Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

This is a touch odd, and I'll agree that the first three games weren't much different from others, maybe a bit more eccentric with the design in some aspects, but they were still a bit dull compared to later on.

Ultima IV introduced what could be called the defining moment of CRPGs. While you only had one role to play, you have choices in how to do so and your actions affected the world. This went along until VI, which was pretty damn good in terms of world construction, until VII was heralded as the best CRPG world brought to life. Daggerfall and Morrowind both are full of zombies compared to that game, and I'd say that it has a good amount more community interaction between the NPCs than Fallout. That adds a distinct amount of depth few other games even try for.

The Zork series and its text based companions had far more influence on persistent state than the Ultima series, I feel. Again, Ultima did little more than take a existing ideas from established games and - as far as I'm concerned, I admit to being hazy minded because there's not enough coffee in my system yet - giving folks the impression they had this nifty groundbreaking idea themselves. It always got under my skin.

Even UO, touted as the first MMORPG, was a load of horseshit. Once again a concept those guys snagged from somewhere else, fed into the hype machine to churn out a boy-band wonder. Only Raph Koster went on to fuck up SWG, too.

And people who know the artistic design well and it does follow along with the core aspects of the game. Ultima changed a number of times, but that wasn't the focus of the game and never was, instead a focus in creating a believable world and ethos was made, up until they ruined it with 8.

There was a huge following for the Ultima Underworld series, which flopped anyway I think, I got tired of following the series even out of hate around 92-93. There were arguments about it but nothing approaching the Fallout debates here; every Ultima fanatic I knew back in the day practically masturbated to those FPS rejects, but I'm sure there were others who hated it, I just never read anything but "omg awesome" on the BBS gaming forums of the day.

OW! Hey, we're not going for blood (unless you count the ignorant), we're looking for answers. :)

I'm just bitter, sorry. Time for more coffee I guess. :>
battlepoet said:
The Zork series and its text based companions had far more influence on persistent state than the Ultima series, I feel.

Kill orc with sword.
The orc dies.
Stick finger up nose.
You puncture your brain.
You are now dead.

(See the end of this post.)

Again, Ultima did little more than take a existing ideas from established games and - as far as I'm concerned, I admit to being hazy minded because there's not enough coffee in my system yet - giving folks the impression they had this nifty groundbreaking idea themselves. It always got under my skin.

Well, since you haven't bothered to post any examples of this, I really can't consider your claim at all and you can drop it if you don't care to back it up. After all, I knew these people in more than one capacity, one was my design mentor, and another taught me how to make an arbalest. I've seen the amount of work that they've done and the designs they have put into the games. Everyone has a hand in some of the NPC and world creations, to give them life, life and personality that is missing in many games that claim to be CRPGs, especially Morrowind. This was after Lord Dick changed the formula of Ultima IV so that it WASN'T like every other dungeon crawler of its time, you had to seriously think about what you did in the world. In fact, that was the reason for why there was a mass of praise for it. Please keep in mind that this was in 1985, probably before you were born or ever discovered a video game. If they did in fact "rip someone off", then it would have been brought up a number of times and a little bit more prevalently in the industry. Considering people were fascinated with a new concept that people really hadn't done before, I'd have to say that you're full of shit.

I'm sorry you're too busy desiring to be flamed to understand what a complete moron you've made yourself to be. Yes, that was an ironic statement. I don't mean this personally, but you're not only talking about things you apparently know little about, but also making very crass remarks that aren't going to have any effect other than making people pissed at you for your baseless claims.

Even UO, touted as the first MMORPG, was a load of horseshit.

They didn't tout it as the first MMORPG. NWN was the first MMORPG. In terms of online user capability and world detail, they were quite correct with that claim for that time. Many modern MMORPGs are falling flat compared to that design.

Once again a concept those guys snagged from somewhere else, fed into the hype machine to churn out a boy-band wonder.

