Interplay may be dead, but its spirit lives on

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
And the torch is carried by none other than the widely loved and admired Glutton Creeper Games. After our recent take on their handling of the Fallout rulesystem in d20 pnp form, Rosh carried over the debate to the GCG forums, where his mix of offensive language and constructive criticism met with murmurs of assent from the GC Forum visitors.

The next logical step of any professional business would be to take a careful look at the criticism and see what they're doing wrong so they can fix it. Did I say any professional business? Sorry, I meant any professional business that's not Interplay or its son-in-law Glutton Creeper. In good Interplay tradition, GCG has practically discontinued its DaC forums and opened its own forums <s>where they can filter out and oppress any negative feedback no matter how true</s> where they can keep messages "clean".

Thanks for pointing this out JC
You are welcome.

And might I add that I am insulted with the thought that they would have us believe that the Q&A which has started there (befor they announced it's opening) is comming from a random passer bye. I am done listening to GCG and will now patiently await there demise.

How we got the FO license is our secret to keep.
How we got the FO license is our secret to keep.

This question and more, from here!

gluttoncreeper said:
AT GCG we have recieved a boat load of complaint about this forum,

Let me guess, all of the people who only cared to do half-ass work and now feel like being sucked off for it are complaining because everyone's not magically kissing their ass for having the Fallout "lincense"?

Wah. Maybe a verbal asshole needs to get the unscrupulous, lying, and fraudulent assholes to get back on track to doing good work, or nobody's buying this shit.

so as an alternitive we have set up a forum at

So go off into your own little world, kiddies, and forget having a presence in the Fallout community. Which will make it rather hard to sell a product to Fallout fans, genius!

for individual that can keep thier messages clean and have general good feedback and constructive criticism about the Fallout d20 project.

We gave you feedback on the other elements, which you apparently decided to ignore and just shovel out more "samples" that turned out to be even more laughable.

Those of you that cannot control your urges to use profanity and brow beat the designers and artists need to continue your discussion in this forum. We at GCG will continue to view this forum for constructive content at a weekly rate.

Maybe you'll learn to pay attention next time and not just ignore the critiques of one piece of work and then continue to shovel out more unacceptable work. The time to have stopped with the questionable samples would have been...oh, after the piece you unveiled around when you decided to wipe the forum. So if you're not going to pay attention to the corrections, even when they're posted on your own forum at length, then someone needs to put a boot up your fraudulent asses to make you shit merchants wake the hell up.

We are listening to what the masses are saying, most have good input, but a few other seem bitter with the need to rant which does not bother us any.

Neither does doing absolute craptacular work seem to bother you, either.

Fallout, whats that? No really, everyone that is involved has played through the fallout series of games a few times (even the consule version), but we are not fanatics, just fans.

But you're making a commercial product.


"A bunch of fans" works for when you're off on some Geoshitties site, which looks like where you're from given your site's graphic design. You're now in the position to act in a professional capacity.


This is why we are listening to the masses

Liar. The released "samples" after the reception of the first one should have clued you in that the cover art and Traits would have been suicide to post in their sloppy forms.

and using resources like the Fallout Wiki (where the fanatics post).

Liar. Else the intro wouldn't have been such a jumbled, disorganized, and completely erroneous steaming pile of crap.

Some of the material will be new and revised to fit into the era we are pitching the game in (between FO1 and FO 2).

With the mix of Fallout and Fallout Tactics PA, and other misplaced elements that are not canon, which should be evident to most fans who were able to read through the background points like Zax with their brain turned on. Try another lie. You haven't listened worth dick, and have instead been shoveling out more and more questionable work. Well, I posed the question, and nobody seems to care to do decent work to the point of pridefully sucking each other off as an excuse for not doing even merely satisfactory work by sticking to canon/styles. Yet we're supposed to have our socks blown off by it. I have a feeling something got blown by it, canon, clear out of the water.

So, why hasn't anyone cared to give a reason why it doesn't stick to canon? Oh, wait, the "original" excuse, where you guys excuse skullfucking the canon for...well, no real reason other than the artist was clueless of the subject material and art styles of Fallout. There's no nicer nor more accurate way of saying it.

We also have to pitch to gamers that may have never experienced the Fallout games (god forbid why someone would miss out).

Then why the HELL are you botching canon? You're not going to get anyone with that, as Fallout fans would likely kill off word of mouth. Yes, I might not care about hurting your widdle feewings about you shoveling out crap, but you apparently don't care to do your job and the audience you're shoveling upon.

