Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

I made a pic!


Hope it won't turn out like this though...
God-bloody damnit. This thread turned 6 pages in less than a day.
Plus, Bethesda's going to make Fallout. They might be able to make it true to the games. They might. As long as they stay the fuck away from the fucked up Morrowind interface and graphics.
PS: That Bethesda guy needs a wake-up call. "Millions of copies sold world-wide" Tchyeah right.
Personally I'm really not bothered if they make it first person... AS LONG AS they keep the turn based combat, SPECIAL system and have an indepth conversation system. The morrowind system doesn't cut it for Fallout.

I don't want to see a GIANT map with a bunch of smallish towns filled with characterless people who answer questions in pre-programmed ways, I want to see characters who have character.

Still I'm not willing to condemn them yet. Wait for more details... who knows, maybe it'll be the greatest Fallout yet.

Also, the way they're refusing to comment on connections to Van Buren development, or the influence of older developers of the game leads me to believe that they're still in some way connected to the older version of the game. Maybe they are utilising the old content...

Anyway, I've gotta say that it could've been worse... alot shitter companies could've gotten the rights. Sure I would've MUCH preferred to have Troika or Obsidian get the rights but at least this company has a tradition of developing rpgs...

I'm not particularly bothered by that "millions of copies" guy... he's clearly just a corportate lackey. They all speak like that.

It seems like the Fallout name may get dragged through the mud a bit longer before it returns to greatness. But still... I haven't given up hope yet.
Turnbased combat in first person? How the flying fuck would that work? TB implies dice rolls, something which can't be made in an FPS, duh.
Baboon said:
Turnbased combat in first person? How the flying fuck would that work? TB implies dice rolls, something which can't be made in an FPS, duh.

Really? And how is that? You're implying a viewpoint is inherent to a certain combat model, when in fact it isn't. Nothing prevents turn-based from working with a first person view; after all, no change to turn-based is happening. Its still there. The viewpoint is the only thing different.

How you manage to assume that turnbased is incapable of working in first person because it (apparently) implies dice rolls, is just amazing to say the least.
Baboon said:
Turnbased combat in first person? How the flying fuck would that work? TB implies dice rolls, something which can't be made in an FPS, duh.

Ever played Might And Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven for that matter? And what's with the dice rolls? It's all in-game mechanics, you'll never see the dice roll, man. And FPS isn't quite the same as FPP
Briosafreak said:
By the way time to peek on other forums

teehee, i liked this post by chaos_one over there

By the GAWDS! Don't you know what you are getting yourselves into, Bethesda?!?!? Soon the people of RPG Codex and the NMA well be swarming your forums. I hope for your sakes you guys got a good langauge filter system.

I also hope you guys actually played Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Skip the crap that is FOT and FOPOS. okay. Read the Fallout Bible put together by Chris Avellone. Lastly keep the game and the rules system that of the original Fallout or there will be nothing, I mean nothing, from stopping the hordes of Fallout fanatics from destroying your offices.

You have taken a huge undertaking and if you do it wrong there will be no mercy from the masses of Fallout fans that will descend upon your forums and you lives.

Good luck.
Chaos_One, or Hades_One or Visceris, or what the hell whatever already started a smear propaganda against people here and at the Codex. Little do the people there know of who is the actual problem.
ok, first off: I have a bit of hope for FO3, but I'm thinking that it's more like the stupid rationalization of a fatigued mind. Secondly, Bethsoft is not at the bottom of my list of dev houses I like, nor are they at the top. This news is obviously good and bad.

Now that the drivel has been slopped out, on to the reason I'm posting:

FPRPG's are all fine and dandy in my books, I liked Daggerfall, and Morrowind after the Bloodmoon exp-pack, but Fallout would not do well as an FPRPG (this is from a technical/mechanical standpoint as well as my own personal horribly skewed opinion). Also, what the hell are you talking about TB in FP? What are you nuts? :) Not with a party that doesn't magically exist in a single body, and yes dice rolls can be performed from any angle, they're dice rolls. Morrowind used die rolls all over the place. That and there's the fact that FO is partially a tactical RPG (not wholly, but it's in there to some degree). Control would be difficult to design to say the least (a streamlined well working design anyway, I still say monkey's could design games. Go to you local seller, you'll agree with me).

