Interplay does an "I won!" in an 8-K filing.<blockquote>On December 10, 2009, the Hon. Deborah K. Chasanow, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland denied a Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Bethesda Softworks LLC ("Bethesda") against Interplay seeking to stop Interplay from selling FALLOUT(R), FALLOUT(R) 2, FALLOUT(R) Tactics, and FALLOUT(R) Brotherhood of Steel and to prevent Interplay from creating a FALLOUT(R)-branded massively-multiplayer online game prior to a trial and final determination on the merits. Interplay will continue to defend its rights and pursue its Counter-Claims against Bethesda, including its claims for Breach of Contract, Tortious Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage, Rescission, Accounting and Declaratory Relief seeking an award of damages and other relief.</blockquote>Meanwhile, Gamasutra asked Bethesda their thoughts.<blockquote>"The court has declined to decide the issues at a preliminary hearing, and determined that the parties should maintain the current status quo pending a trial of the case in 2010," said Bethesda Softworks PR and marketing VP Pete Hines in an email to Gamasutra.
Hines did not comment on further details of the case, as it's an ongoing legal matter, although he added, "We are confident that we will prevail on our claims against Interplay."</blockquote>Notice that many sites misreported the denial of temporary injunction as a denial of a permanent injunction. Ignore said reports.
frymuchan quotes Eric Caen's twitter (Eric being the brother of Herve and recently engaged in the T-Rex Rumble game.<blockquote>I love justice!</blockquote>Speaking of Trex Rumble, Interplay's website now has footage of Prehistorik Man and T-Rex Rumble (both available for DSi) on its frontpage. It also recently added another career listing, for a content designer, once again for a post-apocalyptic MMO.
Thanks Ausir and King of Creation.
Hines did not comment on further details of the case, as it's an ongoing legal matter, although he added, "We are confident that we will prevail on our claims against Interplay."</blockquote>Notice that many sites misreported the denial of temporary injunction as a denial of a permanent injunction. Ignore said reports.
frymuchan quotes Eric Caen's twitter (Eric being the brother of Herve and recently engaged in the T-Rex Rumble game.<blockquote>I love justice!</blockquote>Speaking of Trex Rumble, Interplay's website now has footage of Prehistorik Man and T-Rex Rumble (both available for DSi) on its frontpage. It also recently added another career listing, for a content designer, once again for a post-apocalyptic MMO.
Thanks Ausir and King of Creation.