares if you didn't like Oblivion. Fallout 3 is not Oblivion, nor has there been any indication it will resemble it in any way.

Never played Oblivion, too high-end.

That said, nobody should care if we like Oblivion. We could love Oblivion as an action-adventure, hell, some of our members have even pointed out that it's a decent hack'n'slash.

Because I agree with you, Oblivion isn't Fallout. Will you then agree with me that a large number of Oblivion's main assets; co-levelling NPCs, first-person view, turn-based combat, lack of choice-and-consequence, lack of dialogue trees, a huge completely full worlds, dungeon crawling....that all those assets have no place in Fallout 3? If we're agreed on that, will you allow us to be pissed off when they do make it into Fallout 3?

Note, I'm not making any assumptions that they *will* end up in Fallout 3, as long as you then allow me to be as negative as I want to if any of them do end up in Fallout 3.
I agree that much of, if not all, of what is in Oblivion does not belong in Fallout 3. If it turns out to be the case, and they completely port over Oblivion to the Fallout universe, then everyone who doubts Bethesda has the right to do...when that time comes, if it does.

I understand the doubt behind much of the criticism. However, from the outside looking in, nobody honestly has any idea of what they are really up to other than Bethesda.

People have to respect that it is a 50/50 situation. It could go either way. It is either going to stay true to the Fallout series, or it is not. It isn't fair to only look at things as if they are not going to stay true to it.

Bethesda is a smart gaming company. We are not talking about EA here. They know they have a lot to lose if the old Fallout guard is dissappointed. They might be able to change Fallout 3 to cater to a new crowd, but it will not be the same. Bethesda is listening, I can confidently guarantee that.

I have a feeling many people are going to be surprised, in a positive way.

However, there are those out there who will be pissed off at Bethesda no matter what they put out. I do not want to see Fallout 3 trashed just as much as those who doubt Bethesda's every word. However, I have an open mind about it and I understand that while it could fail, it could also go completely right.
Allust47 said:
People have to respect that it is a 50/50 situation. It could go either way. It is either going to stay true to the Fallout series, or it is not. It isn't fair to only look at things as if they are not going to stay true to it.

Yes, agreed, though you'll find we get little encouragement from Bethesda to give them the benifit of the doubt, what with being blacklisted.

And don't worry too much, this'll only carry on like this for a few more months, than chaos hits.

Allust47 said:
Bethesda is a smart gaming company. We are not talking about EA here. They know they have a lot to lose if the old Fallout guard is dissappointed. They might be able to change Fallout 3 to cater to a new crowd, but it will not be the same. Bethesda is listening, I can confidently guarantee that.

How can you confidently guarantee that? They ignored the old TES fans by completely innovating the franchise with Morrowind, then they competely ignored Morrowind fans, a lot of whom are pissed, to implement grand new features into Oblivion.

Yes, they are a smart gaming company, smart in that they know maximizing profit comes from growing the fanbase, not keeping stuck with a guaranteed old guard.

Allust47 said:
However, there are those out there who will be pissed off at Bethesda no matter what they put out.

They're very view in numbers. If you actually believe the Fallout fanbase is like that you've been listening to the anti-Fallout fan propaganda for way too long. The announcement of Tactics was greet with enthusiasm and interest by most, despite disappointment at no Fallout 3 a the time, and only burned when the game turned out mediocre at best, and even so it's still a part of the Fallout community. Van Buren, not being built by any of the original Fallout developers, was still greeted as a promising project.

The only "no matter what they put out" so far has been the console shooter Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.

So the whole "pissed no matter what" accusation is fairly baseless.
The bigger problem with Morrowind-Oblivion was that they took out features, not added them. Essentially the same thing that happened between Daggerfall and Morrowind. Even worse, though was that somewhere in the transition between Morrowind and Oblivion, adherence to lore and atmospheric world design was lost. You can tell when one of the co-creators of the Elder Scrolls property expresses his dissatisfaction in Cyrodil being portrayed as Medieval fantasy-land.

If my opinion means anything, Oblivion wasn't good hack & slash. It was a good dungeon-crawler, and had some well-written sidequests, but the actual hack & slash was incredibly dull.

Bethesda has given no indication that Fallout 3 will resemble anything we'd expect from a Fallout sequel, and their practical hostility to the fanbase is a fine indicator of that. Bethesda doesn't care what you want in Fallout 3. Do you really think your hopeless optimism is going to stand up when at the present, the most likely magazine to receive exclusive info on Fallout 3 is Official Xbox Magazine?
Bradylama said:
Bethesda has given no indication that Fallout 3 will resemble anything we'd expect from a Fallout sequel, and their practical hostility to the fanbase is a fine indicator of that. Bethesda doesn't care what you want in Fallout 3. Do you really think your hopeless optimism is going to stand up when at the present, the most likely magazine to receive exclusive info on Fallout 3 is Official Xbox Magazine?

