Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

Silencer said:
Baboon said:
Turnbased combat in first person? How the flying fuck would that work? TB implies dice rolls, something which can't be made in an FPS, duh.

Ever played Might And Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven for that matter? And what's with the dice rolls? It's all in-game mechanics, you'll never see the dice roll, man. And FPS isn't quite the same as FPP

That was the one that caught my eye the most, since I read all these posts and through a lot of it, I was thinking that sometimes, just sometimes, a game changes format and stays true to its nature - MMVI, HOMM and Wizardry:Nemesis, the Ultima games (which I personally loathe, garbage doesnt have to work hard to decompose) my prime recollections. There are a couple snags here, though.

All those sequels were developed by at least the same company, if not the same developers. They were done by people intimately familiar with not just the gameworld and its lore, not even the behind-the-scenes stuff rabid fans are aware of, but the deep intricacies world itself that never make it out of their offices or out of their heads and conversations with one another. I don't think SSI could have grabbed up the Wizardry liscence after Heart of the Maelstrom and turned around and put out Bane and Savant the way Sir-Tech turned themselves around.

The second snag being, those series eventually failed as well. MMVI was an awesome game at the time. The subsequent sequels were complete trash; even the graphics quality was poor for the time.

So, risking the terrible wrath of Roshambo, I will tentatively state that it is entirely possible to change the base mechanic of a game while retaining its spirit. I do not, however, see a group of opportunists who haven't made an RPG remotely like Fallout pulling that off.

And honestly, for the Fallout mechanics to change and the game to remain true to its nature *and* please the dedicated fanbase denied a good sequel for years now, would be like Jesus Christ corporealizing as computer gaming media.
There's also the point that Bethsoft don't know how to do a FO style game. They are suggesting first person real time, becuase that's all they know how to do. The gmaes you mention, were changed purely for artistic and stylistic reasons, by the original devs. Bethsoft are not making that choice here - they simply don't have the tech, apparantly, for an isometric game, nor do they know how to do turn based - that's the impression I get.
Mr. Teatime said:
There's also the point that Bethsoft don't know how to do a FO style game. They are suggesting first person real time, becuase that's all they know how to do. The gmaes you mention, were changed purely for artistic and stylistic reasons, by the original devs. Bethsoft are not making that choice here - they simply don't have the tech, apparantly, for an isometric game, nor do they know how to do turn based - that's the impression I get.

And that is why they must die!

err... I mean... let someone else make Fallout 3 :)

<edit> Whoever deleted my extra post... thanks :) I got some sort of weird hiccup :?
battlepoet said:
That was the one that caught my eye the most, since I read all these posts and through a lot of it, I was thinking that sometimes, just sometimes, a game changes format and stays true to its nature - MMVI, HOMM and Wizardry:Nemesis, the Ultima games (which I personally loathe, garbage doesnt have to work hard to decompose) my prime recollections. There are a couple snags here, though.

That's amusing, where should I start?

MMVI, remember that one castle...the one where everyone curses the stupid people who thought that was a good idea? Or how about their decisions to go RT and TB in the same system, which pretty much killed off the series. Then let's go into the mechanics, where spells and arrows are FUCKING USELESS in RT, due to how the enemies have to move in order to prevent it from becoming pure cheese. In TB, you and the enemies have no option but to take each and every missile or spell hit. That was the prime piece of game imbalances and cheese that started to piss off the fans.

HOMM? Number IV was loathed because it changed its formula.

Ultima is perhaps the best example, despite your apparent dislike for the game. Perhaps it was because they first made a world, enhancing the quality of play because of that, then made a crappy platform-esque game that was nicknamed Super Avatar Brothers. Virtue Raider didn't fare much, either. It's funny that you claim it stayed true to its nature when it didn't. Much like M&M, it didn't, and that's when the game series went downhill.

Then there's X-COM, Magic Candle, and many other examples that floods out your feeble attempt to try and expect people to accept that a game can "change format" and keep its spirit. It's wholly ironic that you've picked examples that are precisely the best examples of why it is a piss-poor idea to change the forumla. Ultima had a LARGE following, as did other games. How did that happen? They took what they did before, made some improvements, but generally left the design alone and expanded upon it. That's how sequels work. How sequels fail is when they aren't at all like the originals, and M&MVI was the first indications that the series was going to shit.

Trying to sell a spin-off as a sequel is purely suicidal.

In case you also didn't notice it before, but the graphic style of Fallout, especially in keeping it feeling like a darker pulp, is integral to the game. It would be like turning Ultima into a platform game, again.
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Set in the aftermath of a world-wide nuclear war, Fallout will challenge you to survive in an unknown and dangerous world. You will take the role of a Vault-dweller, a person who has grown up in a secluded, underground survival Vault. Circumstances arise that force you to go Outside -- to a strange world 80 years after the end of the modern civilization. A world of mutants, radiation, gangs and violence.
Your immediate task is to find a replacement for the broken water purification controller chip. Without that chip, your fellow Vault dwellers are doomed to dehydration or be forced to leave the safety of the Vault for the Outside.

The core of the game revolves around your character. When you start Fallout, you can choose or modify one of three pre-made characters, or create your own from scratch. The character creation system allows you to make a vibrant, unique character. We use a skill-based system to allow you to fine tune your character.
As you gain experience (roughly half from combat, the other half is from solving adventure seeds and non-combat based events), your character will grow as you determine. No classes here!

