Interplay did not win preliminary injunction hearing

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Correction on earlier post, Interplay's lawyer states.<blockquote>You will not often hear from me, but as Interplay's in-house lawyer I feel the need to set the record straight here...

The Court has not ruled on Bethesda's Motion for Prelminary Injunction. A proposed order was filed with our Opposition to the Motion, but that is not the same as an Order of the Court. The hearing is weeks away. Interplay will issue an official statement if there is a material development that needs to be addressed. Please do not rely on rumor or speculation.

In the meantime, we all appreciate your enthusiasm and support.</blockquote>NMA apologizes for the error. As stated, the news on Interplay winning the hearing came from Interplay investor frymuchan, who had apparently misinterpreted the court filings posted on earlier.

Thanks King of Creation and Ausir.
What a shame. Guess we all shouldn't all jump to believe everything that's said.
When it comes to money, I don't think that any of both parties are having "the fans" in mind.
Hmm there certainly was a mistake made.

I don't recall any major support or enthusiasm beyond the sadistic glee of seeing either Herve or Bethesda getting their comeuppance.
Brother None said:
As stated, the news on Interplay winning the hearing came from Interplay investor frymuchan, who had apparently misinterpreted the court filings posted on earlier.

Like I said in another post, frymuchan often posts his wishful desires and opinions as fact.

I remember my own courtcase against IPLY. Fry constantly posted all sorts of things as "FACT" when they were so far from the truth it wasn't funny. I couldn't say anything until the case settled.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I knew it was too good to be true.

Too good? Maybe if you would like to see low budget versions of Fallout 3 made by Interplay...
Bethsoft at least give us a slim hope that, after New Vegas they will outsource future fallout titles to OBSIDIAN.
Black said:
New Vegas hope? Hope in the game that shares fo3's gameplay?

Of course the core of the game (the gamebryo engine with all it's crappy animations, glitches etc, the so called "SPECIAL" system, "VATS" etc) is beyond of good and evil, but one could set a few hopes on that the Obsidian members could work around with the engine and improve it a little bit.

At least that's what I hope. :|
just a bit off topic by this point, i realize, but i don't expect the gameplay of new vegas to be any better. i do however think that obsidian will at least give us a better story and more interesting characters... even if they are still using radiant ai and gamebryo. really, with the story of fo3 though, it's not going to be a tough act to top at all...