You might want to retract that statement. How the game was developed is quite public knowledge. While much of it stems from MUD mechanics, a lot more was in planning for quite some time. I also wonder who you consider that they had "ripped off". Is this another imaginary claim, or am I to expect that they ripped off The 4th Coming years before it was ever in alpha (which I alpha tested as well)?

On a side note, I've never wholly agreed with the direction Ultima was taking ever since U8, but UO was too much of a good thing for EA and that's what pretty much killed off Origin and the number of games they were known for.

Only Raph Koster went on to fuck up SWG, too.

I never really cared for Raph.

There was a huge following for the Ultima Underworld series, which flopped anyway I think, I got tired of following the series even out of hate around 92-93. There were arguments about it but nothing approaching the Fallout debates here; every Ultima fanatic I knew back in the day practically masturbated to those FPS rejects, but I'm sure there were others who hated it, I just never read anything but "omg awesome" on the BBS gaming forums of the day.

Maybe because it was the same essential style, but they added enough to make it a memorable dungeon crawler.

Trust me, your hyperbole in regards to Origin is pretty silly. There are many of their titles that I would be sure that you're naive of, ones that didn't do well but were still great to play. They were novel in some ways, but you can guess where Origin put most of the creativity.

And, if you think I'm going to entertain any more ignorant flamebait, then you're sadly mistaken. I don't care if you're going to try and dress it up as opinion. It could also be your opinion that Deus Ex is the greatest sports sedan you've ever driven. If you're going to make these claims, then you had better be prepared to back them up. So far, I've given you a couple of chances to do so already. Unless you feel like doing so soon, consider this little tangent dead.
Big lurker on DaC (before it died, that is) and NMA whenever there is Fallout news.

I thought I would de-lurk for a moment to make a few comments of my own:

When I heard that the license for Fallout had been acquired by Bethesda, I thought: "Oh, crap." The license might as well have been picked up by id, Valve or Blizzard for all the similarities that exist between the sorts of games Bethesda makes in comparison to Fallout.

My opinion might be a little bias since the last game I enjoyed from Bethesda was SkyNET.

The problem, in my opinion, is simple. You wouldn't want a burger-joint making you Chinese food. You wouldn't want a car mechanic to fix your computer.

Just because Morrowind, Bethesda's flagship game, is an "RPG" (note the quotes there), that doesn't make the company remotely capable or qualified to produce a Role-Playing-Game on the level, or the likes, of Fallout. Morrowind is an orange. And Fallout is an apple. While both are fruits, apples certainly aren't oranges. For apple lovers, oranges can be very distasteful.

I don't see what about Morrowind gives Bethesda the experience or capability to produce a Fallout sequel. A post-apocalyptic action-RPG? Sure -- but Fallout? No. Is Bethesda a bad company? Not at all. They're certainly not my favorite gaming house, but while I'm sure McDonalds could add beef lo mein to their menu, I think they have better options available to them.

And the PR coming out of Bethesda hasn't been real comforting, either.

However, I am open-minded and if Bethesda can convince me otherwise, I will certainly support a quality product, but I am from Missouri on this one...

Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say -- and to throw my lot in with the crew of NMA and the rest of the Fallout fans who'd like to see a proper sequel (which looks dismal at best right now).
Maybe because it was the same essential style, but they added enough to make it a memorable dungeon crawler.

Trust me, your hyperbole in regards to Origin is pretty silly. There are many of their titles that I would be sure that you're naive of, ones that didn't do well but were still great to play. They were novel in some ways, but you can guess where Origin put most of the creativity.

And, if you think I'm going to entertain any more ignorant flamebait, then you're sadly mistaken. I don't care if you're going to try and dress it up as opinion. It could also be your opinion that Deus Ex is the greatest sports sedan you've ever driven. If you're going to make these claims, then you had better be prepared to back them up. So far, I've given you a couple of chances to do so already. Unless you feel like doing so soon, consider this little tangent dead.

Not meaning to flamebait. If you're feeling provoked then I'll let it lie and apologize for offending you. If I presented my opinions regarding Origin as fact then I did indeed fuck up.

