Interplay forums to return

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Word reached us a few days back that Interplay is planning to start its forums back up again and indeed you can now see a "coming soon" image for the forums on the Interplay website.
Finally! How I have longed for their forums to get back online... erhm..
Wonder what they've got up their sleave(except for the filings).
The website still looks like it was designed by a complete retard. My guess is Herve made it himself, which would make my initial assumption correct.
Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

What if, oh say a dozen or so Wasteland fanatics signed up immediately then spammed the boards? That'd be pretty sadistic...

:twisted: ,
The Vault Dweller
DAMN, they renewed the domain subscription for another year, I was planning to buy that domain and redirect all the traffic to a pr0n sites.
just got the idea myself! :twisted: well.. after reading your post at least.
No doubt, its Herve's attempt to create some positive image to counter all the negative publicity he's been receiving.

I expect it to be nothing more than shameless self-promotion on his part, about the wonder-job he thinks he is doing.
I wonder how quickly they'll have to close the forums down because of angry fans :).
Ausir said:
I wonder how quickly they'll have to close the forums down because of angry fans :).

I had the exact thought when I read this news bit.

... I'll give it 3 days.

I was thinking the same thing. I was like I want to ask why he was such a fucktard. Fallout 3 and BG3 would have saved his ass. Anyway, I also thought damn I wonder how long they will keep it up with all the spam they are going to get. Then I clicked in and saw everyone felt the same way. There is a kind of profound feeling a got when I read the replies.
Perhaps only Herve will be allowed to post. He'll create all these dummy accounts so it seems like he has lots of fans. All the posts will be praising him for fantastic job he's done, all the wonderful products he created . . . .

Wait, Herve hasn't created any products . . .wonderful or otherwise. Everything that Interplay did, for good or bad, were the thoughts and designs of other people. Hmm, in that light, aside from hold product back, send out round after round of lay-offs, broker and then broke deals, not even attempted to broker deals that would have generated millions, and sell the creations of others to pay for his salary, what has Herve really done?

Yeah, the message boards will be nothing more than the Herve-the-wonder show.

Oh, no, I've said disparaging things about monsieur Fifi . . .
Ausir said:
Wait, Herve hasn't created any products . . .wonderful or otherwise.

He did make Titus the Fox. It was actually a pretty good platformer...

Which wasn't his idea, nor code. HE didn't make anything, others it made for him, upon which he benefited with nary any contribution to justify his outrageous salary.
Ausir said:
He did make Titus the Fox. It was actually a pretty good platformer...
He didn't "make" it. He is a businessman, not a developer.

I notice a resemblance to Rowan Atkinson as Lord Edmund Blackadder on this picture:

Le pic

His brother could pass for Baldrick. Amazing.
Wooz said:
Śtaksi, red ecksi.
I have no problems seeing the picture, and the fact that you see a red X instead leads me to believe you are using IE, which means I must now abuse you digitally.