Dutch gaming media site InsideGamer has put up a rather unusual impression article for Fallout 3, written by a guest writer. After going off on a good Fallout fan tangent, he writes:<blockquote>Why then am I not ecstatic to now, finally, after all those years of messing around with the franchise, hear that a sequel is really in production? Well, call me mean or cynical, call me a hardcore Fallout fan, but I'm skeptical. Bethesda does not strike me as suited to do the job and so far they've only been reinforcing that opinion.</blockquote>He goes on to note the differences between Fallout and Oblivion and then talks about how the teaser was really good and promising. As he moves on to the Game Informer article, he notes his disgruntlement at the perspective, the "Resident Evil" look of the supermutants, the toilet-drinking, Fatman and the probable lack of a worldmap. After noting the positive sides (dialogue, moral ambiguity), the author concludes:<blockquote>The majority of Fallout fans are not happy so far. The annoyance has gone so far that a large group of Fallout fans has started to make their own game which they dub the "true sequel." With their extraordinary weapons and slowmotion deathscenes, Bethesda is putting the emphasis heavily on action, which certainly was not the defining element of Fallout. With the teaser they showed that they can bring the atmosphere to life, and with that I hope they will listen more to the fans so that they can realize this quality in their game. Fall 2008 is long way away...</blockquote>Link: InsideGamer Fallout 3 impressions