Inon Zur Officially Announced as Fallout 3 Composer

Megaton and Main theme - Epic fail.

The "into the wasteland" isnt that bad, but sounds more like wow than oblivi... I mean, fallout.
Brother None said:
EDIT: Ok, what's with the banjo in Megaton?

I thought the bass intro was pretty good for Megaton, but the banjo just destroyed the whole mood I thought it was heading for.

Into the wasteland is alright in my opinion, really promising at parts but it just sounds like a jumbled mess of different cultural music styles at times. I really like the volume dynamics though.

The main theme is dire, it reminds me of the music to Warlords Battlecry II (A lesser known Warcraft III rip-off).

At least there are some decent parts, it could be so much worse.
hopefully someone will make a MOD for Fallout 3 to play the game with the music of F1 and 2 instead of F3.

Megaton and Into the Wasteland are not that bad, but faaaaaaar from the previous games :(
As for the main theme = EPIC FAIL.
They're good... but...

the main theme sounds like something from warhammer. well, megaton sounds more like a bunch of random sounds than anything. Into the wasteland wasn't bad.
I still don't care for the main theme. On its own, it's ok, but in the context of a Fallout game, I don't think it works. Sounds much more like an "epic" score from a feature film than anything having to do with the Fallout series.

The Megaton theme is nice and appropriately subdued, and is closer to being "Fallout-ish".

Into the Wasteland is ok, but like the main theme, it just doesn't sound like it fits in a Fallout game.
Read this story over at Kotaku, I was so hoping they'd name Mark Morgan, not necessarily because he did the two originals, but because I genuinely like his work. He did some Zork work which I adored, almost had a heart attack when I found out it was the same dude.

I don't mind the title music, but it'd suit a more fantasy based game. It's not even remotely close to Fallout, I honestly don't know what possessed them thinking it'd be suitable. EDIT: I'm gunna go out on a limb and say I really do like this track, just not as a Fallout main title track.

Listened to a fair bit of Megaton, I liked the start, the end started to trail off but it was in no way or form bad. Reminded me a tiny bit of rolling in Redding for the first time, dunno why.

Wasteland, again not bad, quite listenable actually, not sure where it'd fit, kinda in the San Fran setting of F2 with the 2 factions.

All I'm gunna say, is they coulda done alot worse, I was honestly expecting them to go epic orchestral crap throughout. manic violins go off each time you meet a radiated rat in the wasteland.

I'm strictly taking F3 as a basis and really looking forward to what the Fallout modding community has in mind. Maybe F3 will turn out the be absolutely amazing, but I always believe the hardcore fans will do one better.
Main theme: Utter shit.

Megaton: Reminds me of Redding crossed over with the Hub. Has a bit of a Gothic vibe to it. Not bad.

Into the Wasteland: Interesting.
Zaii said:
Read this story over at Kotaku, I was so hoping they'd name Mark Morgan, not necessarily because he did the two originals, but because I genuinely like his work. He did some Zork work which I adored, almost had a heart attack when I found out it was the same dude.

Eh, yeah.

Mark is good, though he's been out of the gaming biz for some time and I dunno what kind of tracks he's done for TV.

Inon Zur isn't great, but he's certainly not a bad composer. I've sometimes called him Soule Redux, but that's not fair, he has a wider array of music and is a pretty talented guy. I'm not overly impressed, but it could be worse.

And these tracks sure do sound better than the Canard PC reaction would've made you think, but it's possible he heard different tracks
now i think bethesda can make a good game. they will try :-)
bethesda we are watching you :-)))

into the wasteland - :clap:
megaton, main title - :(
The Megaton tune would fit perfectly into Call of Juarez, or maybe somewhere in the Firefly show. Not in Fallout though. :/

I do like Into the Wasteland, it's giving me some nice vibes here and there. Could've fit into San Francisco I think.
horrible... over the top elfman style music lacks the subtlety of old.

I guess the gameplay will follow suit. This muzak tells a lot about the design philosophy of the game IMO.
Ha, sorry to say it but even if Into The Wasteland is good, it doesn't exactly fit the fallout feel. Close, but just needs more ambient.

And also uh, I hope I won't get striked for this this, but I have a WIP track that I made without Fallout in mind, and I think even it fits in more than the stuff Bethesda has offered. :?

Download the track here (7.1MB) (5:10)
Isn't music usually one of the last things to be made for a game? Release some time soon, perhaps?
The Megaton theme, matched with the vacquero in the cowboy hat, harmonicas, banjos - I thought these guys were from the DC area? How can you shoehorn western elements like that into an area of stodgy brick and ivy?

Tactics I could almost buy the bluesey intro because of the connection with Chi-town.

This is a mismatch though. It would suit a western frontier town like Redding, (which is what it evoked for me) with sherriffs, saloons, outlaws and cattlerustlers.

How do they reconcile this hamfisted western style with DC?

Hehehehe ahhhh that feels good.

I've only heard Inon Zur's music for Fallout Tactics and I don't remember that. Well, let's see... um, hear
my first post on the official beth f3 forum the day it went live: please do not screw up the music...

there is no question the game will suck as a f3 - it might be a decent PA actionRPG, but it isn't f3.

maybe we will get a wasteland sequel from EA... I have resorted to hoping that EA delivers a proper modern fallout game. sad

or maybe i'll be too busy playing Clear Sky to care.
Shit. These guys can't get anything right. It's almost as if they're trying their hardest not to.

They've just missed all of the key elements (as with everything else in the game) in Fallout's music:
  • background sitars
  • upbeats anticipating downbeats
  • pipes
  • heavy synthesizer use
  • echo effects
  • non-instrumental background noises (typing, sirens, voices, industrial stuff and the like, etc.)
  • shakers
  • and of course, marching snare drums on the more military tracks.
Instead, we're getting a piece off a Peter Jackson movie, some random bass cacophony, and a Kuldahar reprise (with some funky shit thrown in so as to pass off as creatively insurgent and totally not a 'package' musician). Without doubt, Inon Zur is a poor man's Jeremy Soule.

Also, unless this is some sort of malemployed sarcasm...
reza said:
NEW RENO MUSIC IS A RIP-OFF OF BASIC INSTINCT THEME! should stop drinking, pal. It's affecting your hearing.

Or reasoning. Or probably both.
HoKa said:
They've just missed all of the key elements (as with everything else in the game) in Fallout's music:
  • background sitars
  • upbeats anticipating downbeats
  • pipes
  • heavy synthesizer use
  • echo effects
  • non-instrumental background noises (typing, sirens, voices, industrial stuff and the like, etc.)
  • shakers
  • and of course, marching snare drums on the more military tracks.

Yeah, they missed all of that (and everything else in the game) in those 3 tracks.

Other than the main theme, this didn't sound anything like I was expecting. Heck, I might even be pleased!
I don't see why people hate FoT so much. Its a great spin off. Just because it wasn't Fallout 3, it doesn't make it a bad game. I liked the sound track, not as much as the real Fallout games, but it was very nice to listen to and gave a survival feel to it. FoT stands on its own. I don't think people should compare it to Fallout. They are totally different games. I thought the story was way too scifi but interesting. I liked it a lot.


I don't like either of those 3 tracks. They suck and do not match Fallout what so ever.