But if 17,000 is your target figure, minus console trash to hype it to, do you REALLY think you're doing a satisfactory, or even an "Evolution[ary] of Tabletop Games" kind of job?

Your own claims, asshole, live up to them.

How we got the FO license is our secret to keep.

Let me involved, you, Herve and five minutes in a back alley somewhere. From what I've seen, this so far makes F:POS look like good work. Maybe instead of taking Chuck's route of denial, maybe you'll grow a clue and a spine and decide to do good work instead of making a supplement for his sloppy bit of dishonesty.

F:POS d20 is more like it.

Traits: Classic Traits from the FO games convert to D20 with many new one to compliment the old.

No, you guys pretty much fucked up on the converted traits, and your new ones are about as complimentary as...well, our comments as to how shitty they are. Amazing coincidence, huh?

Then there's the idiot Tensen01 and his mouth-stuffing like an absolute moron, again:

They do not understand the idea of people adding their own ideas to it.

Not when they do not fit established canon and styles, RETARD! We do not want to see some idiot going off and drawing the wrong style or a mangled action poster that absolutely ignores everything about Fallout (just TRY to tell me that artist played Fallout to any depth, and I'll show you a liar and an idiot fraud of an "artist"), including Fallout's styles, for a quick buck on a commercial product.

Again, WE DON'T CARE TO PAY FOR CRAP. We don't care to pay for Fallout again in name only. Maybe if you guys were actual fans instead of "lincense" rapists, then you might have some clue about the background of Fallout's titles and why each wasn't liked. So far, you're not even close to FOT's style of mangling, and you're starting to look wholly complimenting to Chuck Cuevas' style of development. Half-ass primadonnas in a happy circle-jerk that don't care to do real work, and don't care to listen to those who DO have a clue.

"Re-using artwork" wouldn't be considered "real work", so I guess that finally kills your idiotic argument of:

Were the book to use nothing but art from the game they'd say "But where's the new art? Why didn'y you have artists draw new stuff." It is simply the nature of the Fanboy.

And it is the nature of a so-called hack "artist" to fail to notice artistic styles. Sure, why not just use Googie for a Victorian period, or Art Deco for the Middle Ages? It fits your moronic excuses. Kind of like using modern styles for a P&P game set in a universe as if a 50's sci-fi pulp writer wrote and drew it. EC Comics again for the slow, and for the amateur artists without any professional art backgrounds. That doesn't even look close, kiddies, so what the fuck is the excuse now?

And contrary to popular belief the Fanboy is not the target audience... It never should be. All that causes is unoriginal material and lack of imagination.

Moron. We ARE the target audience, and if you don't get the material right and according to the canon, then you only get the idiots who impulse buy this shit from the d20 supplement rack.

So, have fun in your happy circle-jerk of seeing what you only want to see, kids. Enjoy sales figures that will make F:POS look like success in comparison, because you're taking an even worse route. At least Chuck could get some of the dates right after the whole "I was born shortly after the bombs dropped..." line and dance.
You know, I've been reading over the material that GCG has given to the public so far, and only one question is left for them, in my mind:


I've been playing D&D and it's various knock-offs, spin-offs, and derivatives since 1996. I've been playing Fallout since about two months after FO2 hit my local gaming store. And I have to say that 'I' have made better D20 system "patches and mods", as I like to call them. Essentially, that's what GCG is doing. They are making a Timmy-esque fan patch for D20 system games that will have the Fallout name. Just the name, none of the real substance that FO fans require. And, after having a few of my friends who play D&D look over what GCG has shown us, I feel that most d20 system players will not be pleased.

This will be a munchkin game if ever their was one. And now they will only be getting input from outside (read: uncensored) sources, in their words-
We at GCG will continue to view this forum for constructive content at a weekly rate.

So... Once a week, if you both remember and feel like it, you'll skim over what people who aren't your cronies have to say? Not good enough. Please take the license you have and sell it before you put this out, and make yourselves well-known fucktards, instead of just being thought to be intellectually incompetent.

Hell, if someone here at NMA wanted to purchase it, we could maybe do a 'pass-the-hat' and scrape up the $20 it probably cost you. I doubt it was more, because I will put money on you having smoked a lot of monkey pole to get a discount- after all, how else are a bunch of twelve-year-olds going to come up with the kind of cash that it would cost to buy rights to ANY game?
"[GluttonCrapper], Herve, and five minutes in a back [Parisian] alley."

That's still my vote, as we all know what kind of "scraping" goes on around the Fallout license on a regular basis with whores like these.