I was playing CRPG's back in 85, though, yes.
battlepoet said:
Not meaning to flamebait. If you're feeling provoked then I'll let it lie and apologize for offending you. If I presented my opinions regarding Origin as fact then I did indeed fuck up.
Indulge us. Don't just back off but explain what you really meant. What was so more relevant in Zork? What was ripped off by Origin? Come on, we want to rip... err... debate this.
I've been lurking through NMA regulary for a coulple of years now and there has never been any reason that would encourage me to register and post anything, because all the right thoughts has been told and I really hadn't much to add. However this significante event must be a good reason to make my first post here.

There has been a lot of talk about:
Turn Based Combat
The same setting
The same openness of the earlier games
A story that fits the setting/history

These are essential parts fallout of course.
However, the most important thing that makes fallout so special for me is absolutely unique developer team that made it.
When I say unique I mean UNIQUE, one of the kind. It has nothing to do with programmer/designer etc. talent in their craft. Stumbling-stone of fallout crpg is an ATTITUDE to the world, the people who's playing the game, the human kind itself and the various ways you can make your progress through the game(life).
Main difference that differ fallout from other games(not only rpg) is the specific sense of humour and it's non politecorectness, which made fallout somewhat underground.

The above mentioned is why I do not only doubt ability of Bethesda to make a proper fallout game, but I'm absolutely sure they won't. Even more. I'm convinced that even BIS if it was still alive and making the fallout game now, wouldn't make it anything like the first two whatsoever. When fallout was developed the situation in computer game bussines was somewhat similar to 60s/70s in rock music - although industry had already established in many ways, it wasn't such a total mainstream moneymaking machine as it is now.
The chances of BIS-like crew or fallout-like game to appear now are as likely as a Beatles-like band to appear on music scene.

It really would be too strange if bethesda could make something even near to fallout.
PS:T and Arcanum are only two RPGs, which can somewhat compete with fallout rpgs in ROLE playing and multiple path possibility, but even those two do not come even close to fallout in terms of atmosphere and immersivness.

PS:T : although many dialog choses the game seems too cold and linear and as evey rpg based on Infinite engine, it has tedious and repetitive combat sistem.

Arcanum: I thin of it as a second best to fallout. Although it's flaws (lack of original atmosphere, too much unnecessary combat), it has almost the same amount of multiple variatons on how to play through the game.

As for baldursgates, icewendales, neverwintewhatevers, these are pieces of utter crap; playing these game is like browsing through an interactive encyclopedias, you can watch, but can't touch.
Even morrovind is better because though it's a same hack'n'slash gameplay with no plot and real interaction to the surroundings, it has uber large and somewhat beautiful, immersive world (only if you like tourism though).

Speking of Bethesda, I can't imagine they could make a decent CRPG at all and absobloodylutely not the fallout game that could match the expectations of even most tolerant fallout fans (well, actually there aren't many of them and those who are, are not a fallout fans at all :))
Morrowind wasn't just lousy and boring in terms of gameplay, it was complete hollowness of the game world and complete lack of humour, irony and healthy attitude to things that made it so unplayable. It seems that devs of bethesda although talantive in their own speciality are completely dull and dry nerds, who has no idea how to make a game breath. Not to even mention mature language and adult stuff which is hardly imaginable in game that's developed for game consoles too which are mainly dedicated to kids. I don't think bethesda will be so generous to develope two different versions of game, PC and console.

Fallout must drink TNT and smoke DYNAMITE or it's not fallout.

This is the ultimate flaw of any kind fantasy based (I mean D&D, elves, gnomes, dungeons etc.) games in general, they are too fuc*in serious. Well, they pretend to be, actually they seem more comical to me.
I'm just tired of "mighty warriors'', "powerfull wizzards'' and ''good against evil" settings. I don't get it, does only kids play rpgs nowdays?

