As Bethesda made its proposed ground rules in its motion in limine, Interplay responds with its own, Duck and Cover reports. Their motion appears to be mostly Interplay's lawyer Jeffrey Gersh noting Bethesda is unreasonably dragging its feet on this case, specifically the deposition of expert witnesses. From Gersh's letter to Bethesda:<blockquote>I have spoken with our client [Interplay] concerning the proposed dates for the deposition of your supposed expert in Washington D.C. [Editor's note: Interplay and their lawyer are based in California] and it is not going to be feasible for us to travel to Washington D.C. for at most a 3 hour deposition, especially given the fact that you have refused to propose any alternative dates for the three officers of Bethesda around the same time or even close. Interestingly, it took you two weeks to even let me know that none of the dates I gave you worked for your client. It is inconceivable that this simple query about available dates could not have been answered in 48 hours. It is even more inconceivable that you have not even proposed alternative dates, even if a date conflicted with my schedule, which had I known weeks ago I might have found a way to move things around. But you delayed again to respond making it impossible for me to do anything. This has been going on since July as I recall and you have just put up road block after road block, even knowingly trying to force me to travel and take deposition on the Jewish holidays.
I am not going to debate this with you any further. It is obvious that we are going to have to now bring this to the Court's attention.</blockquote>
I am not going to debate this with you any further. It is obvious that we are going to have to now bring this to the Court's attention.</blockquote>