Maybe it was a back alley in Cali or MI instead. :lol:

EDIT: More bullshit lies and confirmation of Tensen01's cluelessness.

See now, all the art is being judged by a single picture. That's what's bugging me...

Then why call it a "sample" if it's not going to be representative of the rest of your work? IF that's by far nowhere near the best piece, then uh...why the FUCK is it being used as the cover?

Let's see... As for the 50s style, very little of the game is in a 50s style... The opening videos and some of the load screens... On top of that only the technology is 50s-ish. The Tech and Lynettes Glasses.

As if a 50's science fiction pulp author wrote and drew it, in an alternate timeline. Try to pay attention. 6 years of being around the Fallout sites and you're still this clueless? You're more stupid than I had previously thought.

And what is fallout-ish? There are many different artistic styles withing the game. And David's cover very much reminds me of the style used in some of the load screens. And they are what was asked of him. He did his job, and he did it well.

I'd like to see some of these load screens that supposedly make people believe they could use shitty modern action movie stances in place of the art style. Those not from FOT. Have none? Thought so, kiddies...

If the cover reminds him of the Fallout loading screens, then it's REALLY hard to consider this shitbag anything other than a kid with a degree in high school sketchbook art. It shows.

Then there's the "style" of the combined Fo1/FOT PA. Any GluttonCrapper idiot care to discuss that, or will it be ignored like the turbines? Wonderful concept to include engines that often use electrical systems, versus the props used for planes like the Enola Gay. You know, that whole EMP thing.

Speaking of loading screens, did anyone else notice the style of the desk in one loading screen, and that the military style was a bit...behind today's technology in some ways? Like...decades? The desks and more were all from the Cold War style, and were used because of that style befitting Fallout's fiction style.

And as for "you can attract more flies with honey" maybe the people on DAC should take that advise. I was never anything but polite until the forum errupted into rudeness. What do people expect will happen when they do that? John has been nothing but polite, as have the rest of the team.

Then explain why you guys were trying to attract Fallout fans with bullshit. You failed to notice that you don't attract Fallout fans with bullshit, you attract them with Fallout. We thought you guys would have learned from FOT and F:POS, but apparently you're stupid enough to slam your dick in the door when everyone else who is still crying in a useless pile from having tried the same should serve a warning to you.

"Polite" is not overhyping garbage and then show us the shit "samples" you have. So, in response to the bullshit, we flung it back in spades. So if you don't like the shit thrown back at you, maybe you should have made sure you didn't shovel out bullshit in the first place.

he has never said "Screw you, we're doing it this way!" he set up forums to allow feedback, asking what you wanted to see in the game.

And then promptly wiped the board from the previous feedback and ignored the feedback from the first intro (multiple times, from what I hear), in order to post more ridiculous shit. And then went "screw you, we're going home" in regards to having your problems pointed out at length that we'd not accept any more continued bullshit and ignored feedback. So much for the feedback threads, huh?

Yes, we know, we were there. Let us know when you're on the same page, child. No, wait, don't...that might take another 6 years.
Surely Glutton Crepper games can't be serious with their "sanitised" forums. How do they expect to get honest feedback when a typical thread consists of:

Post 1: I'm from Glutton Creeper and it feels great to be here without any nasty Fallout fans.

Post 2: Hi, I'm also from GC, I'm an artist and I like my pics, I can't see what's wrong with them. This is such a nice forum.

Post 3: Hi, I'm not from GC, but I didn't like all the nasty posts at DAC.

Post 4: Gee I'm angry at those nasty Fallout fans. I'm also from GC, I'm ok now now I've calmed down, this is so nice & quiet here at our forums.

It's interesting to see the response from Fallout fans to this bastardisation as this is really just a warm up for the
"Main Event". If GC thought they'd touched a raw nerve just wait till Bethesda starts releasing details of Fallout 3.
It then turns out the four posts were written by a single pimply high school 'artiste'.
I remember the excitment of seeing the title page for the D20 Fallout system on the main page. Reading that there would be a Fallout RPG was almost as cool as a tidal wave of tits. It should be *awesome*.

And then I softened up when I actually looked at the damn title page itself. What the hell is that damn red-skull look alike? Is that supposed to be a Ghoul? Why does the Power Armour look like I drew it after half a bottle of wine? Why is there an orc with a minigun?

It looks like pure and unadultered ass.

And then the things released about the traits. I share everyone's disgust and I suppose... sardonic humour about how utterly disappointing this is- I could almost laugh at this, almost. The material really is that bad. But it hurts too bad to watch one of my most beloved fictions getting raped so violently and sloppily- almost akin to a high school student with his roofied date during prom night. You just can't laugh at that.