My only hope for now is the "falloutfanmade'' projects. I hope that at least one of them will be completed eventually and maybe will not dissapoint...too much.

Now these were my few stupid thoughts there.
Please, don't beat me in the face, I'm working with it (consuming a lots of beer that is). :lol:
Your post count only went up by 1, though. Weird.

I liked the world/atmosphere in Arcanum, the problem mostly lies with the character and combat rules. And the Diablo sickness, of course.
Macil said:
The problem, in my opinion, is simple. You wouldn't want a burger-joint making you Chinese food. You wouldn't want a car mechanic to fix your computer.

Just because Morrowind, Bethesda's flagship game, is an "RPG" (note the quotes there), that doesn't make the company remotely capable or qualified to produce a Role-Playing-Game on the level, or the likes, of Fallout. Morrowind is an orange. And Fallout is an apple. While both are fruits, apples certainly aren't oranges. For apple lovers, oranges can be very distasteful.

That's a great way to put it, but i think one of the chief concerns here has been the PR trainwreck that happened all over this week, with developers contradicting each other and themselves, giving no apparent notice to the concerns of the fans and basically saying "we'll do what we want".

But hey, at it didnt go to square-enix, another developer known for it's quality rpgs....

Darque said:
LOL :) I've been thinking of changing my sig.. can I use that? :D
Hello people, another new face on this forum, but not to the game.

I didn't have any hope left for Fallout 3 anymore even though it really pissed me off when I read about the problems. Then I read about the new deal and how Fallout 3 will actually be made, awesome news. So then I arrive on this site and all I see are doomsayers and people who want to nuke Bethesda a couple of days after the deal is announced. This really made me want to type a post since I think that's ridiculous.

I played Fallout 1, I didn't even know anything about the game when I bought it, I picked that one because I bought a game that didn't work on my computer and had to return it and trade it for another. I really really hated the game when I first got it but didn't give up because I paid for it, I didn't want a shitty turn based game because the only of those type of games I liked was Civilization 2. But after hours past I got more and more involved in it, and when I finished it I couldn't wait to play part 2 (which just came out). I even liked part 2 better, lots of funny references to the first game, bigger, longer and even more rude, the most rude game I ever played before. Being like.... 14 years old at the time that was a great thing to see.

After a wait of ages there's finally some real hope for a sequel, by the makers of Morrowind, which I played for a while but never really enjoyed... probably also because my computer didn't run it very well (GF4 mx440 which hopefully will be upgraded by the time fallout 3 comes out). I don't see the problem with the 3d engine though, which can work very well in an RPG. I played a bunch of other RPG's of which some were turn based and none came as close to the quality of Fallout 1 or 2 as Starwars: Knight of the Old Republic which I also really enjoyed, which had realtime gameplay except for the combat just like..... exactly, Fallout. Instead of a good and bad karma that game had the light and dark side, and instead of SPECIAL and perks it had something similar too.

Assuming that FallOut 3 will be a Morrowind with guns is just idiotic and I understand why the developers at Bethesda call some people here supernerds. Usually the people who work as games-developers are / were the biggest gamers themselves, and when you're not working for EA games or anything like that you can assume that they aren't simply the work-horses of an executive producer. They know what they can do, and when saying that you'll torch their office for ruining a game of which nobody knows anything yet you can't expect a friendly reply.

The 2D isometric view or the fighting system didn't make the game, the setting is what made Fallout 1 and 2 a Fallout game. It were the setting and conversations with characters mixed with the dark sense of humor which was constantly around that made the game so good. Everyone who played Fallout 1 and 2 should be able to see that that engine wasn't that detailed either, lots of buildings and characters look the same.... for example for women they made like 2 or 3 different character models.... that doesn't make it very detailed, does it? In a time like this a newer engine, a modified Morrowind engine for example would be able to show a world with much more detail than a 2D engine. Just look at Civilization 3, all the fans wanted a 2D, turnbased game or else it wouldn't be a Civilization that's what they got. Being a big fan of Civ2 didn't make me happy at all to find out that Civ3 was a slightly modified, slightly prettier version of Civ2 without the promised deeper bargaining conversations. Thank you 'fanboys', because of your conservative advice I spent $50 on something that wasn't even enough for an add-on.

