Interplay may be dead, but its spirit lives on


Dipshit decided to edit his post in the locked thread.

During initial exchanges or when encountering defensive individuals, effective criticism calls for softer language and inclusion of positive comments.

Constructive criticism = kissing their ass.

Positive comment for the cover art:

"At least you can use Photoshop well...well, no..."

Aw, shit, can't even go there for something positive...

And then they try to poll for a clue.
Roshambo said:

Dipshit decided to edit his post in the locked thread.

During initial exchanges or when encountering defensive individuals, effective criticism calls for softer language and inclusion of positive comments.
Ehm, WHAT? You now have to be positive to be allowed to criticise? Oh, wait, it must be the artist's feelings. Or something like that.

Not even Interplay was *that* obvious in their quest for positivism.
Jesus Christ said:
I was excited and still held out hope for this project until now. Please delete my account as I no longer wish to take part in this forum nor do I wish to acknowledge its existence.

Even God has abandoned them.
The most damning evidence yet:

The Shitbag GluttonCrapper said:
On another note, we do like the comparisons to Herve and Chuck and the other developers of the Fallout games. Creativity of a game lies in making and revising game mechanics and canon from a decades past. Chuck used this to make BOS, using a different engine that the other FO games, which was an OK game to play through once. So now the same compasion to be brought to PnP v1 and PnP d20.

Forget it, these morons have absolutely no clue of what they're doing.
SuAside said:
he didn't just say what i think he did, did he?

oh boy...

I had to read it three times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Yes, people that stupid truly do exist, and I again have to note that for there to be an "Average" human, almost half of the population is below-Average.
On another note, we do like the comparisons to Herve and Chuck and the other developers of the Fallout games. Creativity of a game lies in making and revising game mechanics and canon from a decades past. Chuck used this to make BOS, using a different engine that the other FO games, which was an OK game to play through once. So now the same compasion to be brought to PnP v1 and PnP d20.

Good god... even after all the stupid things I have seen, done, and heard about in my life, this... this is...

Shit. I don't even have a place on my list for this one. That post takes a special kind of stupid to make. These... humans... at Muttonraper have earned themselves a list all their own. This beats seeing someone sue the local County Sheriffs Department for not returning his marijuana after he got out of jail.

Yeah, go ahead and ENJOY being like Herve and Chuck, you ignorant fucktards. We all knew that you were in the running to inherit the title of "Latest Loser to Rape Fallout", but I, at least, didn't realize that you were so anxious to revel in it.

And you are so eager to do it that you are practically frothing at the mouth, too. That seems to me to be the saddest thing of all, that you proudly admit that you want to follow in the footsteps of the black sheep of the Fallout family, the dirty uncles that mom and dad refuse to leave their children with.

Yeah... you guys suck.
i hope it's just a bad, bad dream. a nightmare... there are no such stupid people... so it can't be real.

wake up! wake up!


it's not a dream? oh shit :/
This is the stupidest thing I have seen in my life.

Gluttoncreeper said what he said only to spite the community, the very community that should be the target audience for this product. It's beyond retarded.
We should just do whatever we can to warn people what piece of shit this "product" is and after that completely ignore it.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
We should just do whatever we can to warn people what piece of shit this "product" is and after that completely ignore it.

I think we can skip the first part, as GCG should ba able to take care of that for us. :roll:
On another note, we do like the comparisons to Herve and Chuck and the other developers of the Fallout games. Creativity of a game lies in making and revising game mechanics and canon from a decades past. Chuck used this to make BOS, using a different engine that the other FO games, which was an OK game to play through once. So now the same compasion to be brought to PnP v1 and PnP d20.
Sig material. So idiotic, it's almost brilliant.

Rosh, we know our website sucks, you got one so we can give you a little feedback of our own?
- harder to find than Waldo.
Guess what? Before the posts were deleted, Rakkasan240B, the moron also admitted to being one of the idiots that only care about what made Fallout fun for him, used the "personal experience" idiocy to say that we all liked different things about Fallout, and therefore certain elements are negotiable about Fallout (and Fallout 3's) design. When we have proof here on this site in full, from the original designers themselves, about a planned design using certain elements for a reason - to make it into the right style.

To note, he's one of their playtesters, and about the only one present giving <s>feedback</s> attitude and excuses for GC.

They're ALL shitbags now as far as I'm concerned. The artists are fucked, the writing crew is fucked, and the technical playtesting group appears to be any utterly clueless AOL moron that GC could get to volunteer for chump change or for free.

Excuses, lies, and cluelessness. They do Herve and Chuck proud, by making them look competent.
Rakkasan240B and SpoQn show up right around the same time Haris makes a come back at DaC.

Not that I’m implying anything…

Just sayin…

Ya know…
Ooh, more moronic plants:
Fallout 1 and 2 was rather boring, and too much too read.

Tactics was kewl, and the one that followed, hell yeah!

I hope these are the ones were the P&P is orientating.
What the hell are they doing, trying to purposefully piss off their only market?
Hello there!

A lovely Forum you have here.

Quiet more nice these at NMA. All that unfriendly folks over there
can make one ill, with their stupid rantings, and with stupid rantings
I mean telling the truth like it is.

Too fucking funny.
I like the fact that they unlocked the thread on the second link- AFTER deleting about a full page worth of actually productive dialogue.

What a bunch of dumbasses.
GC are just too funny (in a retarded kinda way) to be allowed to exist on Earth.

Someone should tell them that the Human Race doesn't require their services.