Combat in Fallout is tactical turn-based. You can take as much time as you need to make decisions. Choose from different types of attacks, with a variety of weapons and attack skills. Weapons include: shotguns, flamers, chain-guns, rocket launchers, sledgehammers, brass knuckles and more.

Fallout 2

You are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller. The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred Vault-suit of your grandsire and, in time, to ascend to the leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to your people. Your tribe needs help.
If you are truly the Chosen One, then you alone are capable of claiming the heritage of the Vault Dweller, to take back your birthright. Among the many wonders described in hallowed yellow pages of the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide is the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. The GECKTM is said to have the power to turn the harsh Wastes into a fruitful paradise. The Vault Dweller's Survival Manual promises the redemption of the GECKTM to all Vault Dwellers.
Your tribe has survived over ten-years of drought but now their reserves are at an end. You must find Vault 13 and claim the technology that your tribe needs to survive. If you fail in this quest—your tribe will surely die. You must travel the perilous Wastes on a holy quest to find Vault 13. The same Vault that cruelly cast your grandsire out into the Wastes 80 years ago. The Vault owes you. The Vault owes your tribe. Now it's time to collect.

Fallout 3

Set in a near-empty post-apocalyptic world much unlike the one in the first two games of the series, the player finds himself running from place to place for endless hours completing pointless quests and meeting uninteresting people, who, in honor of Morrowind (Fallout 3’s predecessor), have monotone voices, shallow and repetitive dialogue and seem to hate you for no reason. Having to read countless books and datapads to progress in the game, the player will also be challenged by random treasure caves all over the world, a choppy map and a primitive journal system. The plot will only be revealed in the last few hours in the game, leaving the player in total ignorance for the first few days of playing.

Changing on the previous installments of the franchise, Bethesda is aiming to add a superb new First-person viewpoint, replacing the perfect isometric camera. This new view will allow the player to see absolutely nothing of what is going on around him, challenging him to swing around with the mouse like crazy. For all the fans, this will all take place in the shitty mess of realtime, creating total chaos and removing all sorts of strategy and tactics from the game. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, adored by all the fans, has now been replaced with a more shallow, and of course less functioning lame ripoff of the DnD stats system, which we hope will ruin the game even more.

Fallout 3 PC will feature generally dumbed down mechanics to suit the needs of Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube gamers.

The Fallout franchise evolves into something better with this chapter, for all the munchkins have been pleased, ensuring $$$, £££ and €€€. With the broader spectrum of fans this new game will have, maybe even ¥¥¥.

Thanks to NMA, and subsequently Interplay, for descriptions of Fallout 1 and 2.


Who the crawling fuck voted ”it’s too early to tell” in the poll?

Baboon said:
Who the crawling fuck voted ”it’s too early to tell” in the poll?

I did.

It's unfair to give people only yes/no options. And the game hasn't even been announced yet, only a license trade. I *suspect* some people might find it too early to tell, people who don't know bethesda or Fallout well, and feel they don't know enough to tell
You know what's sad... Van Buren won't see the light of day... even in story.

I wonder if Bethseda can even use that much of the true "Fallout 3"
Darque said:
You know what's sad... Van Buren won't see the light of day... even in story.

I wonder if Bethseda can even use that much of the true "Fallout 3"

Stop calling Van Buren the true Fallout 3, goddammit

If Troika had picked up Fallout 3, and the first thing they said was "The Van Buren story kinda sucks, we're going to write our own Fallout 3" I would've been partying in the streets
Darque said:
I guess this means you know more about it than me... care to share? :)


The thing that is publically known, tho', is that Van Buren was a game that, while being developed by people from BIS, had hardly any involvement from people that worked on the old Fallouts (Huggies), or involvement from people that really didn't work much on the old Fallouts (Briareus), or did some screwed up shit on them (MCA).

To make things worse, VB was building up to be a rush-job with many upper-management decisions forced down the design throats

Even prettier, a lot of the majors left at painful points.

There was nothing to indicate it would be any good, except if you believe stamping "BIS" on something makes it good.

"Fallout can only be done by Black Isle Studios" is still one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. BIS is just a brand, that's it.
All I know is that you were a prisoner or something.

That's about it.


*reads Kharn's reply*

Hmmm... that does give a lot to think about.
Kharn is just old and grumpy. I liked MCA story and the changes. Well not everything but it would beat anything that is coming our way now.
Briosafreak said:
Kharn is just old and grumpy. I liked MCA story and the changes. Well not everything but it would beat anything that is coming our way now.

Yes, it would beat anything that is coming our way now

And Fallout Tactics beat Fallout:Brotherhood of Steal

That does not mean Van Buren would have been a worthy sequel.

I admire MCA as a game-maker, but not as a dev on Fallout. Which is why New Reno is a fantastic CRPG town, but a lousy Fallout town. Just like van Buren might have been a great game, except for some of the factors I named above, but not a great Fallout
Kharn said:
If Troika had picked up Fallout 3, and the first thing they said was "The Van Buren story kinda sucks, we're going to write our own Fallout 3" I would've been partying in the streets

Tim already have a story lined up, remember 8)