Of course a team that doesn't know how the source code works can't continue a game that's halfway done, that's impossible. It'd take longer to understand the already written code than to restart the project all together. The engine they already have probably needs a few changes to work in a Fallout environment, so when using that one they can focus on creating the world, cities, characters, conversations and humor instead of spending a year on a new engine. Since they make it a sequal to Fallout 2, I'm actually looking forward to be able to look around in 3d in cities like new reno, vault city and others which probably partly will be recreated. Seeing the new enclave/brotherhood of steel troopers march around with actual sound effects of their power armor moving around. Seeing a real life DeathClaw shredding some innocent bystander into pieces will be fun too.

If this developer didn't have any great plans to create something worthy with the FallOut license they wouldn't have bought it. Most potential new customers don't know the FallOut games since it's almost 10 years ago since the latest one dropped and never became as known as a Duke Nukem for example. They might as well have made a FallOut rip-off and named it something different if they weren't going to make a FallOut game, since it isn't named after a popular movie or toy that is known by everyone.

So before anything is known about the game it's retarded to talk shit about it. That doesn't mean you can't have any doubts or fear and jump on the bandwagon like a groupie right away without showing any criticism, but if you do show criticism make sure that it's based on facts and be polite or else you can expect rude behavior back from them.... and probably a shitty game too. I'm expecting many buckets of shit thrown at me by the supernerds on here for not sharing their same negative view but I could care less. The Fallout line of games has been one of my favorite series ever, even though I never bothered to play Tactics or FOBOS, and until I see some real screenshots I'm not going to judge the game. I hope there will be some people on here that share the same view with me, or at least respect it.

Now I'm really done typing this, goodbye.
PHiX said:
I didn't have any hope left for Fallout 3 anymore
First off, there still isn't any reason to.

So then I arrive on this site and all I see are doomsayers and people who want to nuke Bethesda a couple of days after the deal is announced. This really made me want to type a post since I think that's ridiculous.
I'll tell you what's ridiculous: How Bethesda wants to rape the Fallout franchise again.

I didn't want a shitty turn based game because the only of those type of games I liked was Civilization 2.
Boring, eh? I'm sorry it couldn't stimulate your interest like some mindless button mashing hacknslash diablo clone.

I don't see the problem with the 3d engine though, which can work very well in an RPG.
We don't have a problem with a 3D engine at all, either. What we have a severe problem with is the POV of said engine. Fallout is, and always will be, a 3rd person, isometric (topdown) POV. The reasons for this are beyond numerous. I have lost track of the amount of posts that I and other people have written about why this needs to happen. If you had bothered to read anything else, you would know, but since you apparently didn't even care enough to, I will give you a brief summary. The GAME is the total sum of all of its parts. The Engine, art, music, story, dialogue, etc. If something drastic were to change, like the entire way you viewed the world, the GAME would be completely different. It would be a new thing, not the same game you loved before. Would you like Diablo 2 if it were first person turn based? NO. Would you like Unreal Tournament as a 3rd person, isometric turnbased game? HELL NO. This is for the same reason that we would not like Fallout as a First Person, real time combat, SHOOTER...AKA MORROWIND WITH GUNS.

Assuming that FallOut 3 will be a Morrowind with guns is just idiotic
Please read above, and throughout the ENTIRE forum. You will then realize the utter stupidity of your statement.

and I understand why the developers at Bethesda call some people here supernerds.
Oh really? You think insulting the entire fanbase for the game you are going to develop and try to sell to them is a good move? Idiot...

Usually the people who work as games-developers are / were the biggest gamers themselves
Once again, if you had bothered to read more of the forum, you would also have read that a certain Bethesda employee had never even played Fallout 2. This coming after claims from the company that they would have nothing but the biggest Fallout fans working on the game.