Now their attempts to defend themselves on the other hand. Oh boy.
No, what is truly ass is how GC is presenting the cover themselves. It looks even fuglier and more amateurish than before.

Enjoy feeling like you should be blinding yourself with salad forks.

I still feel like GC should be kissing my ass for preserving the one good copy, even if their artists apparently can't use an art program worth shit now that SeanyD is gone.

I think it's hilarious...he found someone more clownshit at putting together a P&P book than his own knowledge about putting a CRPG together from concept art.
My favorite part of this:

is where their site admin writes:
As for having experience is game design GCG has the knowledge of 20 years of tabletop gaming with John having 8 years in game design, with freelance work for D&D 2E and D&D 3.0/5E. So were not clueless here

What a crock of shit.

If these lying bastards think that everyone will believe what they say simply because they say it, they are in for a bigger shock than any they have gotten so far. I have all the core D&D rule books, from ratty copies of 1st edition to shiny-but-well-used 3.5, and there is NO indication of GCG's style of idiocy anywhere in any of them. They wouldn't know a balanced system if it turned in to a death claw and bit them on the ass. 20 years of tabletop gaming? I don't think so, dickheads.

There is NO WAY you could play that much and still know as little as they do about these type of games. And if any of them had ever GM'd a game in their lives, then they would know that the shit they have put out for public view so far reads like a supplement to 'The Munchkin's Guide to Power Gaming'.

Every single example of GCG work we have been shown has been shitty, sub-par, broken, dangerously unbalanced, or completely worthless. I guess 'freelance' work on D&D 2E, 3E, and 3.5E means "We pirated copies off the 'net before they actually hit stores, because we suck like that."

So, the people over at GCG are not clueless, eh?

As I said before, what a crock of shit. :whatever:
It may be an exercise in futility, but please come over to here and vote. With enough votes GCG just might wake up and pull there heads out of their :oops: .
On top of this, here's the most amusing part, yet another version of lies and excuses has surfaced, making about three so far with Tensen01's "we're being original because it would be stupid to re-use in-game art" idiocy, then GC's own "They are along 50's styles" blatant lies (then locks the thread containing those lies like a total coward), to Craig Peterson's "It was made more towards a Mad Max movie poster", which is the answer I was looking for because it was such an obvious rip-off of the Mad Max movie poster art. Then the dipshit decides to make ill and clueless comments about the original Fallout styles as reason to deviate from them, as per Chuck. Next they'll argue about a thong with Betty Page as a reference!

Okay guys, just relax for a sec. You've seen one sample of artwork that GCG put out to let fans see how we were progressing with the project.

I worked on some Vault Boy and character pics for the d20 book and I can tell you that I tried to inject as many 50's references into my artwork as I could. You will have to wait until the book is published and see all the artwork to judge whether we have adhered to the "Fallout style". Over the course of all our work, I believe we have.

As you know, Fallout is a blend of both Mad Max and 50's sci-fi. The cover is obviously leaning more towards the Mad Max (post-apocalypse) side of things. That's all there is to it. We were trying to create a movie poster feel to the cover artwork and I think this was achieved very successfully.

The original Fallout art team didn't always adhere to a strict 50's sci-fi influence either. For example: Art from Fallout. I love this pic but, let's be honest, their Vault Suits look like superhero costumes and nothing like what people would have worn in a 50's sci-fi movie, like this from Forbidden Planet.*

Have a little faith. We've tried to stick to canon while also drawing in our own styles (so that we can create the strongest work we possibly can). Previous Fallout artists would have done exactly the same. We've critiqued each others' work and edited accordingly so that things stay as true to the Fallout games as possible.**

Just wait to see the book in its entirety before passing judgement.

Well, congratulations to whomever made a lame Mad Max rip-off poster, but now would someone care to approach Fallout's style? No, I don't mean the post-Fallout developer style of hype, lies, and bullshit you can't seem to agree upon. Mad Max was just part of the style of Fallout, but the pulpish style was far more prevalent...and is the part that's missing, along with details. You know, the details that John claimed were taken from the in-game models, but were such a blatant lie given the vault suit and other characters in the piece.


NOT Forbidden Planet (except that is where the science robot styles were taken from). In space stations or other similar locations, the astronaut or inhabitant didn't need any loose clothing, and hence it's kept form-fitting, while the science-fiction elements (like the PA, versus a more form-fitting suit like Boba Fett) are kept bulky and purposefully intrusive, to define the line between humanity and the advances he creates to overcome his challenges whether it's from a space station to a sealab.