Anyway, I'm going to shut up for now and get some shut-eye. But before I go, I just have to say that I do have some hope, as useless and hollow it may be. Let's just (what's another word for pray since I'm not religious) that they get it somewhere near right.
Role-Player said:
Chaos_One, or Hades_One or Visceris, or what the hell whatever already started a smear propaganda against people here and at the Codex. Little do the people there know of who is the actual problem.

I think Visceris is mad because I'm the same age as him, 32, but I've had sex, am married, and have never been so fat that I got kicked off an aircraft carrier. Of course, Visceris did have that one girlfriend once, but she tried to kill him. That was probably the high light of his life, right there.

The low point of his life was when a game developer, J.E. Sawyer, told him off on the Interplay forum, which forced him to re-evalutate his life - and in a fit of post-angst depression, became a professional game reviewer for EDBIS.. For about two months and then he quit.

In other words, he's a sad little boy trapped in a man's body who would probably be selling his fat ass on the streets to have shelter at night if it weren't for the fact his parents won't kick him out.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Role-Player said:
Chaos_One, or Hades_One or Visceris, or what the hell whatever already started a smear propaganda against people here and at the Codex. Little do the people there know of who is the actual problem.

I think Visceris is mad because I'm the same age as him, 32, but I've had sex, am married,

And the joy you feel because of that shines in every post you make, Saint! :)
I was wondering:

If we tourch Bethesda, will they sell FO to Troika?

Or is this just wishful thinking and will they just get new pcs and shite and start somewhere else?
Mr. Teatime said:
And the joy you feel because of that shines in every post you make, Saint! :)

Actually, I'm about to go watch Darkness Falls with my wife. A horror movie about the Tooth Fairy.. How could that not be great? :D
My experience with FPS-style rpcs isn't very extensive. I've played System Shock 2, but I don't really consider it an RPG even though that is how it is advertised. I see an FPS with RPG elements. I could never quite lose that feeling that I was playing an enhanced Quake 2. This doesn't make it a bad game, but the original was designed the same way so it was to be expected.

Thinking about Fallout being converted into a FPS-style RPG brings to mind the idea of forcing a square peg through a round hole or (for fellow coders out there) VB.NET. Maybe switching Fallout to FPS is better (in a strictly technological sense), but would probably ending up causing the game to flop IMHO.

When I first played Fallout, I expected the isometric viewpoint because it seemed like most RPGs used it. When I played Fallout 2, I expected the isometric viewpoint because it was Fallout 2. The chance that I could be looking at the game universe from a (drastically) different angle didn't even garner any thought from me.

As a rule, people need to find what they do best, what their skill is, and then they need to stick with it. If people try to force themselves to do something else that they are not skilled at, they are not as successful.
Well, then they shouldn't try to be sucessful (and most likel fail), but rather give the ball to someone who has a high chance of sucess.
Turnbased FPS is dumb. Might and Magic is dumb, and ugly. It just doesn't work, and I didn't even MENTION Might and magic, I was talking, as Bethesda apparently was, about the Morrowind type of first person. The one where YOU have to aim with your weapons. Dice rolls are minimal in MW, but crucial in Fallout. They bloody HAVE to keep the isometric. Preferrably 2D, it can be more detailed graphically (look at The Fall ffs and see 3D fail miserably).
Woah... hold on. So - Jesus Christ! - OK.

So have these boys decided on FP perspective yet, or is this just an estimate, based on their past work?

But seriously - Jesus Christ! :shock:

EDIT: Don't worry about it. Just re-read the news. Tense tense tense!