They know what they can do, and when saying that you'll torch their office for ruining a game of which nobody knows anything yet you can't expect a friendly reply.
Yeah, we know nothing....
Except all the things that people like Pete Hines has PUBLICALLY SAID which is what we are basing our fears off of.

The 2D isometric view or the fighting system didn't make the game, the setting is what made Fallout 1 and 2 a Fallout game.
Please, please, dear god please, READ my post on what makes up a GAME. Its right there above this!

Everyone who played Fallout 1 and 2 should be able to see that that engine wasn't that detailed either, lots of buildings and characters look the same.... for example for women they made like 2 or 3 different character models.... that doesn't make it very detailed, does it?
It was damn nice for the time. The art was very good, and A LOT of time and effort was put into making them. So what if every single person doesn't look different from one another? The game was made a LONG TIME AGO.

In a time like this a newer engine, a modified Morrowind engine for example would be able to show a world with much more detail than a 2D engine.
This is where I call you out for still thinking that we want a 2D engine. WE DON'T. Van Buren wasn't going to be 2D, and that looked NICE. 3D is really the only plausible solution nowadays.

Just look at Civilization 3, all the fans wanted a 2D, turnbased game or else it wouldn't be a Civilization that's what they got.
Yeah, and Civ 3 was a great game.

The engine they already have probably needs a few changes to work in a Fallout environment,
A Morrowind Mod? No thank you, sir.

Most potential new customers don't know the FallOut games since it's almost 10 years ago since the latest one dropped and never became as known as a Duke Nukem for example.
Ok, see...EVERYONE in gaming knows Fallout...and Duke Nukem for that matter.

They might as well have made a FallOut rip-off and named it something different if they weren't going to make a FallOut game, since it isn't named after a popular movie or toy that is known by everyone.
They might as well, because they sure as hell aren't going to be making a real sequal if they don't follow in the spirit and style of its predecessors.

So before anything is known about the game it's retarded to talk shit about it.
Once again, sir, we are going by what people like Pete Hines have PUBLICLY and OFFICIALLY announced. (and by official, i'm logically assuming that since he is Mr. PR there, he has official prerogative to do so)

but if you do show criticism make sure that it's based on facts
Ok, see..that's what we've been doing.

and be polite or else you can expect rude behavior back from them.... and probably a shitty game too.
Well, we weren't the ones who opened the flame fest. We were very polite about it in the begining, and then other sites and Bethesda devs themselves starting throwing shit at us.

I'm expecting many buckets of shit thrown at me by the supernerds on here for not sharing their same negative view but I could care less.
I wouldn't exactly call this buckets of shit, would you? And If I'm a supernerd, then so is every other partying college kid in america.

I hope there will be some people on here that share the same view with me, or at least respect it.
I respect you for posting your opinion...that means you have actual convictions. Its just that your beliefs are loosely based in misinformation.

Now I'm really done typing this, goodbye.
Buh Bye
PHIX said:
I didn't want a shitty turn based game because the only of those type of games I liked was Civilization 2.

If you didn't like Fallout and Fallout 2, then who cares what you think?

King of Creation said:
Once again, if you had bothered to read more of the forum, you would also have read that a certain Bethesda employee had never even played Fallout 2. This coming after claims from the company that they would have nothing but the biggest Fallout fans working on the game.

If you want a good laugh on this subject, read this.
I'd respond, but the trolling and ignorance just got epidemic. I'd suggest the site stopped allowing registrations for a week or so so these asshats just buggered off.

I don't get where you draw the conclusion that I didn't like Fallout 1 or 2, since I never said anything like that. I said that before I played anything of FallOut I expected it to be shitty.

That thing you quoted on that page showed the opinion of a forum moderator, q/a person who fortunately isn't involved in the developing process. As long as most importantly the designers and script writers know what Fallout is about when they start on their work I don't see the problem.