Again, GC and the rest seem to have no clue of the setting, as per usual, and think it's just 50's thrown in haphazardly. Oh, and I guess it's our fault for not liking their brand of cluelessness.

** - Again with this claim, you lying fucktards. Then explain why with everyone supposedly checking over the material, the intro, the traits, AND the art were all fucked up. Can't? Then you're ALL incompetent AND clueless.
It's sad just how unprofessional Glutton Creeper games are. They have no control over their own subordinates and freelance staff, and it's these people that have done the most damage to their reputation and product. No company should allow its staff to tell potential customers to fuck off. Especially when these potential customers are the ones most likely to purchase and promote the game they've produced.

Aside from the obvious issues with the Fallout D20 game, Glutton Creeper need to gain some control and credibility from a business perspective, and the first step would be putting a muzzle on some of these freelance jokers.
Actually, I'd be in favor of giving them a clue instead of a gag order, because with how clueless they are currently, they're giving quite a bit of publicity as to how poorly this project has been handled on all counts.

Maybe if they had a clue (stop chewing on it, John), they would actually be able to construct something worthwhile.
Glutton Creeper's next project after Fallout D20?

A board game for children between the ages of 4 and 10.

Monkey Mountain.

They'd better not fuck with the canon.

EDIT: Do children even play board games anymore?
Kan-Kerai said:
EDIT: Do children even play board games anymore?
a recent study in the EU shows kid still play as much with lego, playmobile and the like as before. i don't know if that includes boardgames, but i'd presume so.
It's been confirmed that spoQn is a plant (moderator on the GC forums), and Rakkasan240B is a total moron. Again, the "personal experiences" opinion bullshit equated as design, when Fallout had a clear design behind it even if these kids are too stupid to understand it, and too stupid to understand that variety goes out the window when you make everything the same as everything else - shitty and shiny for retards like this.

EDIT: Link invalid, due to the spin-doctoring of the aforementioned asshat moderator.

as someone who has never visited the duck and cover forums, and who stumbled across this forum by acident, i'd like to point out that as poularity grows, negativity is inevitable.

As the second person who registered onto the forums, they found it by accident, on the second day it was up. Right.

And now dipshit is continuing Chuck Cuevas tradition by deleting threads, parts of threads, and dictating the discussion to make only the GluttonCreeper team's lies visible without any feeback available.

If you don't want feedback, shitheads, you shouldn't have made a forum.

Now their moron moderator remembers to post forum rules.

1b. Derogatory/inflammatory speech will not be tolerated. Aside from the obvious no-flaming clause, which all posts must adhere to, use of terms such as "raped" to mean "owned", "gay" to mean "lame" or "retarded" to mean "stupid" is strictly forbidden. Consistent abuse will earn warnings from the staff or see your posts edited or removed.

No, when we say GluttonCreeper "raped" the Fallout setting, we mean actual rape. When we say "retarded" to mean that your team is mentally incompetent, we mean retarded. Not merely a bit mentally handicapped or with CP. Only you guys seem retarded enough to believe that we'd believe your constant lies.
Roshambo said:
Lovely that.
Also lovely that in a 'rants' part of the forum where you are supposed to rant, all such 'ranting' posts (mainly by me and PiP vs. some of the team members) were removed. Hell, I even (mostly) adhered to the only now added forum rules, and I certainly didn't get any warnings.

Rosh said:
as someone who has never visited the duck and cover forums, and who stumbled across this forum by acident, i'd like to point out that as poularity grows, negativity is inevitable.

As the second person who registered onto the forums, they found it by accident, on the second day it was up. Right.
And the second person on the board (index 3, but index 1 was probably the first dummy admin account), only after gluttoncreeper himself, even before the team members. Pschyeah right.

Also, nice how he doesn't know about the sticky or announcement feature and posts the rules as an ordinary post.

Oh, interesting bit, the timezone they are using on the board suggests Eastern Europe. Huh?
Rosh said:
IPLY v. 2

They deleted ALL of the productive posts in PiP's art thread.

I PM'ed the admin with the fallowing

PM said:
A great deal of progress had been made in the art thread until your new mod came and deleted all the posts (I am guessing without reading them).

Two members had been arguing amidst a VERY productive exchange between the artists and fans.

I was excited and still held out hope for this project until now. Please delete my account as I no longer wish to take part in this forum nor do I wish to acknowledge its existence.

I would suggest that we ALL stop posting there as of now.

PS. SpoQn is the new mod.