Umm... that's really low level of optimism you have there...
Drink less coffee or smth... just joking.
Do you really think, that buying a name, who only fallout fans still remember and keep their hearts on will make Bethesda make a total different game? Anyone who has played the game and liked it, already is a Fallout fan and comes to the fan database. Many people, even though they do not come to NMA or any other fan bases on the net are afraid of Bethesda ruining the game.
But why then buy a popular licesence? Couldn't they just call the game A BOY AND HIS WOLF(Insert dog if you wish) and release it. If they ruin the game, no gamespot, gamespy and other game reviewing sites are gonna give them much points. But don't forget... if Fallout fans and the not-drolling-having-no-lives fans will turn away from the game, which will make us shout happy chants against Bethesda and Bethesda to think twice before ruining a game.
I did some research on earlier TH interviews. He claimed that played both fallouts, liked first two, thought that Fallout: BOS was a bit worse. Moreover, he commented, that Bethesda will keep the best of first Fallouts. Perk and Trait systems for example.
If we get a new and remade Fallout, set on east coast, made with the old character skill, perk and trait systems, cold war paranoya style, sarcastic humor, perhaps we could call it a mediocre try for Bethesda.
But if we called the game "crap", i think we're getting a bit too old for modern day gaming industry and that we should stay modding the old Fallouts to make our adventures never end...

Literacy Hooligan said:
Do you really think, that buying a name, who only fallout fans still remember and keep their hearts on will make Bethesda make a total different game?

What? Would you bet five bucks they won't?

But why then buy a popular licesence?

Uhm. Because the license is popular? See: Fallout POS.

f they ruin the game, no gamespot, gamespy and other game reviewing sites are gonna give them much points.


That's like saying Madonna is a virgin or something. Gamespot and Gamespy regularly post brown nose reviews about games. Hell, for all I know, developers might even pay them to <s>suck their dicks</s> influence said reviews.

if Fallout fans and the not-drolling-having-no-lives fans will turn away from the game, which will make us shout happy chants against Bethesda and Bethesda to think twice before ruining a game.

I don' think so.

Graph-paper brained accountants, instead of gaming fans call all the shots at giant developer companies now; the lowest common denominator rules.

Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game.

Literacy_Hooligan said:
Umm... that's really low level of optimism you have there...
Drink less coffee or smth... just joking.
Do you really think, that buying a name, who only fallout fans still remember and keep their hearts on will make Bethesda make a total different game? Anyone who has played the game and liked it, already is a Fallout fan and comes to the fan database. Many people, even though they do not come to NMA or any other fan bases on the net are afraid of Bethesda ruining the game.
But why then buy a popular licesence? Couldn't they just call the game A BOY AND HIS WOLF(Insert dog if you wish) and release it. If they ruin the game, no gamespot, gamespy and other game reviewing sites are gonna give them much points.
Yeah, just like they didn't give Morrowind and Oblivion high scores for messing with the TES license.
Oh, wait...

Literacy_Hooligan said:
But don't forget... if Fallout fans and the not-drolling-having-no-lives fans will turn away from the game, which will make us shout happy chants against Bethesda and Bethesda to think twice before ruining a game.
I did some research on earlier TH interviews. He claimed that played both fallouts, liked first two, thought that Fallout: BOS was a bit worse. Moreover, he commented, that Bethesda will keep the best of first Fallouts. Perk and Trait systems for example.
You think the Perks and Traits are 'the best of first Fallouts'?
What the hell have you been smoking?
Literacy_Hooligan said:
If we get a new and remade Fallout, set on east coast, made with the old character skill, perk and trait systems, cold war paranoya style, sarcastic humor, perhaps we could call it a mediocre try for Bethesda.
But if we called the game "crap", i think we're getting a bit too old for modern day gaming industry and that we should stay modding the old Fallouts to make our adventures never end...
Right, so we're a Fallout fansite and aren't allowed to comment on how a new Fallout corresponds to the old Fallout games?
Lay off the hash, buck-o.
Those were really honest replies :D
All my optimism and cheering has been flushed down the toilet :D
It seems that you people don't even want Fallout 3 to show up.
Literacy_Hooligan said:
Those were really honest replies :D
All my optimism and cheering has been flushed down the toilet :D
It seems that you people don't even want Fallout 3 to show up.
If it's not going to be faithful to Fallout 1 and 2: no, I don't.
Sander said:
If it's not going to be faithful to Fallout 1 and 2: no, I don't.
I don't know, Sander, how you still have that IF in your sentence. It's like: F3 is NOT going to be faithful to his predecessors. Period. And I can bet my bucks (well, euros) on that.

Now, seriously, how much probability do you think there is that F3 is going to be a good (and by good I don't mean falloutish but FallOut) game? 5%... Nah! I don't think so, that would be too optimistic, given the past games of Bethesda, given the people they have working for them, given the lead designers of the projects and their known ideas... No. I think 5% of probabilities is a bit too high. It's like I'm shooting a rat in the head, one foot away from him, with a shotgun, in Fallout 2, with 95% of accuracy. I only have one shell... Will I miss? :roll:
I have this to ask NMA'ers is NMA going to even bother supporting the FPS Fallout 3 by Bethesda for modding?

I personally plan to stand back and laugh as moronic L33T'ers come here asking for help modding a game that the community hates.
Darkkender said:
I have this to ask NMA'ers is NMA going to even bother supporting the FPS Fallout 3 by Bethesda for modding?

I personally plan to stand back and laugh as moronic L33T'ers come here asking for help modding a game that the community hates.

Are we going to supports efforts to mod Bethesda's Fallout 3, you mean?

Of course we are, especially if Bethesda pulls off a miracle and comes close to approaching the form of the game as it's supposed to be, in case we can pull off a modding minor miracle to pull the game over the edge into decent gamedom.

In fact, modding toolkits being one of the biggest things Bethesda provides, we'll be sure to take a serious look at oppertunities for modding whatever they bring out.

We'll just have to be careful and critical and fend off idiotic modders, but that shouldn't be too difficult.