Just because they love a game doesn't mean they can't have points of criticism, things that could be better, I can mention things that could be better in any game that I played. Many people are drawing their conclusion from Message Board posts, and not official statements. Message boards are always full with rumors.

king of creation

First of all I never asked for a diablo clone, I played diablo 2 and I got bored quickly with Dark Alliance too which got high ratings everywhere (so I traded it for another game).

Also, a 3D engine can still show a top-down view, but I personally wouldn't mind it at all if it would play like Starwars: KoToR either as long as it would have the same atmosphere as FallOut. Of course if one aspect is completely different, like for example the artwork, it would be shitty. You wouldn't want to see the Death Claw looking like an alligator, but I'm sure they'll really study all the pieces of artwork of the game. Or the gameplay, nobody said it would be a real time fps. Just because Morrowind played like that doesn't mean you can't manipulate the engine in a way that it plays completely different... just like they could probably make a racing game by using the quake 3 engine.

By the way you keep pointing out that I didn't read the forum, well I went through several threads in the subforums News and Fallout 3 and all 9 pages of this one... so I know what I'm talking about.

The engine they already have probably needs a few changes to work in a Fallout environment,

A Morrowind Mod? No thank you, sir.

I said changes in the engine, not in the game.

About Civ3 being a great game, I agree, but it gets old quickly when you already played Civ2 to death years before it came out because of it being the only decent game running on your computer.

You assume that everyone knows about fallout, yes on these forums they do, but anyone younger than 18 doesn't since it was before their time. Now don't say that Fallout 3 should get an 18+ rating, because I played the other 2 parts when I was like 14 years old, or even younger.

Besides that I doubt that Pete Hines, whoever the guy is, is a PR man, because a PR man would know better than using the word supernerds, this is a guy who is enthusiastic about a new project who doesn't like to have empty criticism and threats thrown in his direction. And until I see with my own eyes what the final product will look like, in probably no less than 3 years, I'll be looking forward to it. Then if it does suck I'll start sending hate-mail too, but right now I didn't see enough information to be able to tell whether it's a good thing that they're going to start working on Fallout 3.

PHiX said:
And until I see with my own eyes what the final product will look like, in probably no less than 3 years, I'll be looking forward to it. Then if it does suck I'll start sending hate-mail too, but right now I didn't see enough information to be able to tell whether it's a good thing that they're going to start working on Fallout 3.

Complaining after its released doesn't solve the issue. People have to make themselves be heard before it takes a turn for the worse. Input and criticism (of the constructive variety) has to be given before there is a point of no return.
Role-Player said:
PHiX said:
And until I see with my own eyes what the final product will look like, in probably no less than 3 years, I'll be looking forward to it. Then if it does suck I'll start sending hate-mail too, but right now I didn't see enough information to be able to tell whether it's a good thing that they're going to start working on Fallout 3.

Complaining after its released doesn't solve the issue. People have to make themselves be heard before it takes a turn for the worse. Input and criticism (of the constructive variety) has to be given before there is a point of no return.

I couldn't agree any more with this, but there's a difference between advice and just random bashing because of the "what if's" and because of people who think it'll be a Morrowind clone. Did this company ever make a clone of another game? I never saw it before.... so why make up rumors that aren't there?

Unfortunately most imput was not constructive, those are the ones who "Supernerds" was directed to, not the entire FallOut community, but that's what the forum trolls want to make it look like.

Sides that a games-developer calling someone a supernerd only stimulates my laughing muscles.
Role-Player said:
Complaining after its released doesn't solve the issue. People have to make themselves be heard before it takes a turn for the worse. Input and criticism (of the constructive variety) has to be given before there is a point of no return.

True. But complaining and demanding answers now won't work either. It's too early. They literally just started preproduction planning, there's not a person at Beth that knows if Fallout 3 is going to be a first person, third person, 3d, 2d, etc game yet.

Give them time to actually start working on it, then efforts to try and steer them in one way or the other will work better.