Intelligent deathclaws in New Vegas?


Still Mildly Glowing
Goris and Xarn are the only possible survivors from the Vault 13 massacre, but maybe there's possibility that they bred with wild deathclaws and somehow their babies got smart?

I really liked Goris and Xarn, I want another Deathclaw companion : P

It doesn't look so impossible since there's all those nightkins in NV trailers...
Your taste, but I rather don't see any more talking deathclaws or any talking animals for that matter, unless they are those cyborg dogs.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Your taste, but I rather don't see any more talking deathclaws or any talking animals for that matter, unless they are those cyborg dogs.
Agreed. I have no problem with intelligent Deathclaws, but the talking Deathclaws just didn't sit right with me. Although, the speech mimicking could be down right scary, a sort of luring in of prey. Like a crocotta, a mythical hyena-like beast that lures their prey (humans) by mimicking the sounds of someone in distress.

Besides, they won't be showing up. According to Chris Avellone, they are gone:
"BTW, the talking deathclaws were destroyed at the end of Fallout 2. Xarn and Goris did not go on to create a new species. They are gone. Kaput. Goodbye. In fact, any mutant animal that talks can safely be assumed to have died at the end at the exact minute that Fallout 2 was over.

Any last words, talking animals?
I thought not."
I would not mind eventualy to see xarn or gorris. If even just as a more or less small encounter.
Wait... Goris died in Fallout 2!?


All that work to keep him alive at the Enclave Base...
The return of the talking deathclaws would make it a bit weird. How would they animate their mouth for talking?
verevoof said:
Besides, they won't be showing up. According to Chris Avellone, they are gone:
"BTW, the talking deathclaws were destroyed at the end of Fallout 2. Xarn and Goris did not go on to create a new species. They are gone. Kaput. Goodbye. In fact, any mutant animal that talks can safely be assumed to have died at the end at the exact minute that Fallout 2 was over.

Any last words, talking animals?
I thought not."

The Enclave were gone as well. Remember?
lucas. said:
Goris and Xarn are the only possible survivors from the Vault 13 massacre, but maybe there's possibility that they bred with wild deathclaws and somehow their babies got smart?

I really liked Goris and Xarn, I want another Deathclaw companion : P

It doesn't look so impossible since there's all those nightkins in NV trailers...
I seem to remember that scientist in Navarro the one with K-9 saying that all deathclaws are intelligent, they only play the roles of idiots,very much like myself,only its not a role :)

The intelligent deathclaws modified by the Enclave were playing dumb to get away from slavery.

Wild deathclaws are just oversized chameleons.
Too bad

And no Enclave as well.

When I first heard about New Vegas I tougth it would be set around 2100... somenthing like that... like Metro 2033, 20-30 after the war.

But... its Vegas !

I don't want to see the Enclave again... >.>

Just make a big wasteland with lots of raiders, thugs and rangers and I'll be happy.
The main enemy might be the the group that the person who threw you into a ditch and let you for dead belongs to.
Disco Shrew said:
The main enemy might be the the group that the person who threw you into a ditch and let you for dead belongs to.

I get the feeling that the initial enemy will be the guy(s) who shot you in the head/took the package you were carrying. I imagine that you'll take care of that and it will lead you into the main factions (NCR, NV, CL) and you'll be able to side with who you want. Or yourself.